Chapter 95

"Ye have saved me considerable time, Herdsman Odo, fer I have left the repose of my burgh to find ye. Come, let us ride back together and ye can tell me why it is ye seek Taunton's bailiff?"

The two men accompanying the bailiff moved behind Sally to bring up the rear while Bailiff Ernoul rode alongside them.

They rode past the ditch and over an old bridge, through the town's gates and headed towards a market up ahead. The town wasn't as large as some as Odo had seen, but for Charlotte, it was huge. Every now and then they could see glimpses of a castle that peeked ominously above the houses and a church spire that rose to dizzying heights. A few people stared curiously at them, and the bailiff nodded in greeting to some he passed and ignored the taunts of others. Odo explained in detail how Sir Ector stole his horse and the bailiff listened and remained silent, preferring for Odo to talk.