The three of them sat in a corner of the Swan Inn, and each sipped from a tankard of ale. While the Inn was reasonably busy, customers kept their distance and left them alone to talk in privacy. Word quickly spread about the young giant with the impressive skills. No one wanted to interfere with him.
"Ye have yet to answer my question," Jagger reminded Odo.
"Men see Odo's goodness and seek to take advantage of it," offered Charlotte. "Odo has been fortunate too, and helped people and been rewarded."
Jagger nodded and looked thoughtful.
"Ye could have kept that Templar document, yet ye chose to return it to me, why?" Odo drained the tankard and looked at Jagger, waiting for his reply.
He shrugged, "Why not? It was the right thing to do."
"Will ye still travel to Ireland with Sir Ector?" asked Charlotte.