Chapter 109

The preceptors smile grew larger. "Sir William told me that I would enjoy yer company, he said ye were..." the preceptor paused as he sought for the right word. "...uh, gregarious, and different from most other men he'd met. I tend to agree with him." The preceptor leaned forward. "Tell me, is it true ye travelled to France and met with King Henry?"

Odo heard Jagger's sharp intake of breath. He hadn't told him about that.

"Aye, I travelled with Sir Renier, Reeve Petrus and Thomas, and I met with the King."

"At a ceremony?"

"Nay, we met alone," added Odo. He remembered to heed King Henry's warning to not speak of what was discussed.

"And ye are a Freeman, a herdsman?"

"Aye, well, nay, we had a murrain and my cows were all culled, so I am without," replied Odo despondently.

Preceptor Lucius nodded, "Aye, Sir William told me of this. And yer head, I understand ye were attacked and suffered injury?"

"All is well, mostly. Each day is better, milord."