A price was agreed upon with Hilke and Charlotte counted out two pounds for the repairs. It was a lot of money, and she was understandably nervous. Hilke would receive half the amount for passage prior to sailing after the ship was repaired, minus the two pounds. He would need coin to provision his ship and the remainder when they departed Frisia for Exmouth.
Hilke drained his tankard, slammed it down on the table and stood. "Wim!" The inn fell quiet as all patrons turned expectantly to the Frisian.
A heavy-set man stood.
"Wy go, gather de manlju16!" yelled Hilke.
The man gave a toothless smile and began issuing instructions and half a dozen more men rose from their seats and began filing out.
They all stood on the dock.
Hilke looked at Odo. Maybe tomorrow on tide we leave, is good?"
"Thank ye Hilke."
"Bring horses at midday." His clay pipe bounced up and down as he spoke.
Odo, Charlotte and Jagger left Hilke to work on his boat and began to walk back to the inn.