An idea came to mind. He quickened the speed of his attack and with pure strength, forced the hapless knight to turn; now his back was to the water-filled canal that ran parallel to road. Step by step the knight was driven backwards. Each time he tried to twist away, Jagger countered and forced him closer to the water.
The knight's face was twisted in agony. He was tired and weakening and the increased tempo of the strikes against him strengthened in power and speed. The giant was more than impressive, he was fearless and without weakness. The knight took another involuntary step backwards and his foot slipped on the edge of the road. The big man parried a weak lunge, and then pushed the knight. With arms windmilling and a loud cry, the knight fell backwards into the canal.
Jagger stepped back and away, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for what was to come next. As expected, the other knight decided to challenge him.