Chapter 54

On the next day Erik discovered that Simons, his young colleague, was suffering from suspected post-traumatic stress. Apparently the discovery of Visser’s body had greatly upset him, and the hospital psychologist gave him a few days of rest.

“So overdramatic!” Dukas said with a shrug. ”Wait until they put him on duty in the basement! What will he do, run away screaming?” he laughed, watching Erik as if awaiting his approval. Erik offered a set smile, but in his heart he sympathized with the young guard. He had probably seen too many corpses to be traumatized, but he understood Simons’s distress much better than Dukas’s crass insensitivity.

“Anyway, since the boy wet his own pants,” Dukas went on, “We’ve got to replace him. Today Solarin’s interrogation is all yours. Come on, let's bring her to the interrogation room.”