Cover your self.

Rose had a shy personality but whenever she got drunk. She became a different person.

Her frustrations and all her locked-in emotions always burst out. Her brother Ralph had warned her never to drink if he wasn't around.

But her mother was sick and the surgery couldn't wait which landed her in the condition she was in right now.

A loud ring woke her up, using her hands she searched for her bag. She grabbed the phone and grumbled a hello.

"WHERE.... the hell are you ? " a male voice shouted

"A.. m am.. " she stammered

"Please get your ass here right now come to the hospital with the money " he yelled.

Scanning the room which didn't even a bit look like her room. Trying to move she felt a warm hand around her waist.

She screamed and jumped out of bed. Her eyes met with his green calm eyes.

"Who the hell are you. And what am I doing here? " He didn't seem worried when she shouted but smiled.

"Hmm let's see. You appeared here yesterday at my friend's birthday to make him happy but ended up seducing me " Arthur said

Memories of the previous night flooded back. She felt embarrassed to even move. But he threw her his shirt and told her to cover herself.

"Put this on unless you want to leave naked " making her realize she had been naked in front of him all along.

Arthur saw her turn red but continued to say "Don't feel shy I saw everything last night and memorized it by heart and touch "

She almost collapsed but rushed to the bathroom and put on his shirt. Which seemed to cover her perfectly she moved out.

Picked up her bag made sure the cheque was in and collected her remaining items.

"Do you need a ride? I can help with that " he offered immediately

She had him offer her help and wondered if it was either he enjoyed himself last night to feel gratitude towards her or he felt she needed it. But her mom comes first not her dignity that had fallen like rotten eyes. So she nodded.

Seeing her nod he told her "OK. Meet me in the parking area of the hotel "

Not hesitating one bit she strolled out without looking back.

She waited for more than five minutes before he appeared in a different shirt and pants. He leads her to his blue sports car opening the door for her.

She looked adorable in his oversized shirt he thought. He started the car and asked her the hospital's name.


He seemed to know his way around the city since he dodged all traffic spots and in no time they were at the hospital.

She thanked him and jumped out of the car without any thought. Rushing to the cashier's to finish the payment.

He had watched her leave in a hurry even without asking his name. She was really strange about having slept with a stranger and still let him drive her around. She hadn't even asked about last night.

"I didn't even get her name " disappointed he jumped out of the car and followed her into the hospital.

He spotted her talking to a certain male who seemed angry with her. Coming close he heard him ask her where she was and why she was dressed in a man's shirt.

"I got the money for mother's surgery. That is all that matter so please don't shout at me " she yelled back.

"Ahh, you guys always do this in the hospital. Can't you just be silent for the patient here " a nurse complained making both of them fall silent?

He watched her bite her lower lip in frustration and anger. Moving towards her attracting attention from the staff.

He grabbed her hand and dragged her out. Gaining more attention from the male who was standing next to her.

"What do you think you are doing? " she yanked her hand from him.

"Asking for a private conversation. I didn't get your name "

"...You dragged me all this way for my name. And why would you want my name? Our business ended last night which I will never do again "

"What business are you talking about. I never asked for you last night it was my best friend's order. As for me I think I got the bonus but right now I need your name that's all " Arthur asked

So the drunk dude was the birthday boy. But why would he want her name when she didn't plan on meeting him again. After what she did with him.

"If you can't am afraid am taking my shirt back now " he threatened earning a dangerous stare from her.

"Rose West," she said as she ran back into the hospital

"Rose " he murmured "Just like the flower "

He left with a smile.