Am sorry for your loss.

"Who was that man? " Ralph asked his sister.

"Someone who offered me a ride here " she half lied.

He was going to ask more questions but the doctor appeared.

"We are going to start the surgery but it's a risky operation filled with complication. I can't promise anything " he said

"Please just do your best " said Rose.

"There is big chance for her to die on the operating table or survive through it all " he stated.

"Do all you can to save her doctor " Ralph pleaded.

The doctor left to get ready for surgery not promising anything but asked them to pray for a miracle.

The wait was torture to them. But they still prayed for her recovery. She had worked hard for the money for her surgery. If anything happened it will all go down the drain. The weird jobs she performed just to earn it. She cried silently.

After 6 hours of surgery the doctors came out. They both rushed to him expecting good news only.

He smiled with an exhausted face and reported to them.

"The surgery was a success. we just hope her body doesn't relapse since it was risky at her age and hope she fully recovers "

Her face lightened up with tears in her eyes. "Thank you doctor " she cried . Hugging her brother who was relieved with the news.

For now the worst was over and that she was thankful.

" You left me here and had fun with my guest. How brotherly of you " Sean teased his friend

"It wasn't my fault. She threw herself on me after she got drunk " he defended himself

"Who got her drunk. I only gave her one shot which couldn't have knocked her out "

"Well she was knocked out seriously that she acted weird. When you passed out she grabbed one more bottle and emptied it " Arthur said

"Hmm so I gave you the chance to have fun when I passed out. I shouldn't have drunk too much before she arrived. So what happened ? "

"Nothing happened she passed out too right after getting me all high. I almost died of anger "

Sean busted out laughing "She WHAT? I thought something happened "

"Nothing happened. She woke up all fuzzed up that I had to even offer my shirt for her to wear " he complimented himself

"Ohh so you even tore off her clothes "

"What are you saying? she took it off herself. She had to leave but had nothing decent to wear and she was naked " he said

"She was naked, Arthur are turning into a charity shop. I never thought you could give out your expensive shirt to a stranger . Am proud of you " said Sean.

Arthur knew what he meant. He never liked sharing his things. All the women he tried dating had never rode his car or wore his clothes. He always sent them a car to pick them. Everyone though he was picky, weird and antisocial but he didn't care .

This time the stranger Rose had left something tingling in his heart. He found it strange but pushed it in the back of him mind so he could prepare for the day. They both left the hotel and headed to the office.

"It's now the third week and mother hasn't woken up " Rose cried on the phone.

Her mother hadnt left the ICU yet. Her condition hadn't improve at all ,she had gone into shock twice and her breathing was weak. It had scared the hell out of her.

"She will be fine Rose don't cry. And don't worry about the bakery am taking care of it " Irene conseled her.

"Your a good friend Irene. I will be there when mom gets out of the ICU. Thanks so much " She said.

"Am here for you friend. Now go back to taking care of your mom and don't worry about anything else "

Rose hung up after thanking her friend and watched her mother sleep. She looked so peaceful which reminded Rose of the times she cried after her father had deserted them.

Her ungrateful father had left with every saved up penny they had and disappeared. Leaving them alone with no money and in shock at what he had done.

She was still 16 years when he left. He didn't even leave them a starting point. Her mother tried her best and supported them with the little she could make being a house helper. She later saved up and started her own bakery that provided for their school dues and the rest of their needs.

They were happy until she fail sick. Rose had found her passed out on the floor when she came at the bakery. The doctors said it was a heart attack that had caused it. She had felt her world crumple .With no experience in the real world. With nothing but her unverstiy certificate she wondered for a job which proved to be so hard. She couldnt work in the bakery since she had no knowledge about it .

The part jobs became her daily money source .She later combined the income of the bakery and her saved up money to pay for the first installment of her surgery. It became hard with time but she persisted. Her brother was still in highschool so she could let him be distracted. She looked back at her life and sighed.

"Mom, my life is really full of karma. I even had to sleep with a stranger to get the last payment so please wake up " she cried.

"He was a handsome, tall man. I would have loved to date him but he seemed so way up. I can't even face him again " she thought.

She later fell asleep besides her mother praying for her to open her eyes soon.

She woke up the next morning feeling sour all over. Her body ached for sleeping in the wrong position but she didn't care since it gave her mother company.

She left to wash her face and call her brother to check on him but when she came back her mother's room was occupied with doctors. Something was wrong.

She rushed inside but was stopped by the nurse.

"Miss you have to wait outside and let the doctors do their job " the nurse shouted.

But her ears had turned deaf her only focus was her mother right now.

"Please let me in. I need to see her, what happened she was OK just now? she was !!" she cried. The nurse pushed her out and closed the door. Feeling her legs becoming weak she dropped to the floor. and cried, pleading for her mother to be OK.

Her tears had stopped falling when the doctors came out. She staggered to their side with a questioning face.

"How is my mother . Is she OK now ? "

The doctor reminded silent prompting her to ask more questions.

"Did she have another attack ? Or she's awake? please answer me doctor " she pleaded

"Am sorry Miss West but we did all we could. I think she wanted to rest " he answered

She froze and looked at his face.

"Rest? Nooo.... she can't leave now . I was here all along waiting for her and she decided to REST " she shouted.

"Please come down Miss but you have to let go her weak body couldn't handle it. Am sorry for your loss " the doctor said leaving her to mourn for her mother.

She couldn't believe what he said. She rushed inside the room and watched them remove the support machines off her body. Moving towards her she held her mother's hand and cried bitterly.

Her heart felt empty and alone. How was she going to tell her brother or even move on. How... she thought .