She left at midnight.

Ralphel was doing his last paper. He was excited to go see his mother and sister at the hospital after. He wanted to support them both in any way he could.

"What am I going to say to Ralphel. His been hoping to stay by her side as I looked for a good job. But when he finds out she's gone... " Rose cried.

"We will find a way to do it. He will understand " Irene said

"Understand what? " a voice asked.

They both trembled and stared at him.

Rose's face was full of dried up and new tears .She seemed exhausted.

Ralphel ran to her side. Checking to see if she was OK.

"What happened Rose? Tell me " he asked

She stared at his face without nothing to say. What could she say, she thought.

"Mom... left us " she cried.

He knew it was about their mom but he didn't expect this. The surgery had gone well and she was recovering slowly but OK. Then how could this happen.

He wanted to shout and ask questions but seeing her devastated he hugged his sister so tight that she couldn't breath.

"Am sorry I wasn't here with you when it happened. It must have been hard " he whispered making her cry even more.

He knew how she had struggled to get their mom into surgery but now she was gone.

They both shed tears and consoled each other.

Irene silently watched guilt filling her up inside for an unknown reason. She moved away in order not to watch them cry.

The funeral was attended by their mothers close friends and neighbors. She was the only family they had since her mother had died without telling them the whereabouts of her family.

She cried even more when seeing her mother's picture up the funeral hall. Her body not being able to handle the pain she passed out.

She looked up at his face and gave him a weak smile. She seemed sad and lost .He offered his arm to pick her up but then something happened and he woke up.

"What are you still doing in the office at this hour? " a voice asked.

He woke up and saw who it was with a frown on his face.

"I must have dozed off " Arthur said.

"You have been acting weird since that day. you zone out during meeting, don't attend parties anymore and even stay late at the office. What's wrong with you? " Sean asked his friend.

"Am OK. Maybe tired but OK " He assured

Sean stared at him and shock his head.

"Did that girl do anything to you ? "

"She did nothing. You should stop with the questions " Arthur was getting angry.

"OK I won't ask more. But just take care you look like cramp " Sean said as he left his office.

He hadn't been sleeping well having weird dreams about that stranger. After he dropped her off at the hospital that day he never saw her again. But kept dreaming about her.

It's started with dreams of her crying for someone looking like she needed a hug. Then he saw her in the hospital bed, laying there like a lifeless body. It had creeped him out.

He wondered what had happened to him but couldn't find the reason.

He left the office and called for his driver to take him home. As he was waiting at the front of the office building for the car to arrive he saw a familiar figure pass him.

Not minding if he was wrong he followed it.

He wasn't mistaken for the more he came closer, the more he realised it was her. He increased his pace and followed quietly behind her.

Rose was late for her next part time job. Her brother had started his internship at the hospital so he was busy and couldn't take her as he used to. It had been two months since her mother's passing , she had to move on for her mother and brother who now needed her.

She increased her pace not realising the someone was following her.

She rushed into the restaurant and prepared for her shift ,after being scolded by the boss for coming late.She apologized and started serving the customers.

He stood outside and saw her enter the restaurant. It was a known restaurant among his workers since it was near the office and had delicious food. He remembered he had tried it once with Sean.

He watched her being scolded probably for being late. She seemed to apologize and got ready for work. The restaurant was busy at that hour.

As she worked on the customers her face was plastered with a smile that hid something he felt he wanted to know.

He called his driver and told him to bring the car to the restaurant near the office. He sat in his car and watched her work until her shift ended.

She left at midnght .

She had been leaving at midnight since she started working at the restaurant. Her other jobs were during the day it was only this one that exhausted her the most.She had been feeling unwell since the previous day but had persisted to go to work since she needed the money.

She had exhausted her body too much already and with the fever she could feel her body weaken.

" I have to reach home, please let me reach .I promise to take the fever pills" she begged her body.

Arthur watched her lazily come out of the restaurant and come out of the car to meet her.

But she seemed to move slower and slower .

He called her name which he was surprised he still remembered.

she stopped and turned around. Her face was pale and her eyes were half opened.

"Do I know you? " she asked weakly.

He watched her face as she forced out the words.

"Am sorry but I don't think I know you. Am not feeling well so please excuse me " she turned to leave.

Before he could say anything he saw her move downwards heading for the cold ground. He jumped to her side making sure she landed in his arms.

He looked down at her unconscious body and wondered what to do. He carried her to his car instructing his driver to head to the hospital .

She lay in his arms, taking in his warmth. Curling more deeper into his arms and held him tight. He didn't flinch or get agitated but held her too.

Ralphel was worried, she hadn't called him to inform if she reached home safely.

"Maybe she's still at work " he thought.