Being late for work.

"You need to be strong for your brother dear. Keep loving each other and you will be fine "

She saw her mother smile as she said those words. She felt happy just hugging her and feeling her warmth.

"I will mother " she replied.

She has been murmuring in her sleep since they arrived at the hospital , holding his hand so tight it had turned white.

"She will be fine, her fever wasn't so serious. It's was the stress and anxiety that made it worse "the doctor informed Arthur.

He thanked the doctor and watched her sleep.

It's was one in the morning and he was still wide awake, watching her.

Her drip was done so he asked if he could take her home.

"Yes you can. But make sure she takes a lot of fluids " the nurse instructed.

He carried her to the car ,holding her gently as she slept .Waiting for his driver to finalise her hospital bills and papers. He later realised he didn't know her home address so he told his driver to head home.

They arrived shortly since there was no traffic at that hour. He carried her to the house but wondered were to put her.

The guest room, he had to take care of her. His room, won't she get the wrong idea . But I have to keep you in my sight he thought. so he ended up in his room.

He placed her down on the bed and called his house helper to help change her clothes since she had sweated alot.

"Sir, you called for me? "

"Help me change her into something warm and dry, please " Arthur instructed.

" OK sir " she answered

He left the room and headed to the shower. leaving her to the task. When he came back, he found her clean in a long white night dress.

He watched her sleep and remembered the night they meet. She had kissed him teasingly which prompted him to kiss her back. But in the heat of the moment she passed out leaving him feeling like a fool. He hugged her to sleep since she didn't let him go . He laughed at himself when he thought about it.

He left the room and headed down stairs to have his dinner. After which he watched the business channel and worked in his study. Maybe he was trying to avoid the fact that she was sleeping in his bed or the excitement of having her in his house.

He moved to his room and found her bag vibrating, which he rushed to silence so it wouldnt wake her up. It was a text from Ralph.

"Hi, am worried about you. You haven't called yet ,are you OK? " it said

He wondered if Ralph was the same guy he saw at the hospital that day. Was he her boyfriend?

He sent a text back saying "Am OK, just had an emergency but it's fine "

Before he could put the phone back another text arrived.

"OK if you say so. Just be safe "

Feeling angry he answered back with a simple yes.

Ralph was relived she was safe and sound.

"I love you " another text popped up

He almost threw the phone down. But wondered why he was angry. she didn't belong to him or were they even dating. So he calmly put back her phone and laid down in his bedroom couch. The last thing he wanted was her screaming in the morning like last time.After finding him next to her in the same bed. He drifted to sleep after adjusting himself to the couch's size.

He woke up with neck ache that he couldn't do his morning exercise.He saw her peaceful face in his bed and cursed at himself for not joining her last night. Taking a shower and getting ready for work he left the room.

She woke up feeling a slight headache. But it disappeared the moment she realised it wasn't her room.

"Was I kidnapped last night " she thought

Her clothes had changed and the room was filled with expensive items. It was spacious enough and very pretty.

She got out of bed slowly since she still felt weak. Opening the door she he headed downstairs..

He was having his breakfast when he saw her come downstairs. He stood up and approached her.

"Still feeling weak? Come join me for breakfast " he offered.

She watched him lead her to the table and thought he was looked familiar.

"Do I know you from somewhere . You look familiar but I can't remember where I saw you "

He smiled and watched her stare at his face.

"You really don't remember ? " he asked

" I don't. Why would I let a stranger take me to his house? " Rose stated.

"Am not a stranger and you didnt let me bring you. I just chose to. Last night you collapsed on the way home and I helped you "

"Ohh... thanks for that, I seemed to have a slight fever. But I still don't know you " she insisted

"You forgot me so easily. You sure do have I weak memory. We meet on the night you came at the hotel to my friends birthday "he calmly claimed

The moment she heard, embrassment hit her. He was the tall, handsome rich guy she woke up with in the hotel. How could she forget.

Seeing her reaction ,he laughed.

"Let's eat and talk later. you are still weak and need to eat " he said as he told the maid to bring her breakfast. They ate in silence with one full of shame and other joy.

After which he instructed her to take her medicine.

"I saw you yesterday as I left work and remembered your face. But then I saw you faint on the way so I helped you " he said knowing it wasnt the full truth.

"Am sorry I caused you trouble. But may I ask something? " Something had been bothering her .When he nodded she asked

"Who changed my clothes,and where could they be ? "

"My house helper helped with that and your clothes where cleaned and put in the room upstairs "

He heard her let out a sigh and he almost laughed again.

She excused herself and went upstairs to change. He waited for her in the car.

She came back down changed,went to the kitchen and thanked the house helper for the help.

Entering the car, she silently sat next to him.

"Thanks for the ride too " she exclaimed

"No problem. Where are you heading?" he asked.

She told him the address which he instructed his driver to head to first.

It was going to be his first time being late for work but he didn't mind. He enjoyed her company more.

He had never had breakfast with anyone before since he left his parents house until today with her. He had never slept with any woman till the next morning but he did with her, she even had spent the night in his house on his bed and on top of that she still had his shirt.

He turned his head to the window as a smile appeared on his charming face.