"My Lips, they hurt "

Arthur found his voice and said "Let's go into the water "

He jumped into the pool without looking back. She watched him swim moving from one end of the pool to another.

Realizing she wasn't in the water yet he stopped.

"What's wrong thought you wanted to swim"

"I actually don't know how to swim," she said.

He was dumbfounded after he heard her confession.

"Come I will teach you " he gestured for her to come into the water.

She sat down and put her legs into the cool water, scared to go further she stopped.

He moved to her and put his hands around her waist.

"Come, I will guide you," Arthur said

She moved but stopped again making him chuckle.

"Please hold me tight, I really can't swim, " Rose told him.

"I will, please trust me "His hands were still around her waist. So he carried her into the full.

Feeling her body stiffen after the water met with her body.

Rose shivered " It's cold "

He put her hands around his shoulder instructing her to hold on tight. When she did he started to move around the pool. Telling her to let her body float in the water.

After a few more rounds, she had adjusted to the water. She was now laughing, telling him to move faster since she was still holding onto his neck.

Later they left the water, drying off in the sun.

Dorothy bought them watermelons to eat as they sunbathed.

"You seem to enjoy the water, but can't swim "

"I had an accident when I was young near water that later I developed a phobia for it ".

" Am glad I helped you get over it "

They chatted lightly after they dried she left when she received a call from her brother.

He asked about her trip, which she claimed she was having fun. He told her to stay safe and have fun.

She took a shower and changed clothes.

Moving around the house she saw Arthur come down the stairs in a change of clothes too. He was always smart in anything he wore.

She had pretended not to notice but his body was adorned with perfect abs and good skin.

The scene at the pool when he was swimming came into her mind. He looked like a model in a Tv commercial.

"Lost in thought ?" he asked when he saw her in a daze.

"No, just looking around "

"Bored ?" Arthur asked.

When she nodded he offered they watch a movie earning a yes from her.

They watched several movies before she dozed off to sleep. Her head resting on his shoulder.

He later dozed off too hugging her in his sleep.

"Is Arthur home " a sweet elegant voice just like it's owner asked.

"Yes, miss " Dorothy answered

"Where is his? I need to see him"

Dorothy leads her to the sitting room and left.

Vivian's eyes meet with a scene she never wanted to see. Arthur was laying on the couch with a woman in his arms both in deep slumber.

She had never seen him sleep with any woman. Even when he had sex with them he left immediately, she knew since the same happened to her.

"ARTHUR !!!" she shouted waking them both.

Arthur looked up and saw her pretty face filled with anger.

"What is the meaning of this " she yelled.

Discovering he was holding her she pushed his arms away and stood up.

The atmosphere was awkward and silent since no one dared to say anything.

"Who is she, what is she doing here and why she is here ?" Vivian asked.

Arthur stared at her with disgust.

"What are you doing in my house. You know I hate seeing outsiders in my house "

"What am? An outsider Arthur we know each other since childhood and am almost like family but I never stepped into this house. And when I do I find you sleeping with a stranger"

" Please leave now," said Arthur

Vivian felt her blood boil. She had made an effort to appear in his house thinking she still had a chance but he was throwing her out.

Her eyes landed on the slender figure beside Arthur.

She asked "Who might you be, another one of his women he slept with. Don't think you're special just because you entered his house. He's going to dump you like them"

Feeling his patient wither he grabbed Vivian's hand, dragging her to the door where he pushed her out.

"Never let trash into my home again " Arthur shouted at his security guard closing the door he returned to apologize to Rose. But she was

not in the sitting room anymore. He headed upstairs where he found her packing.

Rose had never felt so small. He was a womanizer who enjoyed dumping women. Was he playing her too all this while? She thought maybe he liked her. Who was she kidding why would he like a person like her she wasn't even worthy standing next to him.

Tears formed in her eyes falling down her cheeks as she packed her few items and clothes. Hearing him entered the room she stopped.

"Rose don't let her words affect you. They are lies "

"So you're saying your not a playboy. Who just uses women for his benefit and then throws them away. Were you playing me too? " She cried

"No I wasn't I really like you "Arthur explained

" I was wondering why I guy like you would be so interested in me maybe he liked me I thought. But am just another desperate slut you want in your bed then dump her "

She moved to the door but he got in the way.

"The day I met you. I just wanted you in my bed, but something happened that the only thing I felt when I saw you seduce me was different when I was with other women. I tried to forget it after but I kept having dreams about you, then we met again which made me realize just how you had taken a big space in my heart ".Arthur begged

She started at his perfectly sculpted face and her heart kicked.

" You expect me to believe that. It was only one night with a few heated kisses nothing more. You did your best to get me into your bed even inviting me into your home that seems to be forbidden to even your close friends. Did I really hurt your ego that night when I passed that you had to go through all this trouble?"

He hadn't expected her to interpret it that way. Words failed to come out of his mouth, he stood there and stared at her tears roll down.

She tried pushing him away from the door but he wouldn't move.

"Move you jerk. Let me go back to my humble world before being sucked into yours " she cried out.

He felt devastated seeing her try to leave after he expressed his feeling for her. He yanked the bag she had and threw it aside pulling her into his arms.

His lips crashed into hers kissing her with force.

She pushed him away but he held her hands down. Her lips still hurt from the bruises.

However much she tried pushing him, he continued to kiss her. The kiss grew intense with time as he invaded her mouth once again with his tongue taking her breath away.

Her knees gave away but he had quick reflexes his hand held her by the waist, letting go of hers which she placed around his neck.

When he felt her arms reach for his neck he deepened the kiss making her moan.

He let her go looking at her now red face.

"What's wrong?"

"My lips, they hurt, " Rose said.

It was then he remembered about her bruises.

"Sorry I will be gentle "

"Mmm .." she murmured.

Hearing her answer he smiled as he lowered his head to meet her lips again.

This time he kisses were hungry but gentle she followed his lead and kissed him back.

When she realized they were now laying on the bed, his hands were under her shirt.

His fingers explored and sank into her skin waking up every nerve causing heat to rise from her stomach through her body.