Getting a job.

His frame laid on hers as his hands worked on her shirt.

He kissed her again moving down to her breasts

"You're driving me crazy " he murmured

Rose felt her body temperature rise the money he kissed one of her breasts.

"Am I really doing this?" she asked her self but then he sucked on her nipple she moaned. Moving lower and lower.

Arthur pulled down her pants revealing her hips and flower. He admired her body planting kisses on her hips. Her hands grabbed his head with desire, she loved it. He moved back to face her, his eyes moved over her naked body that seemed so fragile to touch.

"Am scared you might dump me after this " Rose let out.

His eyes stared deep into hers, kissing her again he whispered in her ear "If you don't trust me, trust yourself "

How was she going to trust herself if he was doing things to her body?

He moved off his shirt exposing his torso that she admired so much. This man was gorgeous she thought.

His now naked body laid on hers feeling her body temperature. His lips trapped her nipples again rupturing different emotions in her body.

His hand slid down to her already moisturized area stopping at the opening. He released her nipples and said "May I ?"

She moaned feeling his fingers playing at the entrance teasing her. She shook her head giving him permission.

His two fingers were pushed inside, her grip on his head tightened as she moaned.

Arthur felt his fingers get wet with her juice and increased the pace they moved into her, driving her crazy with passion.

Rose felt lost in emotions, her body was reacting in ways she didn't know it could.

He pulled them out and licked them making his member more excited. She pulled him back and kissed him biting his lips in the process.

His already erected brother worked his way into her. Her legs locked around his waist as drove her to ecstasy.

He took her more than once releasing himself into her. After which they fell asleep in each other's arms exhausted.

Vivian had never felt so embarrassed and disgraced like how Arthur had done. But she didn't care since she loved him crazily. They grew up together as best friends but when she told him her true feelings he changed and started avoiding her. But she finally managed to seduce him after which he treated her like a cheap whore. She watched him sleep with different women but never spent the night. He always left after the show which made the women feel like prostitutes.

His mother had promised to make her the daughter-in-law of the Roman family but not matte how she tried he never looked at her again. But she wasn't going to give up.

It was the third time they shared a room but this time it was special. He watched her sleep with her hands still around his waist. It brought a sense of ownership to him.

He was never letting her go no matter what.

He saw her open her eyes, she smiled.

"Morning butterfly," he said.

"Its morning? "

"Yeah, it is. You slept like a cat so I didn't wake you for dinner "

"What you even had dinner ?" she gasped

He laughed seeing her expressions.

"You are teasing me " she yelled.

"No, am not, "Arthur said as he moved to her lips kissing her with the same intensity he had the previous night.

" You bit my lips last night. I didn't know you were this wild "he said

She blushed " I didn't know too. it just happened"

"Thank you for trusting me " Arthur mumbled

"I am not even sure about my decision. You seduced me into submission "

Arthur laughed and hugged her.

"Are we staying in bed all day? Am starving since I didn't have anything " Rose complained

"I can tell Dorothy to bring something "

"No. i won't like her to see us like this. Let's go downstairs instead " opposed Rose

He smiled "She left already for the weekend. so she isn't her "

"Then I will cook something am starving "moving out of bed she put her feet on the ground but immediately collapsed to the floor.

Arthur saw her fall, he rushed and picked her up putting her back in bed.

The pain had hit her the moment she stepped on the cold floor. Her lower body seemed to be in pain.

She stared at him and yelled, " What did you do to me last night ?"

He gave her his most charming smile and shook his head.

"I wasn't the only wild one last night. Look at me in pain " Rose cried

Since she could not move without feeling pain, Arthur decided to cook instead.

The weekend ended, Arthur had to go to work and she had to go see Irene and her brother.

He dropped her at Irene's place and headed to the office.

She spent half the day with her, planning and talking about what to replace the bakery with.

She told Irene about her stay with Arthur.

"Please don't tell my brother anything. I am meeting him today but am keeping it a secret ".

" I won't trust me, it's your life I can't interfere "

She later met her brother who was so happy to see her.

" Being a resident doctor is really hard. You lost weight " she observed.

"Look who is talking, you look so thin and weak. The wind might actually blow you away " he teased her.

"Am fine and am eating nicely "Rose said

"When do you plan to work again. This time do something you enjoy and love "

"I will soon don't worry about me, eat proper meals you really look so thin " she instructed.

"I will "

"Are you dating anyone? .You should be at your age " she asked

He gave her a weird look and said "Why are you asking such questions out of the blue "

Ignoring his remark she said "Don't tell me you don't attract any girls "

"I do a lot of them. There is even one who is crazy bout me "he claimed.

" You shouldn't focus on your job only but your private life also. Get time and go out for meals and also go on dates "

"You should be leaving now. You are talking rubbish " he complained.

She smirked at his angry face.

"OK fine, am leaving but take care of yourself. And call me when you can "

H escorted her to the street and got her a cab, she hugged him and left.

She arrived late in the evening since she had spent more time with her brother so she left when traffic was bad.

He had left work early so he could come home early. But disappointment hit him when he found her not home yet.

He washed and watched the news as he waited for her.

When he heard her come in he ran to meet her.

"Why are you late. Thought I would find you home " He whined

"Lost track of time when I was with my brother. And traffic was bad, am sorry if you waited long" she apologized.

He hugged her taking in her scent, she always smelled like roses just like her name.

They had dinner together, after which he went to his study while she took a shower.

She decided to make plans for her new business, laying down on her bed.

He came in later and found her scribbling down different ideas.

"You can't even find something to do. How did you survive this long with that brain " Arthur said

"I did survive. While I worked part-time jobs I tried getting a job in different companies but they all wanted to experience oneself. But if they didn't give me one how would I gain the experience. So I gave up"

"What did you major in?" he asked

"Finance" she replied

"Oh, then I can help you get a job where I work "

"Really, won't your boss mind. I don't want to cause trouble at your workplace"

He giggled watching her worry about him. She didn't know he was the boss.

"Don't worry my boss likes me "he lied.

She hugged him "Thanks in advance since I haven't got the job yet "

"Can I sleep here tonight ? " he asked

Pushing him away she refused.

"No, No, and no, the last time you did I ended up laying in bed the whole weekend. So get out now" she pushed him towards the door.

"Then can I get a goodnight kiss at least ?" he pleaded

She tiptoed and kissed his lips intending to make it short, but he pulled her in his embrace and kissed her longer.

She pulled away giving him a look and shut the door.

He laughed at her reaction as he left for his room