"It's confirmed we are pregnant"

"What are you saying, mother?" Arthur asked after recovering from the shock.

"You made her pregnant and you didn't know, how irresponsible," his mother said.

Arthur looked at his mother then at Rose.

She looked fine.

"Mom please don't make such jokes, She would know if she was expecting " he disapproved.

Rose said "Mother I would know if I was pregnant. I would have noticed the signs "

"I might be wrong and it might be something else but to sure go see a doctor," she said.

"What signs could show that, " Arthur asked.

"She will feel nauseous, sensitive to smell, and feel tired often " his mother explained.

Both Arthur and Rose stared at each other.

The last week Rose had started to act weird, always tired even the morning when they headed to work and Arthur had heard from the staff how she had fainted in the office but she pushed it off saying she was exhausted.

Rose know noticed how she had changed her eating habits and somethings smelt really bad.

Her period was delayed too, she hadn't minded since it always happened but if it was this ...Rose looked at Arthur.

"it's all your fault. I always said we use protection but you refused now see what happened" Rose screamed at him

Arthur stood up grabbed her things and pulled her towards the door.

"Call me when you confirm" his mother shouted at them as they left.

The driver took them straight to the hospital.

He didn't say anything which worried Rose.

She thought maybe since it was unexpected he was angry. He might not want a child right now.

The doctor performed the tests and called them in.

" Congratulations your two weeks pregnant, " the doctor said.

"It's true, we are pregnant " Arthur shouted in excitement. He carried Rose in the air expressing his happiness.

"Arthur put me down " she commanded but he continued to swing her in the air.

They left the doctor's office with smiles. His eyes not leaving her belly for once.

There is a little human being growing in your abdomen, Rose "Arthur exclaimed.

" What is growing in her belly?" Someone asked.

Arthur and Rose looked to see who it was and realized it was Ralph.

"Forgot he works here " Arthur commented.

"What is growing in my sister's belly ?" he asked again.

Rose smiled and hugged her brother.

"Am pregnant brother, the doctor just confirmed it "

"You finally found a way to tie her to you " he commented

Arthur was too happy to mind about what he said he pulled Rose beside him.

"Butterfly let go tell someone who will actually congratulate us," he said.

Arthur called Alex who soon arrived bursting with happiness.

"Congratulations brother, I will be an aunt soon and you Rose, thank you " she exclaimed.

Ralph later joined them hugging his sister he murmured his good wishes to her

"We just saw you today but after we leave, you guys find out your pregnant?" Alex asked.

"Mom told us. After you guys left she called saying she wanted to see Rose so we went for dinner where we found out " Arthur explained.

"Mom is great she was able to see it when even us doctors failed to notice it "

"Arthur put me down I can walk on my own " Rose yelled

"Butterfly it's dangerous now, you need to be careful," he said.

"It's not, it's been two weeks before we knew and I was perfectly fine doing everything, " Rose remarked.

But Arthur was persistent he carried her up to his room.

"I have my room take me there " She argued.

"No, this little thing in your belly changed everything so now you will be staying in my room. I have to protect you "

Feeling angrier she said "Protect me from what Arthur. And I can take care of myself "

"Let me call mother and tell her the good news " he left the room.

Rose felt her world had turned upside down.

One minute she had a good job with a perfect man and now she was pregnant turning him into a psycho.

She had even failed to notice that she was.

Her period sometimes delayed so she hadn't minded. But now she was carrying another human being in her. She felt more responsible and mature.

"Mom you are a grandma now, I hope you are happy for me " she whispered.

"Mom it's confirmed," he said.

"I told you so. Congratulation son you just made me a grandma, tell Rose to take care now "she said.

"Okay mother don't forget to tell father about it "

After his call, he went to the kitchen and told Dorothy about the news who was happy for him.

He told her to change the meal plans making them suitable for a pregnant mother then returned to his room.

Rose was asleep already.

He loosened her jeans and pulled them slowly so he wouldn't wake her up then her shirt and bra. Changed her into something comfortable then pulled the covers on her body.

He had a shower and then joined her in bed.

He pulled her closer into his warm embrace. His hands covered her upper body that she disappeared in his chest, then he fell asleep too.

Mumbling a thank you in her ears.

He had refused her to go to work, but she insisted saying it was still too early to be worried and promised to take care of herself.

On their way, Arthur told her that he wanted to say something about him.

"Since we have come this far, I think its time I tell you the truth. I am actually the CEO of the company we work in " he said.

Rose smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you for finally saying that I always wondered when you will tell me "

"You knew and didn't say anything" he exclaimed.

"I wanted to know the CEO who gave a job with checking my papers, so I asked my colleagues who said it was the man who I have arrived within the morning. They provided it with magazines and newspapers were you were mentioned "

"Am sorry you found out that way. I wanted to tell you but thought you would turn me away" Arthur confessed.

" I understand," she said.

They arrived at the company were everyone congratulated them. Sean had spread the news telling everyone about it.

Her colleagues apologized for their misdeed against her since they didn't know they were dating. Which embraced her.

During lunch, Arthur sent his bodyguards and Secretary who collected all her stuff to his office.

Rose burged into his office for the first since she joined the company.

It was a big office with wonderful furniture.

"Arthur why are you taking my stuff, put them back now"

"From today onwards you won't leave my sight so that I take care of you. So you will work from my office "

She felt a headache and sat down.

"Arthur you're giving me a headache with all this protecting nonsense " Rose cried.

Arthur sat next to her and said "I have never thought of getting someone I would love but I found you and got all the happiness. Then you added me more joy of giving me the opportunity of being a dad so I want to do the best I can ".