Meeting his Father .

"Am scared I might end up being called a gold digger. They will say I seduced you in order to get a job in your company then trapped you into marriage with my pregnancy " Rose said.

"I don't see why you bring others into our relationship. Right now it's me and you plus our little butterfly, so you shouldn't mind about them. They might hurt you with there words but since you know how I feel about you don't be discouraged and just love me back ". Arthur told her.

He knew they would talk, that was why he had tried keeping it a secret but since she was now pregnant and the news about them had spread he couldn't do anything but protect her.

" Butterfly, people don't meet by accident, I was destined to meet you that night in the hotel. Fall in love with you . My family likes you and I adore you then why does the opinion of outsiders matter. Just keep this in mind it's me who loves you not them ".

She hadn't said anything but listened to him. She felt tears stream down her face. His words carried a lot of emotions as he said them.

" Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong love " Arthur worried?

"No, you didn't I loved every word you said. I just can't control my emotions " she cried.

Arthur hugged her tightly.

"Did you hear the news ?" someone said.

"What happened ?"

"I heard that the heir of the Ramon family is dating an ordinary girl who is now pregnant with his child " she said.

The news had spread since Arthur Ramon was the son and heir of the largest corporation in the country. so news about him was big news.

Vivian had always been in a bad mood since Arthur threw her out.

She came downstairs to have breakfast but heard the maids talking about Arthur so she eavesdropped.

"What she's pregnant?" she shouted when she heard what they said.

The maids fell silent when they heard her scream. she rushed back to her room and called her father.

" Dad what is going on, you promised to get me married to Arthur . I even lay low when you told w too but now he's having a child with that woman" she cried.

"Sugar doesn't worry he might be having a child with her but he won't marry her. His father promised to make you his daughter in law so don't worry " Mr. Chester promised

Vivian cooled down but didn't feel safe with just words so she promised to do something about it herself.

"I said I wanted cherries but you bought grapes, is something wrong with you ?" Rose asked.

Arthur stared at her from his seat and chuckled. Since Sean found out about her pregnancy he had become her servant, always bringing her stuff to eat, drink, and even bought her a massage chair.

But the more the weeks passed, Rose changed every day. She would crave something and in the next second crave something else.

Her moods changed too, she would be happy to sad, then to angry. It gave both men a hard time.

"Rose I think you need to take a nap, you sound tired " Arthur intervened. Saving his friend from her anger.

"Arthur don't intervene, go back to your seat, and do what you were doing. I just woke up why should I go to sleep again " she yelled.

Sean and Arthur decided to leave Arthur's office and headed to Sean's.

"She turned into a beast as the days go by, are you sure you guys didn't make a beast when making love? " Sean asked.

"I am not sure anymore, she kicks me out of bed when she sleeps, wakes me up at midnight for snacks that she doesn't eat cause she goes back to sleep after. She always tired even in the morning. She will kiss me during a good mood but say I stink when in a bad one " Arthur complained

Sean laughed and said "You made her pregnant suffer the consequences that come with it. I don't even know how I got involved, maybe I am excited for the baby ".

They drank their coffee as they waited for her to come down

Later in the evening Alex and Ralph came to see her. She was delighted to see them since Alex always bought her something sweet.

" I love you but right now I love these more, " Rose said as Ralph gave her the box of chocolate.

It seemed the baby loved sweet things.

"I bought you books on how to care for a pregnant woman so read them, " Ralph told Arthur, who accepted them since he knew he needed them.

They had dinner and chatted about how the pregnancy was trying her. But had to stop after Rose fell asleep.

"Well, it seems we will go now, take care of her Arthur " Alex told her brother.

"You know I will, I won't see you out since I have to take her to bed," Arthur said.

They both left and he carried her to their room.

She had stopped sleeping in the guest room since he ordered her to stay in his room.

Placing her gently in bed he covered her.

" Come join me, you smell so nice " she mumbled in her sleep.

Arthur laughed but joined her, hugging her from the back. She held his hands around her waist and fell back to sleep. Arthur waited until she was deep in sleep and left for his study.

As he worked his mother called.

"Mother "

"Arthur how are you son. I hope you're taking care of Rose and the baby ?" she asked.

He assured her how they were in perfect health and would soon visit her.

"Your father wants to see her. I think he finally accepted her " she informed him.

Arthur's father had refused to accept Rose when he heard about their relationship. He claimed she wasn't of their status pissing off Arthur in the process who said he would love her no matter his objection.

"I don't think he did, he just wants to hurt her. He wouldn't just accept her like that and Mother I won't allow it if he does "

"Son, please give him a chance. Your father is trying and if he said he wants to see her then let him, he might actually like her as I did " his mother convinced him.

Arthur still didn't want to but his mother ended up convincing him

He told Rose about it who accepted to go.

"Arthur if he wants to see me, we can't refuse his still your father," she said.

They left during midday and soon arrived at the house that looked like a palace to Rose.

The servants still remembered her, they all welcomed her with a smile.

" He's waiting in the study " they informed them.

Arthur leads her through different corridors before they stopped in front of a wooden door.

He knocked and a strong deep voice told them to come in.

Rose felt her heart come out of her chest but held Arthur 's hand and followed into the room.

He was a tall man with a handsome face exactly like Arthur's but he had aged a little. He was dressed very formally.

"Son," he said

"Father," Arthur said.

They sat down with Rose still holding Arthur by the hand.

He stared at her, she was indeed beautiful with wonderful blue eyes. Her hair was black and long with a perfect body.

Arthur father said " I see why he's obsessed with you, you're quite a beauty "

"Thank you father," she said.

"Butterfly this is my father, the one who was too busy to see you," Arthur said.

He felt her hand squeeze his telling him to stop.

" Arthur please leave us alone for a while," his father asked.

He hesitated but she nodded telling it was okay.

Before he left he said "Butterfly if he says anything offensive just leave. I will be outside waiting for you "

She smiled and let go of his hand.

"As you can see, my son now doesn't trust me. And I am sorry to say this but it's because of you " He said.

"An sorry if I damaged your relationship with your son, but I will help you fix it " she promised.

"First I want to say, congratulation on the pregnancy but even if you are carrying our bloodline I still don't like you " he explained.

She knew he would say that but she felt hurt when he did.

"But my son loves you that he is going against me, but I love my son and am willing to learn to like you for his sake "

When he said his last words she felt tears flow down her face.

"Thank you father, I promise to do my best too so you can like me " Rose cried.

He laughed when he saw her cry out of joy.

"Can I hug you now ? " she asked.

He stood up came closer to her and opened his arms. She jumped into them crying more loudly, he hugged her back.

Arthur had been standing outside the door waiting for her to come out but instead heard her cry.

He opened the door expecting to see her heading to the door. But she was hugging his father.

Having no words to express how he felt, he just stood there and watched them hug each other