Her birthday .

"You made her cry "Arthur said.

"I didn't say anything hurtful, she just started crying " his father defended himself.

Arthur grabbed Rose and took her out of the room.

"What did he say? " Arthur asked.

"He said he will try to accept me for your sake " she said.

Arthur thought he had said otherwise hurting her feelings, but when he heard what she said he smiled.

"Then you should be smiling not crying "

"I just cry easily nowadays" She smiled.

They decided to stay for dinner and later Rose left with his mother to her room.

"I shopped these for the baby since we don't know yet it's gender I got each in two colors," she said as she gave Rose shopping bags and boxes of clothes and other items.

"Mother you should have left this for Arthur and me. We are making plans " She cried.

"These are gifts to my grandchild don't worry. Next month we are holding a party so that we can introduce you to the family friends "Mrs. Ramon said

Rose was surprised but she told her it's was bound to happen since she and Arthur were having a child.

" Mom gave you a lot of presents but none for me " Arthur complained when they returned home.

"Arthur don't be a baby, those are all for the baby, not ours "

" We have to go for your check-up next week so we see how the baby is " Arthur reminded her.

"Okay, am going to shower then go to bed " she yawned.

He watched her move upstairs and smiled.

His life had meaning now since she entered it and now they were expecting. Did it really happen or am just dreaming he asked himself.

His father was a stubborn man, he was surprised that he gave in without a fight. Did his mother convince him or it was because of the baby?

"Arthur when do you plan to give her the ring, you went through a lot to get it. The baby bump is starting to show, it would be better if you got married now before it's in full bloom" Sean told him

Arthur had ordered a custom made ring for Rose after he found out she was pregnant.

It was a golden ring, with a rose holding a diamond in the center. On the inner part of the ring was engraved "My butterfly ".

" Was planning to give it to her on her birthday, it's two days from now. Ralph told me he was planning a birthday party for her " Arthur told his friend.

'Make sure am invited, you know I love parties " Sean said.

When her birthday arrived, Arthur didn't say anything to her. She thought maybe since they didn't know much about each other he might not know, but she had told him a day before did he forget. She felt disappointed which made her feel more emotional.

They drove to work in silence after they reached his office, he kissed her lightly and left for a meeting.

Rose was really angry now, he really forgot about it.

When he came back she didn't talk to him, even when he offered her favorite snacks.

"Rose what's wrong, do you feel ill," he asked

"No, I just want to go to the restrooms but I don't want to move " She lied.

Arthur knew why she was angry but pretended not to know.

"Is that really what's bothering you? " he asked again.

"YES," She yelled.

Arthur didn't ask more and carried her out of the office to the restrooms. The staff stared at them as they passed by.

"Arthur, what are you ?" Rose argued.

"You said you wanted to go to the restrooms but couldn't move, so I am helping you " he smiled at her.

He stopped at the entrance and placed her down

"Go ahead I will wait out here," he said.

She went in and shortly she was back. He carried her as before back to the office. Rose didn't say a word this time and let him carry her back.

"Ever since you got pregnant you frequently go to the restrooms, so you might get tired of moving back and forth so I will be carrying you to and back," he said.

But Rose didn't smile or thank him but instead asked for peaches. Arthur chuckled and called his secretary to bring fresh peaches for Rose.

They went back to work, as they waited for the secretary to arrive.

He later knocked on his office door.

"Come in," Arthur said.

The secretary came in with fresh huge peaches.

"Sir I got the best ones " he happily said. But when Rose looked up from the documents she was reading her face frowned.

"Arthur I asked for kiwi fruits, not peaches, why do you always bring the opposite of what I ask for?" Rose yelled.

His Secretary seeing her yell left immediately she wasn't the sweet lady who used to say hi anymore.

"Why does she always blame me, she orders this and then wants something else," Arthur thought.

He moved to her desk that had been positioned in the left corner of his office.

"Butterfly why don't you try these as he brings the kiwi fruits " he slowly courted her.

"Arthur, I said I wanted kiwi fruits, not peaches" she shouted.

He was soon going crazy with her mood swings and cravings.

They drove back home in the evening with Rose still angry. She left the car immediately when they arrived.

But the lights weren't on, was Dorothy not home she wondered.

The moment she switched them on, People started to sing the birthday song. She recognized them seeing Alex, Ralph, Sean, the secretary, Irene, and her old neighbors. They all came to celebrate her birthday, she felt Arthur beside her joining the others with the song.

"Happy birthday butterfly " he whispered.

She instantly started crying, they all hugged her.

They cut the cake and the party began.

She received gifts from each of them, Alex even bought one for parents.

She laughed and smiled with her old friends who called her lucky to have got such a man.

Irene only talked about how she missed her.

"Thank you for this, I had no idea and treated you unfairly " she apologized

"Your happy and that is satisfying enough, Happy birthday " Arthur kissed her.

After dinner, the guest departed wishing her wonderful motherhood.

Dorothy and the other maids cleaned the mess.

She opened the gifts one by one, most contained baby outfits, realizing Arthur hadn't given her one she asked him.

"It's upstairs, when you are done I will take you to it " he answered

She threw the rest of her gifts away and stood up.

"Am ready to receive your gift " She giggled.

He laughed and took her upstairs to their room.

The lights were off, but the room was lit by candles. They glowed showing the petals of roses scattered all over the room. It looked magical and romantic just like how she had watched in the movies.

"Arthur, its amazing," she said.

He pushed her to the center where she realized they formed a rose.

He picked up a small box that had been placed there and knelt on one knee.

Her eyes teared up again as she saw him get down on one knee.

"Rose West will you be the wife of the man who fell in love with you the night he saw you in the hotel room, and after tried his best to get you even ending up making you pregnant.

Will you be able to allow him to protect you adore you and make love to you with all his heart?"

Rose had been crying as she heard him.

"Yes I do " she answered between sobs.

He slid the ring in her ring finger and hugged her.

"Thank you butterfly," he said.

He kissed her silencing her sobs.

His kisses became more addictive that Rose responded back feeling her body heat up.

He carried her to the bed his hands moving under her dress, he took it off in a second.

"You seem to have missed this? " Rose said feeling him kiss her hips.

"You starved me on purpose, so let me get my revenge " he murmured.

"But am sweating, I need a bath " Rose said as she enjoyed him exploring her body.

Arthur didn't want to stop what he was doing, he carried her to the bathroom, put her down.

He helped her take off her bra and her knicker. he took off his too.

He carried her again putting her naked legs around his waist and entered into the shower.

"Arthur what is going on ?" she had watched him do everything without a word but when he carried her into the shower she wondered.

He turned on the water and resumed kissing her again. The water hit her body cooling it down.

She felt his tongue in her mouth, he kissed her with all the passion he had kept for long enough.

He put her back onto the wall as support and sucked her nipples, Rose moaned.

She felt him position his hungry brother into her flower.

She stopped him "Won't it hurt the baby ?"

"No it won't," he said without patience in his voice

"How do you know it won't?"

"Cause I read the books Ralph bought me and they say its safe, now please let me " he begged.

Trusting he won't hurt the baby for his desire she let him in.

She moaned as he entered her. They moved in perfect harmony as both their moans echoed in the room.