"I was there that night"

She always had dreams about making up names for her future kids, but now that she was expecting her head was blank.

Arthur had told her to take her time and not rush.

She was laying alone in bed since Arthur had left for a business trip. A week had passed by since he left, he always called to make sure she was okay, but she missed him physically that she hugged his pillow will going to sleep.

Her phone rang, expecting Arthur she instantly picked up.

"Arthur!" she exclaimed

"You miss him that much?" a sweet voice laughed.

"Mother, am sorry I thought It was Arthur " She apologized

"Young love prevails don't worry he will be back soon "

"Why are you calling this late mother?"

"Tomorrow come at the mansion, I want to introduce you to someone," she said.

"Okay mother, I will be there "

She later hung up after saying her goodnight and thanks for them caring about her.

The next day.

Rose arrived at the mansion wondering who it was they were going to introduce to her.

"Hello mother " she greeted Mrs. Ramon.

"Rose dear, welcome "

She sat next to her and gave her a hug.

"Your baby bump is growing bigger and bigger. How will you put on a wedding dress?"

"Mom" Rose laughed.

Just then someone entered the sitting room.

"Rose this is the person I wanted you to meet, " Mrs. Ramon said.

Rose turned her eyes meeting with a tall, handsome, brown hair male. His eyes were green just like Arthur's. But it made her uneasy for some reason.

He looked familiar, she thought.

He smiled at her as he held her hand.

"Am Arthur's cousin Archie Ramon " he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet Archie," Rose said.

"He's been absent for a while since he likes moving around, but when he heard about Arthur's engagement he came back immediately to see who was the lucky lady "Mrs. Ramon explained.

" I love moving around a lot that why I wasn't around when Arthur introduced you to the family. But I had to hear it from the news so I came back immediately " he smiled.

Rose felt uncomfortable whenever their eyes made contact. Her mind told her something was wrong but she didn't quite find out what it was.

"Let me give you some space so you get to know each other, Rose if you need anything just call for me " She left the room.

Rose wanted to cry out to her so she couldn't leave but that would look awkward since he was a family member she had to get to know.

The minute Arthur's mother disappeared, Archie jumped to her seat. closing the space between them.

"So you're the flower that made my cousin change his lifestyle? "

"What do you think ? " she said while moving away from him.

Seeing her reaction he came more closer to her, sniffing her hair "

"You smile just like your name " he whispered.

"Am sorry but I think you should maintain your distance " Rose reminded him.

Archie seemed not to care as held her hand locking it with his.

She jerked his away and stood up.

"Are you okay, you can't touch me like that, am engaged to your cousin, I think you should respect me "

He put his figure on his lips making a shu sound telling her to keep quiet.

"Don't make a lot of noise, your mother in law will think am doing something wrong. I was just trying to get to know you, that's all " he said.

She moved to the opposite seat and looked at him. She had a bad feeling about him and his actions had just proved it.

"You're really beautiful, even with the baby bump you still look sexy. I can imagine how you looked at first "

Rose's face made a frown after hearing his statement. He was really weird.

"Am surprised you can't remember me when I do"

"What do you mean ?" Rose asked him.

"This is not our first encounter, our first was a long time ago that I don't think you would want to remember" he explained.

Rose stared at him, his face brought fear to her that she didn't know why she felt it. Her body was now full of goosebumps.

His smile was cocky and his eyes seemed to hide something dangerous.

She stood getting ready to leave but he stopped her.

"We just started talking why are you leaving so early, are you feeling unwell," he asked seeing her now pale face.

Rose smiled saying "I have some urgent work I have to handle, maybe next time we can seat down the three of us with Arthur and chat "

"Arthur won't like it, he despises me. But it's only between us two so the rest don't know " Archie told her.

Rose felt more alarmed if Arthur despised him then she should avoid him even more.

She apologized for leaving early and rushed off.

He followed her outside.

"We haven't even spoken for an hour and you're leaving that's rude ?" he complained.

Rose didn't pay attention to him and moved even faster.

"I was there that night," he said

Rose stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"What do you mean by that night ?" she asked

"I know what happened that night and I know Harry didn't do it "

Rose felt her knees get weak, she fell to the ground.

Archie rushed to her holding her as she gained her balance. He whispered into her ear.

"I can't imagine what this family would think if they found out about it "

She pushed him away running from him towards her car. She got in and told her driver to take her back home.

Her body was trembling with fear, her brain had gone blank, tears rolled down her face.

The memory of that night brought fear and pain to her. Now, someone, she couldn't even remember claimed to know about it.

It was the past that haunted her no matter how much she tried to run away from it.

Archie smiled as he watched her runoff. The world was really small for them to meet again like this.

Arthur was going to go crazy if he found out he was back.

The moment the car stopped, she rushed inside the house into the bedroom locking her self in.

When it was time for her to have the meals she didn't open the door or answer back at Dorothy who had kept knocking the door.

Feeling worried Dorothy decided to call her brother since Arthur was busy on a business trip.