Her Depression .

"What happened to my sister?" Ralph asked when he arrived.

"She came back from seeing the madam and locked herself in the room. She looked worried for some reason " Dorothy answered.

Ralph knocked on the door receiving no reply.

"Rose open the door, its Ralph "

The door didn't move, it worried Ralph.

He called her phone hearing it ring in the room.

"Rose please open the door you're worrying me now. Remember your pregnant its dangerous for you to be tense "

"Am okay Ralph, am just tired let me rest " a weak voice from the room said.

"You sound weak and sad. let me come in and make sure your okay, you have been there for four hours. Come out and have something to eat". Ralph begged.

This time she didn't respond leaving them in more worry.

"Don't you have a spare key for this room?" he asked.

"Since its master's room, it's only him who knows where it is and you can't use the balcony since she locked it from the inside " Dorothy exclaimed.

Ralph felt more stressed. She was pregnant, in a bad mood and hadn't even eaten anything for hours. What really happened to make her like this Ralph wondered.

He called her phone again but now it was switched off.

He moved back downstairs to try and think of a way to make her come out. He could not call Arthur, he had heard from Alex that the business deal he had gone to deal with was important to their company. He wasn't close with her in-laws to call them.

He felt more devastated wishing their mother was around like last time.

He called Alex asking her when Arthur was expected to come back.

"I can't say, he might still be there for one more week. Mother told me his soon finalizing the deal but it depends how it goes "

"Rose won't come out of the room," he said.

"Why do you just call Arthur, he might be done so he can rush back and see her " Alex suggested.

"But you said it was an important deal to the company, it won't look good for him if he leaves it and comes back "

"Let my brother decide who is more precious to him. Is it the company that can survive even without the deal or Rose the love of his life who is carrying his child. Call him and tell him " Alex urged him.

Ralph feeling more suffocated hung up after promising to call Arthur.

As he tried to dial Arthur's number, he saw Rose came down the stairs looking weak.

He rushed to her and hugged her. She felt so fragile in his arms.

"What happened to you, are your mood swings becoming worse?"

Rose didn't answer but hugged him tighter almost disappearing in his chest.

"Am hungry " she said.

Ralph didn't ask why her eyes were swollen or why she had cried but fed her until she was full.

He later forced her to watch some movies so her mood would lighten up, but she soon fell asleep.

After he put her to bed and giving Dorothy things to do for her, he left.

Rose had nightmares that night, waking up she hugged Arthur's pillow and tried to comfort herself.

Why did it have to be this way? After going through that horrible experience and moving on with her life it appears again.

Archie seemed like a dangerous jerk. The way he treated her was so horrible she didn't want to remember. Yet he knew something about her she didn't want Arthur to know. It was the past why did it haunt her present and future. What if Arthur found and rejected her after.

Rose cried quietly in bed as she held Arthur's pillow.

"I miss you Arthur " she cried.

Ralph arrived at his apartment tired and worried. But when he saw Alex he smiled.

"I have been waiting for you. I wanted to come but didn't want to encroach on your time with her. So is she okay ?" Alex asked

"Thank you for worrying, she seemed fine when I left. Something must have happened when she left but she won't say anything"

"Let wait for Arthur to come back, maybe he would be able to talk to her, for now, you should rest too. You worked hard at the hospital all day but had to rush to Rose too "

"I hope Arthur returns soon, she looked really depressed which might affect the baby and her too "

"Rose adores that unborn baby I don't think she would harm him. Since she knows its important to Arthur and her. Don't worry too much "

Ralph listened to Alex and decided to rest, hoping Arthur comes back soon.

She woke up the next day with a headache that she ignored.

Her driver delivered the documents she had to work on. She pushed her problems away and decided to bury herself in work.

She worked none stop without resting.

Dorothy had begged her to eat but she refused claiming she had no appetite.

"Mistress, what about your favorite yogurt, should I bring that instead of the meals?" Dorothy had asked

"Am okay Dorothy, please let me work " She had asked.

Dorothy was worried Rose had never refused her favorite yogurt even when she was full.

She called Ralph's phone but he didn't pick up which meant he was busy at the hospital the same was for Alex.

Giving up she called Arthur's phone which was switched off. She then tried Sean number which he didn't pick up.

She called his assistant who finally picked up after I few trials.

"Hello who's this ?" he asked.

"It's me Dorothy can I speak to the master ?"

"Sorry Dorothy he can't right now, he's still in a meeting. You can leave him a message " he said

"Tell him madam has been acting weird " she reported.

After delivering her message she hung up, hoping it would be delivered to Arthur.

She continued to persuade Rose to eat, who finally after some time gave in, eating a small amount just so Dorothy would stop nagging her.

She rested at the pool after handling the documents. Her legs played in the pool as she thought about her miserable past.

"Mom I miss you " She cried.

Arthur and Sean left the meeting late in the evening, both only wished to go to the hotel rooms and rest.

"Congratulations on your success," Sean said.

"You were involved too " Artur laughed.

They headed to their hotel rooms.

Arthur took a shower and had dinner. He called his assistant to tell him his next schedule

"You only have one meeting with the group of workers which will officially close the deal " he informed him

"That's not really crucial but I will do it since its included in the deal, " Arthur said.

"If that all you can retire for the night "

"One more thing sir," his assistant said

"What ?"

"Miss Dorothy called and said that your fiance was acting weird "

Arthur felt his heart stop for a second.

"Was that all she said ?" he asked

"Yes sir "

"You can leave now " Arthur commanded.

Looking for his phone he called Rose after he found it but her number was off.

He called Dorothy's phone.

"What happened to Rose ?" he asked the minute she answered

"Thank God you finally called sir. Mistress has been acting weird ever since she came back yesterday. She locked herself in the room crying all day and refusing to eat. Her brother helped yesterday but today I failed to convince her "

"What is she doing right now ?" he asked.

"She asleep sir "

"Okay make sure you look after her. I will arrive by morning "

"Okay sir, have a safe trip " Dorothy wished him.

Arthur called his assistant telling him to book a flight back home immediately which he did. He packed his clothes as he waited for the car to take him to the airport.

"Am coming home butterfly " he mumbled to himself.