"I missed you "

"Why did you decide to come back now? " Arthur's father asked

"I wanted to congratulate Arthur on his engagement. Am family after all" Archie answered.

Arthur's father despised him as much as Arthur did. His presence would disrupt his son's life.

"Do you how long it took him to recover from that trauma, it haunted him every day and night. And now that he finally settles down on the right path you show your disgusting face?"

Archie made a sly smile, he knew this kind of greeting was waiting for him. But no matter what he was bound to come back.

"Why should I hide when it was his fault in the first place. He should be the one to hide from me not the other way round, he moved on am happy for him so I came to see how he's doing is that really wrong?"

"You saw his fiance and know he's doing okay, so please leave before his back from his business trip " Arthur's father commanded.

"I came on my own will and I will leave when I want to. Am sorry to disappoint you but am staying until I feel its time to leave " Archie left his uncle's study.

Arthur's father was worried now. He knew Archie was stubborn but his son was still unpredictable, his reaction when he sees Archie may not be good.

He called his assistant.

"When is Arthur expected to come back from his trip?" he asked

"I asked his assistant and seems he already on his way back, he should be there by morning "

Mr. Ramon felt even more nervous. If his son was on his way it was trouble.

"What will you do now, if you see his face again ?" he muttered.

Arthur's flight had just landed, he asked his assistant to take him home immediately.

Dorothy was coming downstairs when she saw his tall frame enter the house.

"Where is she? "

"Still in bed "

He rushed upstairs and opened the door. He saw her frame covered in bed. She seemed to be sleeping.

He came closer to the bed, her face was pale and her lips had lost color. She crawled up around his pillow with her eyes tightly shut.

He bent down his lips meeting with her temple.

"Butterfly " he whispered.

Rose slowly opened her eyes meeting his green eyes. Thinking it was a sweet dream she moved her weak hand touching his face.

"Its really you " she cried.

Arthur sat down on the bed, touching her pale face. Her eyes were swollen she looked like she cried all night.

She starting crying again making him more confused.

He pulled her into his arms, letting her crying.

"I missed you " she cried

"I missed you to butterfly "

He wanted her to stop crying but she cried even more.

Arthur held her head, kissing her swollen eyes, nose then lips.

He had missed touching her body and scent. He kissed her like it was the first time he was doing it. Her lips felt soft against his, he hungrily kissed her addictively invading her senses. She forgot all her pain letting him flood her with his love.

His hands moved under the covers, studying her body again making him remember every part he touched, pulling her even closer.

She felt so weak under him, she had lost weight the only part that was big now was her baby bump.

He pulled away from there steamy kiss looking down at her bump, he caressed it.

His head rested on her chest as his hands caressed her belly.

"What happened Butterfly ?"

"I missed you " is all she said.

"You made me worried when you didn't pick up my calls "

"I switched it off but forgot to turn on later, am sorry I made you worried "

"Am okay now that I have seen you. Did you have breakfast, I didn't have anything since I had to rush back to you "

"I just woke up, let have some together " She suggested.

He stared at her seeing her smile, he felt relieved.

He carried her downstairs where Dorothy prepared a wonderful breakfast for them both, he fed her everything she wanted.

She ate five of her favorite yogurt which made Dorothy go crazy with happiness.

She looked much better now since the master had returned.

Ralph had decided to come to see how she was doing but found her in high spirits laughing with Arthur as they had their breakfast.

Not bothering to say hi, he left with a smile on his face seeing her back to normal.

He went back to the hospital in happy spirits.

"She's back to normal, its seems your brother had the cure for her depression," he told Alex when he arrived back at the hospital.

"So my brother choose her over the company, we'll that show how much he loves "

They were both happy Rose was okay now.

Rose was full after having a heavy breakfast so Arthur took her to the pool.

"Your body has been laying down for too long so let's do some exercise " he suggested.

"I just want to lay down " Rose complained.

But Arthur won the argument after convincing her it would only take a short time.

They changed and he took her to the pool.

He held her as she moved in the water, he knew she loved the water. And so enough she was immersed playing in the water.

Arthur had to beg her to leave the water saying it was bad for the baby if she stayed too long.

He dried her body and hair in their room.

She soon fell asleep again in his arms as they lay in bed. This time she didn't have any bad dreams but slept peacefully.

Arthur was being tired from his trip and work soon fell into a deep slumber.

"WHAT ..he left ?" Sean shouted

"He said you can handle the rest " Sean assistant reported.

"That bastard, how could he leave me here alone"

"He said there was an emergency at home so he had to leave "

"The only thing he wanted was to go see her. Is he really losing his mind because of love? That why I decided not to follow his path " Sean remarked

"Sir we should leave soon, the meeting is in twenty minutes "

Sean became angrier.

"ARTHUR ! you will pay for this " He yelled as he left to prepare for the meeting.