"It's a boy "

Rose rushed into the hall, grabbing everyone's attention. Her face was red with tears and her hair disheveled.

She moved to her seat seeing Arthur's back she moved even faster so she could reach him.

But her legs gave away and she collapsed to the floor.

The guests rushed to her aid when they saw her faint.

Arthur turned seeing the commotion he came to see what had happened but was shocked to see Rose down on the floor unconscious.

"Butterfly what happened? " he carried her in his arms.

His assistant rushed to get the car without being told. Arthur carried her into the car and ordered to be taken to the hospital.

Arthur held her tight scared to let go. It was then he saw the stain on her dress. She was bleeding which was a bad sign.

"You call that driving, if anything happens to her and my child I won't spare you " he shouted at his driver, who increased the speed of the car.

They arrived at the hospital and Rose was rushed to the emergency room.

Arthur felt his heart leave his body, his body shivered as tears formed in his eyes.

Soon his mother, father, and Sean arrived asking him what had really happened.

Sean was told that Arthur left after Rose fainted, so he called his parents and came to the hospital

"I don't know what happened, she just fainted and started bleeding then..." Arthur couldn't continue talking as tears streamed down his face.

His mother hugged him

"Don't worry son it might be just a minor problem, nothing will happen to her " she said.

Arthur felt scared just thinking that she was in a hospital.

The doctor came out to meet them.

"Doctor is she and the baby okay ?" he asked.

"She doing okay and so is the baby, we were able to the bleeding which was a good thing," he said.

"What caused her to be in this state?" Sean asked.

"Her body looks okay but she seemed to have been under a stressful environment or someone physically hurt her which led to this " the doctor explained.

After the doctor assured them she and the baby where okay he left. Rose was put in a VVIP room so she could rest.

Arthur held her hand and gazed at her pale face.

Her lips had lost color that she looked so weak.

"Butterfly what happened ?" he whispered

Sean had left to check the CCTV cameras and see if anything did happen when she left for the restrooms.

He was sure something had happened, she was in a jolly mood when he left so what made her that way he wondered.

His parents had left when they saw that Rose was safe leaving Arthur to take care of her.

Dorothy came later and brought him some clothes and food.

Arthur stayed by her side the whole night watching over her.

Vivian had watched the news the next day, they talked about how the future daughter in law of the Ramon family was hospitalized after fainting at the charity event.

She immediately called Archie.

"See what you did you fool. Now Arthur will hurt you down " She yelled through the phone

"He won't know that bitch won't open her mouth "

"Are you dumb or what? The cameras might have caught you following her " Vivian shouted.

"I didn't think about that at the time, what are we going to do?" he asked.

"Sink alone you bastard I didn't tell you to harass her to the state of being hospitalized. She pregnant which makes her fragile you should have thought about that before you did what you did "

She hung up in a state of fury. He was really a brainless jerk. He knew Arthur was a dangerous person to mess with then why was he so careless. He always felt his cool but anybody who knew him well feared him.

His enemies usually ended up disappearing without a trance, now this lunatic had pissed him off.

Rose woke up finding herself in the hospital. She tried to move but her back hurt and she ended up waking Arthur who was sleeping by her side.

"Butterfly your awake " he held her sit upright and brought her a glass of water.

After she drank her water , she asked him why he had bought her to the hospital.

"You fainted during the event and started to bled so I had to bring you here " he explained.

Rose instantly touched her belly and asked if the baby was okay.

"He's okay " Arthur said.

"He ?" Rose asked.

"Yes, butterfly the baby is a boy. The doctor told me when he examined it " Arthur said.

Rose cried feeling happy about the news as she held her belly.

"At least we got something good from this " Arthur hugged her.

Sean later came to the hospital finding Arthur watch over a now sleeping Rose.

"She won't run away from you if you leave her sight " he teased his friend.

"What happened made me realize that anything can happen to us and I might lose her or our son"

"Its a boy? , am happy for you. when I saw you cry It was then I realized how you loved her "

"Did you find out anything?" Arthur asked.

"Yeah, I did but am not sure if it's true. the cameras showed a man followed her to the lavatories and when I checked it was your cousin Archie " Sean said.

He's going to pay for almost putting Rose's life and my son in danger "

"But what does he want from Rose, Is it because she's close to you that he wants to hurt you through her? But that's, not his style " Sean remarked

"I don't care anymore, I had left him alone since he was quiet after he met Rose the first time. But he's done this now I won't spare him " Arthur sneered

"What do you plan to do ?"

"Who attended the event with him? " Arthur asked

"Vivian was the only person he talked to when he arrived so it seems they were in it together. In fact,t she had followed him to the restrooms " Sean reported.

"It time she gets to know how I deal with people of her kind " Arthur jeered.

"What do you think he did to her in the room for her to react that way ?" Sean stared at the sleeping Rose.

"Whatever it was she must have been scare. And he's going to pay for it " his eyes depicted the anger he felt.