"I warned you "

"I can't leave Rose right now so help me find him and leave the rest to me " Arthur told Sean

"What if she finds out, will she like what you're doing?" Sean asked

"I know she will understand " he said back.

Sean later left to find out more about Archie and his accomplice Vivian.

Both of them hadn't noticed that Rose was awake the whole time, listening to their conversation. She had remembered that she had seen Vivian at the doorway of the restrooms when she came out.

"So that bitch was involved too " Rose whispered.

Arthur went out to talk to someone on his phone leaving her alone. Rose used the chance to change into the clothes Dorothy had brought her and move out.

She was startled by the two bodyguards Arthur had got to guard her room.

She stood in the doorway staring at both the tall, huge men. She pointed at one of them and told him to follow her.

"You follow me, Arthur put you here to protect me and we're am going I need protection, so follow me " she said boldly.

Both men knew their purpose was to protect her so they didn't argue and the selected one followed her.

She had already called her driver who was waiting at the hospital entrance. She got in with the bodyguard.

"Did you get her address ? " she asked the driver.

"Yes I did "he answered

" Then lets head there right now " Rose instructed.

Arthur came back only to find one of the bodyguards at the door.

"Where did the other one go ?" he asked

"He left with the madam," he said.

"Which madam ?"

"Your fiance the one we are guarding "

Arthur rushed into the room and found the bed empty with her hospital gown in the restroom.

He moved back out and asked if she told him where she was going but he said no.

Arthur panicked and tried to call her number but it was switched off which was the same for her driver and bodyguard.

He called Sean and asked him to help search for her. She hadn't recovered but was out moving around.

Rose arrived at Vivian's house and instructed her bodyguard to follow him inside.

"Last time I was able to beat her up but as you can see I can't right now " Rose told him

They arrived at the gate where they didn't hesitate to open since they knew who she was.

"Welcome madam " one of the maids said when Rose came into the house.

"Where is she?" Rose asked not too bothered with her sweet greeting.

"Having lunch " the maid answered

"Lead the way " Rose commanded.

The maid did as she was told and lead Rose to where Vivian was having her lunch.

Vivian saw Rose approach her and almost chocked on her food.

"What are you doing in my house?" She coughed

"I told you last time, that if you hurt my child I would kill you " Rose let out as she played with the knife on the table.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? , don't think just because Arthur is behind you can do anything "

Rose moved her hand instructing her bodyguard to grab Vivian which he did.

Rose said "I might have come from a poor background and look like a gold digger to you but I don't care. Yes, I might have had Arthur's help to reach where I am right now but I did most it myself with my capabilities and proved to him I was worthy of his love. But what have you been doing apart from chasing him around like a stalker "

"He will dump you sooner or later. He might be in love with you now since you are carrying that little bastard in your womb " Vivian yelled.

Rose slapped her when she heard her statement.

"I warned you never to insult my child " Rose slapped her again the second time.

Her bodyguard held Vivian in position so she couldn't escape.

"When my father hears about what you're doing his going to destroy you " Vivian cried as her cheeks turned red.

Rose slapped her a third time as she laughed.

"Do you think I care right now. You almost made me lose my baby cause of your stupid obsession with Arthur. You were crazy enough to even join forces with that scumbag just to hurt me " Rose shouted.

"It wasn't my fault he did that to you, he did it himself I wasn't involved " Vivian cried

"So you're saying it wasn't you who told him about me being at the charity event and helping him watch the door as he harassed me ?" Rose's felt her anger rise when she remembered what had happened that day.

Vivian didn't respond and continued to cry.

"Why are you silent now? then let me tell you this, I might look weak but a can fight back when you hurt the things I love. So please don't provoke me again " Rose remarked.

She moved closer to the crying Vivian and whispered into her ear.

"A piece of advice, keep your distance from Archie his a dangerous person and Arthur now has his eyes on you so behave " she warned

"You will pay for what you have done today " Vivian cried

Rose laughed and looked at her pitiful red face.

" I won't do this if I was scared of the consequences. Do you think your family would dare go against the Ramon household, I don't think so "

Rose used the napkin on the table and cleaned her hands, then turned around to leave with her bodyguard who had just thrown Vivian on the floor after being abused by Rose.

Rose moved to the sitting room but was surprised to see Arthur and Sean who seemed to be chatting seated in Vivian's sitting room.

"What are you two doing here?" Rose asked the two men.

Arthur stared at her like he was looking at some else but not Rose.

"While you vanished, Arthur went crazy with worry and told me to find you. Which I did, but when we got to where you were, you looked busy so we let you finish what you were doing" Sean explained.

Arthur didn't say anything but got up, held her hand, and led her out of Vivian 's home.

"Let's leave this place first," he said as they got out of the house into his car.