Ralph's revelation .

Arthur didn't say a word to Rose as they headed back. Rose stared at him thinking he might have been angry for her leaving like that without telling him.

His eyes we're looking outside the car window as he had held her tightly not letting go.

Arthur had been scared when he found out that Rose had left for Vivian's house in her condition.

He and Sean drove like crazy to reach Vivian's house. But they were surprised when they came in and saw her slap, Vivian.

Her face was so angry as she told Vivian not to insult her baby.

Arthur had stood frozen at the spot as he watched her slap her enemy.

He thought she was joking when she told him she was the bully during her high school days.

She was so fierce as she slapped Vivian with all the anger she held.

It seemed it wasn't there first time fighting since Rose had talked about a warning.

When did it happen that he wasn't even able to find out?

Arthur turned his head and looked at Rose who had been staring at him.

"When did she insult you the first time?" he asked

"At the family party at your parent's home" Rose answered.

She felt ashamed that Arthur had seen her act like that.

"Am sorry that I didn't protect you well " Arthur said as he pulled her closer.

"Arthur you can't do everything for me, I should also do something for myself "

"When I saw you use your delicate hands to slap that slut , I felt disappointed in myself for not doing better "

Rose laughed "Arthur my hands have been handling tough jobs for a long time that just slapping Vivian was a piece of cake and you shouldn't feel bad this I had to do " Rose explained.

Arthur kissed her temple and held her tighter in his arms.

"Don't worry they won't hurt you anymore " he said.

"But there is something I have to tell you " Rose confessed

"Whatever it is it can wait till we reach home since you discharged your self from the hospital" Arthur stopped her.

"Promise me you will listen ? " asked Rose.

"I promise, " Arthur said

Sean had stayed behind at Vivian's house.

"Tell me where he's hiding and I won't tell your parents that you almost killed the daughter in law of Ramon's family, " Sean told Vivian

"I never did such a thing to her " Vivian screamed.

"I have evidence so you better hurry up and tell me right now " Sean threatened.

Vivian stared at Sean, she knew how cruel he was just like his friend Arthur.

"The last I heard from him, he was staying at one of his parents' homes but I don't know which one " Vivian let out.

Sean didn't stay any longer and also left after his interrogation.

He told his men to search and look for Archie in all his parent's estates.

He was exhausted from all the drama in his friend's life.

"Arthur your family drama never ends " he mumbled.

Sean arrived home only to be welcomed by the smell of food in the kitchen. His lips formed a smile knowing who it was.

He moved to the kitchen and was met with a sight of Irene's busy cooking. She held a ladle as she tasted the soup.

Sean moved closer and held her waist surprising her.

"When did you arrive?" she asked

"Just a while ago "

"How is Rose doing? I went there last evening but she was still asleep " Irene asked Sean.

"All a can say is that she's a tough cookie " Sean commented.

Irene laughed and turned around to look him in the face.

"Rose has been called that all her life, but why do you say so did something happen ?" Irene asked

Sean was too exhausted to tell her the whole story so he said "She will tell you herself when you see her "

Irene saw that he exhausted and instructed him to sit down so she could serve him. Sean obeyed and did as he was told.

Irene served the meal which they both enjoyed.

"Why do I love your cooking? Sean asked after he was done.

" Maybe because I put too much love into it " Irene giggled.

Sean stood up and carried her from her seat.

"Sean, what are you doing, isn't it too early for this?" Irene shouted.

"It's never too early when we both want to " he said while moving towards his bedroom.

"I never said I wanted to " Irene said

"Even when you don't use your mouth I can read it from your eyes " Sean whispered.

Irene laughed as she let him kiss her when they reached the bedroom.

When Arthur and Rose reached home they found Alex and Ralph waiting for them.

Ralph was angry that he wasn't informed about his sister's condition.

"Why are we always the last people to find out anything ?" Alex asked.

"It was all over the news how could you not find out " Arthur told them.

"Arthur don't think we are always plastered on the news waiting to find out what's happening in both your lives, we are doctors so the majority of our time is spent in the operation room or wards with patients," Ralph said.

"Okay guys stop, we are sorry we didn't tell you early but am okay now and as you can see I just left the hospital so am fine " Rose interfered.

"Next please tell us in time, you guys make us look like we are too busy to even care about you" said Alex.

"Okay, we will " Rose assured them.

They stayed for dinner and Alex and Rose watched their favorite drama after. The men sat outside on the terrace as they drank beer.

"What happened to my sister ?" Ralph asked

"Someone from my past caused it, he seems to know something about her too that his using to make her not tell me " Arthur told Ralph.

Ralph kept silent for a while without saying anything and took a sip of his beer.

"My sister suffered a lot in the past, first was father leaving, then something horrible happened to her that she was strong enough to pull through. Then our mother left us she did t have time to mourn since she had to multiple the number of part-time jobs she did to take care of us both. Her life has been full of hardships so I won't like it when someone threatens what she has right now " said Ralph.

"Am sorry to have let this happen to her, but it won't again I promise " Arthur said.

"She was raped when she was eighteen years old and I wasn't even there to protect her. She almost lost her sanity after that but mother helped her through it and she was soon back to normal. Yet her world was never the same again after that. She stopped smiling as she used to, became cold and distant even to us sometimes. But when she was almost back mother got sick and it turned to just making money. I watched her every day but I had nothing to do apart from doing what she told " Ralph cried.