
Rose walked down the stony path, that was aligned with all kinds of beautiful flowers.

She was dressed in a short white dress but her feet had no shoes.

She followed the path which led her to field with a woman holding something.

She turned and looked at Rose which revealed her face.

"Mother?!" Rose cried as she ran to her.

Her mother opened her arms and received her, giving her a motherly embrace.

Rose felt all her emotions give away as she cried her heart out in her mother's arms.

"I missed you so much mother " she cried.

"My pretty daughter, I missed you too " her mother cried.

They say down and chatted, Rose felt so happy that she spoke so fast that her mother missed some of her words.

"Am getting married too, and I have a little baby boy who is named after his handsome father " she told her mother.

"Am happy my daughter is finally having a good life and leaving the past alone "

Rose then frowned when she remembered the past, she looked at her mother's face as she did.

Her father who hurt them so much, then her mother suffering to take care of them.

"Mother am happy too, seeing you so joyful and smiling like this " Rose hugged her mother again.

"You must let go of your past my dear and never look back no matter what. It will hurt you but it for your own good and the people around you "

"But mom, what if it too big of a deal to let go and I just can't " Rose cried.

"I know a lot of people have hurt you but the more you hold the pain and fear you got from that experience, you will never have anything good in your life "

Rose felt a headache as the pain of her memories drifted into her mind.

The night she had tried to follow her father and ended up being raped by Archie, her mother getting sick and dying leaving them alone. Her struggle of getting money, Archie, Vivian, and Victoria's shadows that followed her after she entered Arthur's life.

Her mother held her head and massaged it as she whispered consulting words in her ears.

"It the past now, if you hold on to it your future is never going to be bright. Embrace all the beautiful and sweet memories made with the people you love "

Her tears flowed down her face she placed her head into her mother's lap.

"Mom it's so hard to fight with the painful past "

"I left you with people who would do anything to give you happiness, just look at them and you will get your strength "

Rose thought about her brother who always stood by her, Irene who shared all the bad and good with her, Alex who became a sister to her and her parents who treated her like their own.

Sean who always mocked but liked her.

Then his face appeared holding their little son, Arthur smiled at her pulling her closer as he kissed her forehead.

"Butterfly, I think little Arthur us ready to use a bottle, so think its time to rule your nipples again" Rose burst out and laughed.

"See, you still have them. And as long as they are there never feel alone " Her mother caressed her hair.

"I understand mother " Rose smiled.

They looked at the blue sky as the cool air made the tree branches sway in a beautiful dance.

"What will you do about the past now?" her mother asked.

"I will face it so that I can face my future brightly," said Rose.

She closed her eyes as she felt her mother hum a song and her figures playing in her hair.

As she enjoyed the beautiful feeling, they heard a baby's cry. Her mother smiled and looked down at her.

"I think it's time you left " She said to Rose.

Rose got up and hugged her mother nothing wanting to go but hearing her son's cry she knew it was time.

" Will, I ever see you again?" Rose asked.

"When the right time comes, we will. Now get up and get ready " her mother helped her up.

Rose had to see what she had been holding when she hugged her, her mother brought out a pair of pretty shoes.

She got down on her knees and helped her put them on.

"I hope with these you will find your path " her mother said.

Rose hugged her so tightly as her mother whispered a sweet I love you message.

She moved towards the path she had walked to meet her mother.

She turned her back to say one last goodbye but her mother wasn't their anymore.

She turned and walked back the beautiful path with tears in her eyes.

Arthur was sleeping beside Rose holding her so right in his embrace when she woke up.

His arms were wrapped around her, she looked up and watched him sleep.

Little Arthur was crying in his crib, but Arthur seemed too tired to wake up.

Rose quietly and smoothly pulled away from his embrace and staggered to bus crib. Her feet still hurt from all the wounds which limited the way she walked.

Little Arthur stopped crying the moment she carried him in her hands.

"Don't cry little angel, mom is here " Rose sat down in the couch and breastfed him.

She placed him back into his crib and rocked him back to sleep after feeding him.

Arthur who finally sensed her absence in the bed woke up in fright.

"Butterfly?!" he yelled.

Rose turned to him and placed her hand on her lips, signaling him to keep it down.

Arthur jumped out of the bed and rushed to her. He carried her back to the bed worried that her feet might hurt more.

"Butterfly are you okay? " he asked with tears forming in his eyes.

She placed her hand on his face and nodded.

"I missed you so much " She said.

Arthur immediately kissed her with all the eagerness and pain he had felt without her.

After letting go of her lips he said, " You can't even imagine how I missed you "