Awake .

Archie woke up in a strange room with machines next to him.

Pain from his lower torso insulted him immediately he tried to move.

" You should thank parents that he left you alive since you both share the same blood " Sean told Archie.

"He will regret doing it " he shouted.

"Well if you have plans of making a comeback think you should cancel them. Cause you won't leave here even if you kill yourself " Sean said as he left the room.

Archie screamed as the door of the room was shut closed after Sean walked out.

Sean walked to the room next to it and entered.

Victoria laid motionlessly on the bed as her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

"How are you doing old friend?" he asked.

She didn't answer but covered her face instead.

"I told you to go back before it was too late, but you decided to take this path. Now look where you have landed " Sean continued saying " Anyway I just wanted to tell you that Rose was found and she was able to reunite with Arthur and their baby "

Victoria started crying as she cursed Rose and Arthur.

"After a few years when your parents get tired of looking for you, my men will finally kill you and leave your body to rot here," Sean said.

"You can't do this to just because of that bitch, she is not worth it " Victoria screamed.

"You and I know how crazy Arthur gets when things he loves get hurt or taken, but you still acted like an idiot and hurt Rose. So I think its all your fault " Sean remarked.

"But he loved me first and I knew he was waiting for me " she cried.

"Yeah he did but he moved on and found something greater than the cheap pathetic love you used to deceive him with. I have never seen him cry for a woman not even when you left him alone, but he did when she got hurt. Your stupidity drove you to a dead end so deal with it " Sean yelled at her.

Victoria cried not believing what he was saying, she put her hands in her ears and screamed.

"You really are more pathetic now with that ugly face " Sean sneered and left the room.

They both laid in bed holding each other so tight that Rose heard Arthur's heartbeat.

"Then I traced your phone and found out where they took you " Arthur told Rose.

"Then how did you find me here ?" She asked

"My men did and told me that a stranger had rescued you and admitted you here "

"Did you catch Archie and Victoria?" Rose asked

Arthur nodded and said, "We did and I handled them to the authorities, so don't worry and just get better "

"I am better, just a few scratches but am fine " she said.

Arthur hugged her and room in her scent.

"I missed you so much butterfly "

Rose giggled as she remembered the statement he had said in her dream.

They both soon went back to sleep holding each other like their lives depended on it.

The next morning they were woken up by Sean and Irene who had just arrived.

"Arthur why do you bother my friend in the bed, this room is filled with empty space you can sleep in, but you still sleep beside her " Irene complained.

Arthur and Rose both opened their eyes scaring both Sean and Irene.

"Rose you're awake?!" She shouted.

Rose smiled as Arthur helped her out of bed to the couch in the room.

"Yes I am and it seems you have been harassing my Arthur when I wasn't "

Irene rushed to her side and hugged her, as she denied the charged Rose had accused her of.

"He was so worried about you that when he got you back he didn't want you out of his sight," Irene said.

"He cried more than the baby when your where missing " Sean added.

"Okay you guys should stop teasing him, Arthur is a sensitive guy so I understand him " Rose defended him.

They all laughed when he led the room after.

They had breakfast and asked Rose how she was able to escape.

Telling them her experience helped her relieve all her fear away.

"Well Arthur put them where they wouldn't harm you again " Sean assured her.

Ralph was happy to see his sister finally awake, they chatted and laughed filling the hospital room with laughter and a lively mood.

Towards noon they all departed and left Arthur and the baby with Rose who decided to feed him again after he woke up.

Arthur who had been watching her feed him got annoyed and finally complained.

"It was me who did the hard work of finding you, but how come he gets to suck the nipples first and not me?! "

Rose and little Arthur both turned and gave him a look.

Putting the baby back to fed she said to Arthur,

"Arthur when do you plan to stop with that issue, I told you to learn to share " Rose exclaimed.

"But I did most of the hard part and only got a kiss, but he gets to suck the nipples and stay in your arms longer "his face frowned expressing his discomfort

" Arthur his your son and unlike you who does it for pleasure, he does it to feed. And I have to hold him more since he's young and still needs me more than you do " Little Arthur giggled like he was saying yes to his mother's statement.

"Don't tell me you don't enjoy it too ?" he looked straight into her eyes as he asked her the question.

Rose turned away from his gaze and smiled.

"Arthur I promise that when we get home, you will get the reward for your hard work " she smiled.

Arthur didn't say another word after and continued to watch her feed their son as he imagined what would happen at home when they returned.