"You where too greedy "

" Mom, dad thank you for being here with me today. Alex and Irene, I want to thank you for supporting me and Rose and being there for us when we needed you guys. My best friend and brother Sean, thank you for always having my back even when I didn't need you ". Arthur said making everybody giggle. " I can't promise to stop showing off my love for Rose, but I won't do it In front of you anymore " He turned and looked towards Rose's seat.

She was staring at him with her lovely blue eyes with a smile on her face. Her cheeks had turned red from the champagne. She has never been a good drinker he thought as he smiled back at her.

" I remember the first day we met, I think that's when I fell for you. You got drunk and spent the night with me. Then the next day you left in my shirt. When I met you again, I promised my self not to ever let you go. I want to thank you for being my reason to look forward to the next day, for loving me in your kind and beautiful way "

Sean's drunken face crumbled when he heard Arthur's words towards his new wife.

"He just promised but his doing it again " he grumbled.

Arthur chuckled but continued to say, " Thank you for making me a complaining father and agreeing to stay with me even when I know it sometimes hard. I promise to continue to love your warm smile, the way you touch me, and take care of me. No matter what happens in the future, I will forever Love you "

The audience clapped their hands as he moved back to the tearing Rose. She hugged him as she whispered a thank you to him.

Rose held the microphone but failed to say anything since she was still crying. Arthur came down and dried them for her. He stood beside her as they waited for her speech.

"Where do I start, we'll for starters thank you all for being with me on this dream come true day. Mom, dad, and Alex thank you for accepting me into your family. Sean and Irene, I will always be grateful to you " She turned to Arthur who was beside her holding her hand.

"And to you my love, thank you for being handsome, intelligent, a good father, witty and good in bed. Now you're my husband I promise to love and adore you for the rest of our lives. And to never fly away cause I will always be your butterfly ". She finished her speech as her eyes gazed into his green ones.

He bent down and kissed her, as the rest applauded for them.

Arthur carried his sleeping son as he led Rose out of the hall. The bodyguards protected them from the media who wanted to take more pictures of them.

They left in their car that headed to the airport.

Rose had changed into a blue mermaid fitted knee dress that matched Arthur's suit.

They entered the jet when they arrived at the airport.

" Butterfly when is Dorothy arriving, we are getting late " Arthur asked Rose.

"She isn't, I told her not to come and take rest since we won't be home " Rose gave Arthur a charming smile

His face folded with disappointment

" Then who is going to take care of Arthur when we are together?" he angrily asked

"We will, Arthur his our son and we are is parents. We should always be with him and especially on our honeymoon "

"What do you mean by that?" he say down next to her.

"I think Little Arthur was supposed to be conceived on our honeymoon but you where too greedy that he came too early. So since his already with us I think he has the right to come with us "

Arthur gave a glance to his sleeping son in the next seat and frowned.

"I won't say another word since it's my fault or you might call me jealous again," he said as he moved his seat so that he could rest.

Rose giggled but did the same and soon both of them were asleep as the jet headed to their destination.

"He didn't even say goodbye to me, that bastard" Sean complained.

Irene led him into one of the rooms of the hotel.

The guest where leaving and only the drunk ones stayed in the hotel.

Arthur's parents had left after Arthur and Rose had set off.

Alex and Ralph had decided to stay in the hotel since they were too tired to drive home.

Everybody left in high and cheerful spirits. But nobody had given attention to the gloomy handsome guy at the back.

He had followed them from the church to the reception hall. His eyes never left the happy couple at the center front of the hall.

He had danced with Rose when she decided to change partners with the guests. She was too happy and excited to notice his cold glare at her.

"She seems too happy after destroying Victoria's life " he murmured.

They had left for their honeymoon, he lowered his gaze down to his hands that held the ring that Victoria had put on his finger on their

engagement day.

"I will get you back " he vowed.

Victoria's father had warned him of the Rosebond's power in the country He too had made his research and was shocked to see how powerful and rich they were. But no matter what he was going to try his best and get her back. She might have treated him badly but he loved her and that was enough for him.

Arthur had seemed to be a strange person but with a soft spot for his wife, who seemed too fragile just like how he called her.

He had heard Arthur called her butterfly which fascinated him since she was beautiful, and fragile like it.

Their friends and family all looked like they loved and cared for them. He was jealous most of the time when he saw how they all cared for each other.

The little baby did look like the doll version of Arthur. He had his smile but his mother's eyes.

His parents and sister looked closer to them.

He had observed them in every detail.