" Back off "

"Ahh... Bunny I have something to tell you " Sean said.

"I told you to stop calling me that weird name. Stop trying to match up to Arthur's love for Rose, and just be yourself, okay "

Sean's face frowned after her statement.

"Am not trying to match up to their love, I just want to show you how much I love you " Sean said.

Irene sighed and asked what he wanted to tell her.

"Don't be angry but since Arthur's wedding....this crazy bitch Marie Claire has been calling me "

Sean observed Irene face for a change but nothing happened.

"Don't worry I didn't pick up any of the calls " he assured her.

"You don't need to tell me since I already know about it. Am just angry that you didn't tell me immediately when she did " She said.

"I wanted to but I was scared that you might attack her and cause a scene "

"Do you think am a mad dog that bites everyone in its way. I know how to control myself and avoid useless issues" Irene shouted.

She moved out of the room with her pretty face full of anger.

Sean chased after her but she pushed him aside.

"I know I might look like I don't belong in your high above the world but I know how to behave and control myself in some situations. I know it's in the past and I don't care if she calls as long as she doesn't cross the limit I will also stay in mine " she stormed out of the house in a bad mood.

Sean dropped into the couch angry that he had an argument with Irene cause of his lousy past.

He picked up his phone and called her up.

"Let's meet," he said through the phone and soon after left too.

He met with Marie Claire who was excited to meet him finally after calling him endless.

"You finally gave in to my charms " she smiled.

Sean stared at her pretty face that seemed to be covered by too much makeup and half-smiled.

"I never once fell for your charms, even when we were dating. It was all a show so I could get close to your father and that worked out well for me, you were just a bonus I got with the contract "

Marie Claire's smile disappeared after his cold words came out.

But she wasn't the type to lose to anyone.

"Then why did you come, did you miss our old times?" she asked.

"Nope, I just wanted to tell you to back off and let me be. My life is on the right track so please don't provoke me anymore "

"You came all this way just to say something you can say on the phone, I think that's just an excuse. You just wanted to see me " She smiled as she moved her thin pale hand towards his.

He dodged it and stood up to leave.

" If you don't want to end up hurt stay far away from me and Irene. If anything.." he bent down and grabbed her hand with force.

"And I mean anything happens to come in between me and her and I find out it's because of you I won't even think twice " he pushed it away.

Feeling the pain from his grasp in her now red arm she shouted back at him.

"What did those two women do to you and Arthur. They are just lowlifes who are trying to fit in our world "

Before she knew it, his hand had already slapped her left cheek. She stumbled back to her seat as tears formed in her eyes.

"You dare slap me for a worthless slut like her " she cried.

"If you don't want to be more hurt, then don't come near or in front of me ever again " Sean grabbed his coat and left the restaurant.

He wasn't sure if what he felt was the so-called true love, but he wanted to protect it no matter what. He got into his car and headed to the office, Arthur wasn't back yet so all the responsibilities If the company rested on his shoulders, he wondered if Irene was okay.

He had admired Arthur's love with Rose that when he finally experienced it losing her scared him.

He walked through the empty dark corridor that leads to his office as he thought about how he was going to explain himself to Irene.

He dropped into his seat as he planned what to tell Irene to clear the misunderstanding that was now between them.

He picked up his phone and called Arthur.

"Why do I feel so happy when I hear your voice?" Sean asked.

"Did you have a fight with Irene?" Arthur asked.

"How did you know, did she call Rose already?"

Arthur laughed as his friend.

"Nope she hasn't, but I wouldn't know since she spends days shopping and having fun," he said.

"I thought you were having the time of your life, did something happen?" Sean asked.

"I don't even know where to start, she avoided me ever since we arrived here. All I do is take care of the baby and cook, then wait for her to come back "

Arthur heard laughter from the other end of the call. Sean laughed forgetting his anger and sadness.

"I thought I was the only one in sadness, but you seem to be worse than me, I think they want time from us," Sean said.

"Worry about yourself before you do about me, I can fix mine easily since we are married but for you my friend, I don't think so since she can easily leave you," Arthur said.

"Why are you attacking me when I only called to since I missed you. If the honeymoon isn't working out just returned the company and I are waiting for you " Sean said