Similar Taste .

Irene drove Rose home from the hospital. Sean and Arthur had decided to keep it a secret about who had shot him.

The spy she had got seemed to also keep his mouth shut too.

"He will be fine, as far as I know, Arthur has been through this a lot of times. Sean usually tells me about their past before we met them " Irene said.

Rose looked at her with a questioning look, " You guys really do a lot than have sex "

"Well Rose, for your information, when we are tired from work. We take a shower and sit down and talk about his and my past, it's not really nice but it helps me get to know him better "

"How come I never do that with Arthur?" Rose asked herself.

"Maybe because you guys are so busy with the company, baby, and each other's bodies to have the time to do it "

Rose knew her friend was right, since she met Arthur, they were so occupied with being together that they never sat down to really talk about their lives.

"I think that's why we are still having this big gap between us, that we are trying to avoid. Sometimes I really wonder if I do know him "

"Rose you married the richest man in the country and am dating the other so girlfriend, I don't think we know them that much " Irene laughed.

Rose looked out the window as she wondered if Arthur really was like what he was described in the media. The richest man in the country, with a strong sense of business and a really dangerous competitor.

She remembered when she had read a couple of magazines about him when had started to date him. She was worried he would really be like what was said in them. But he later proved her wrong when he treated her with love and respect.

He gave her a home, family, a beautiful son, and most of all, he loves her with all his heart that he married her even after knowing it was against his social status.

Her thought had wandered off, but her phone brought her back. It was Nathan calling her.

"I heard what happened, is he okay?" he asked.

"He's okay, it wasn't a deep wound so he will be fine soon," she told him.

"Happy to hear that, heading home?" he asked again.

Rose told him she was, so he asked if he could join her home.

"Of course you can come," she said.

Irene gave her friend a meaningful look and continued to drive.

They arrived home, Rose fed her son while Irene and Dorothy prepared snacks.

Nathan arrived shortly, Rose introduced her to Irene who seemed not to like him.

They drank tea as they had little chats with each other.

"Rose do you really trust your husband?" he asked after a while.

Surprised by the question, she smiled, " I do with all my heart "

Nathan smiled, "What if you find out his done things that are unpardonable, will you still live and trust him? "

Rose felt more intimidated, Irene had left to receive a call, she stared at him with questions about why he was asking such questions.

Nathan smiled but still waited for her answer.

"No matter what, I will always stay by his side " she answered.

Nathan took a sip of his tea and gave her his most awkward smile.

Irene came back, " Sorry Rose, it's seems am needed at the shop so I have to go " Irene apologized and picked up her bag. She hugged her then left.

Irene drove back to her job, she later received a call from Sean asking her if they had arrived home.

"Yeah we did, but this strange guy from the company showed up later. Rose seemed to know him so I left her with him chatting and returned to work "

"What strange guy?" he asked.

"She said his name is Nathan and that she..." before Irene could finish her words, he hung up.

She what had happened but when she tried his phone again, he failed to answer.

Sean rushed to Arthur's room to tell him about Nathan's appearance.

"WHAT?!, that bastard really has a thick skin to even go to my home " Arthur shouted.

Sean had got the car ready and soon they headed to his home.

Arthur was nervous, angry, and scared that Nathan would do something to Rose.

He knew she could protect herself since he had taken the liberty of training her self-defense techniques during the time they spent a week at home.

Everybody thought they had been having fun and relaxing but in reality, he had been training her.

"Arthur doesn't worry, nothing will happen " assured Sean.

They arrived home shortly only to find Dorothy and Little Arthur with Rose missing.

"Where did Butterfly go?" he asked her.

"She left with her guest a while ago " he was told.

Arthur felt something pierce his heart, he felt more worried now. If Nathan was crazy enough to shot him, then he was cable if hurting Rose.

He called her phone but no one answered. Her GPS tracker was off so he couldn't trace her anymore.

Rose drove her car with Nathan seated in the passenger seat, She knew what he had done but had pretended not to know anything.

Arthur had tried to hide it, even her spy did. But she had listened to them when they were having a conversation about how Nathan had shot Arthur and then gone missing.

Arthur had been hurt because of him, giving her a scare she would not forget.

Arthur was fine but the danger still lingered out free. When he called her Rose knew he wanted to do something. So she played along with his plans.

He wanted something which she didn't know what.

"So did you find the woman you were looking for?" she asked.

"Not yet but am almost there "

"What was she like when you guys were dating?"

Nathan laughed at her question, " why the sudden interest?"

"Am just curious what sort of woman you would like?" Rose

Nathan was quiet for a while then said, " Let's say, I and Arthur have quite similar taste in a woman " Rose gave him a look.

"What I mean is that you and she are similar but also different. She like the other bad and string version of you "

Rose smiled, she finally got to know who she was talking about. If Arthur and he had a similar taste he could only mean one person, Victoria.

"So your planning to use me to get her back from Arthur?" she asked.

Nathan's smile dropped as he turned to look at her.

He innocently asked, " I don't get what you mean".

Rose boldly said " let me rephrase that, you want to use me to get Victoria back "

Nathan's face changed and without warning, he jerked at Rose, trying to take the wheel from her hands. She fought back causing the car to lose control.

She felt him push her aside, using all her strength pushed him away, but before she could fully grasp the wheel again. The car came into contact with an another and due to the speed they had been traveling, it turned over and over

Rose felt something jerk into her lower body, face, and chest. She didn't know how but everything moved in slow motion until the car stopped.

She saw Nathan being thrown out of the car with force and rolling on the road. Before she could think of anything else, an image of Arthur and little Arthur smiling at her flashed through her mind.

Her body was in pain with something warm flowing out from it. She wanted to open her eyes, but she was afraid of what she could see again. Her body was hanging from the car seat since the car was upside down.

The seat belt held her tightly that it brought pain when she tried breathing.

Her eyes were heavy as she tried to stay awake, screaming for help but to no avail.

She lost consciousness soon, but then her phone starting ringing somewhere in the crashed car, displaying "Husband ".