The Hospital

Arthur was going crazy with worry, he had called her phone again after a while, it seemed to turn on again. But no one received it even after he endlessly calling.

Sean called Irene who had failed to get in touch with her too.

His men came in and informed him about their search.

"We traced Nathan's phone instead and were able to get the location," one of his men said.

"Where?" Arthur asked.

"It's near a high way bridge, but we can't get there right now since an accident has just happened " he finished.

Arthur had the word accident and before they could think more about the situation, he rushed out of the house.

"Arthur don't panic, it might not be her " Sean said behind him.

Sean offered to drive since Arthur was still injured and had to be cautious about it not opening again.

They drove to the bridge with their heart rates high. Arthur forced his way through the crowd and reached the front. somewhere taking pictures while others stood gazing at the scene with worry and sadness.

Arthur looked around with his trembling body and worried eyes. But then his eyes landed on something he knew looked familiar.

It was her scarf, it was custom made only for her, so he could not mistake it for someone else.

His legs felt weak as they tried to carry him nearer to the bloody scene. He had Sean voice in the background but didn't stop moving forward.

The place was full of blood with one car he knew belonged to Rose was being opened to pull someone out.

His men came closer and protected him, the policemen who wanted to stop him soon gave up after seeing who the bodyguards where.

Sean came closer too and soon they saw Rose being pulled out of the car.

Arthur froze and watched as the woman he loved was being pulled out of a wrecked car with blood all over her body.

Her body looked lifeless as her eyes were closed.

Arthur took a step closer without making a sound and watched as she was given CPR by the doctor but it seemed not to work.

The doctor tried with the machine again, Arthur felt his body go numb when he felt like he would collapse.

Rose started breathing again, the doctor helped her and soon she was put into the ambulance.

It was then that Arthur realized he had been holding his breath too. He breathed too after he watched her being taken into the ambulance.

Sean and his men helped him into the car and followed it to the hospital.

His eyes didn't leave it for a second. They arrived at the hospital and asked about her.

"She's in a critical condition. internal bleeding with a head injury " the doctor said.

The accident had affected her so much that the doctors worried about her survival.

Arthur begged them to do everything they could.

He waited outside the operation room for 6 hours until the doctor came out.

Arthur rushed to him instantly waiting for his feedback from the surgery.

"For now the worst is over, we have to wait for her to gain consciousness to know if everything went okay, "he said.

Rose was taken to a private ward. Arthur watched her sleep until the doctor told him to leave.

Sean had been beside him through the whole process, his parents, Ralph and Alex, Irene who came crying her eyes out.

They where all shocked at how she got into the accident.

Sean had got information about Nathan, he had been brought to the hospital too. . He was hurt but not as bad as Rose who had stayed in the car.

Sean had visited him and ordered security and police to keep a watch on him until he woke up.

Arthur had been pacing up and down outside her room even after he was told to leave and return the next day.

" Arthur love lets go home and return tomorrow," his mother said.

But he ignored her and continued guarding her door.

Sean watched his friend lose his sanity outside his wife's room and felt his pain. He felt something warm while his hands. He looked down and saw Irene holding his hands with tears in her eyes.

"Will she been fine?" she asked, her sad teary eyes looked up at him waiting for an answer.

Sean looked at her, then Arthur's parents who looked so worried for Arthur and their daughter in law, Ralph and Alex.

He pulled Irene further away from them and led her to the doctor's office. Irene followed him without asking why or what he was doing.

"Come in," the doctor said.

Sean sat down with Irene and listened as he talked with the doctor.

The doctor after a lot of thinking agreed and followed them outside.

Irene came out smiling as she held onto Sean.

"Thank you love " she whispered.

"For what?" Sean questioned.

"For loving and caring about Arthur and my best friend "

Sean smiled as he watched the doctor talk to Arthur and lead him away. He had pleaded with him to let Arthur stay beside Rose for a while. The doctor had disagreed but he convinced him, claiming it would help Rose recover if her husband was beside her.

He later agreed

Arthur came back suited up and entered the room where Rose was.

He paused at the for while before he could walk to her bed. She lay there, with her beautiful blue eyes closed and sexy red lips colorless.

He remembered how she had described him when he woke up. She was so sad and scared at the time, that it scared him to see her like this.

It had been long since he saw her in such a state. Archie, Victoria, and now Nathan had caused her pain that she always ended up in the hospital bed. He had been merciful it seemed to his enemies to keep hurting his beloved like that.

He called Dorothy and asked her to place the phone next to his son.

"Hi my handsome boy, " Arthur said through the phone.

His son giggled as a reply, he had his father's voice and became excited. Arthur placed his next to Rose.

Little Arthur laughed and screamed for his parent's voices. Rose didn't say anything but lay motionless.

Arthur took the phone and gave Dorothy some instructions the hung up.

He watched over Rose the whole night until he dozed off too.

Sean had sent his parents home with Alex and Irene to rest. He stayed with Ralph who looked upset.

"She will be fine, " Sean told him.

"I know she will, but worried about her now. Ever since she met him, her life turned into a series of danger, rivals and accidents "

Sean knew what he said was true but could not agree with him.

"I know it's hard for you and her. But Arthur loves your sister so much that his willingness to do anything for her "

"That won't help when she's being attacked from all sides by his antagonists who always aim for his weakness which is my sister right now " Ralph angrily said.

Sean looked away, he too was guilt for not playing his part of helping his best friend protect the one true thing he loved. Now she was laying in the hospital bed with a low chance of waking up.

Sean turned to Ralph, then said " Am sorry on behalf of Arthur for failing to protect your sister again and again " he got up and walked away.

Later Irene and Alex came back and stayed with her while Arthur went home to rest. The doctor had restitched his wound after it began to bleed again. He was told to go home and rest after a few arguments from all of them.

He walked into his home and saw his son in the living room. He sat next to him, watching him play with his toys. He had learned to crawl which made it easy for him to move around.

Arthur was lost in his thoughts when he felt him crawl onto his lap.

"Dadada.," he called.

Arthur looked down at him with a surprised face and smiled for the first time that day.

His son played with him as he used the same expression over and over again.

He slept beside him after a while of playing together. Dorothy watched then nap and smiled.

In his dream, he saw was playing with his son and Rose as laughter filled the living room.

"Get better soon butterfly " he mumbled in his sleep.