"Can I? "

They slept the whole day until Irene arrived and woke them up.

She opened the curtains in Arthur's room and left, then entered Sean's room.

"Wake up you drunkard " she shouted at him as she opened his curtains.

Sean opened his eyes and tried to wake up, but his head hurt.

"Why are you making noise in the morning?" he grumbled under the covers.

"It's afternoon you blockhead, get up, and meet me downstairs," Irene said and walked out of the room.

He felt his headache and eyes hurt even more.

Arthur came downstairs first after he had a shower and a change of clothes.

Irene had helped Dorothy make some soup to help them with the hungover. she served him some and watched him enjoy it.

Sean later came down too, he joined his friend on the table and they had their soup.

Arthur excused himself after and left for Rose's room. Sean and Irene had a talk after.

"So what happened?" she asked him.

"Nothing much. We drunk and had fun " Sean said.

Irene knew there was more to it but decided not to ask. After making sure Sean won't make Arthur do anything stupid she went back to work.

Sean went to the living room and watched the news channel.

Arthur stayed with Rose for a while then left, he saw his friend watching the Tv and came to join.

Without saying anything to each other, they both sat and watched TV.

Arthur later selected some movies that they watched the whole afternoon.

Dorothy had served them snacks that helped them enjoy movie watching even more.

Later Dorothy came in holding Little Arthur she said ' " Sir, it's time for his bath "

Sean stopping watching the movie and looked at Arthur standing up and take his son into his arms.

"Can I join you?" Sean asked.

Arthur didn't answer and continued to walk away Sean got up and followed him.

Arthur undressed his son and prepared his bath.

After making sure the water was the right temperature he placed him in.

Sean stood aside and watched him gently wash his little body. The urge of trying it forced him to ask if he could try it.

"Arthur, can I try it too?" he asked.

"Come here " Arthur showed him.

He showed him how to hold and bath him, Sean was so gentle that it made Arthur smile.

"His skin is so soft and white " Sean exclaimed.

Arthur got a towel and helped get him out of the tub.

Sean then learned how to dry and how to make him wear his pamper.

Arthur then dressed him into his pajamas, Dorothy bought his bottle.

Sean watched as Arthur sat down, placed Little Arthur into his arms, and first poured some milk onto his hand then placed it into his son's mouth.

"Why did you do that?" Sean asked.

"To see if its the right temperature for him to drink "

"Ohh, so you have to first check if it's okay for him to take "

Arthur nodded.

"Can I try feeding him?" Sean asked.

"Sit down " Arthur instructed him.

After Sean sat down Arthur slowly placed his half asleep son into Sean's arms.

He showed him how to hold and fed him with the bottle.

Little Arthur finished his bottle and went to sleep.

"Its time to put him to bed " Arthur stood up and prepared his crib.

Sean got up as gently as possible and walked to the crib. With Arthur's instruction, Sean finally laid him down. He covered him and stood there watching him.

"Don't stare at my son like that, go home and make yours " Arthur told Sean.

Sean chuckled & looked at Arthur.

"I will when it's time. For now let me appreciate you and Rose's good genes "

They both sat down and watched little Arthur sleep.

They left his son's room after an hour and went back to the living room.

"We actually spent an hour sitting and watching your son sleep. isn't it a little creepy?"

Arthur laughed at his friend's foolish question.

"I and Rose used to do it all the time. You will when you have your OWN " Arthur emphasized the last word making Sean murmur some hateful words under his breath.

"We missed work today, what will you do about the important meetings of today?" Sean asked.

"Nothing, just reschedule them "

Arthur led the way into the living room where they watched movies all night. Sean left Arthur's home around midnight. They had spent the whole evening together which brought back there old memories before they got into relationships.

They had watched movies, had dinner together, and played video games.

Sean arrived home took a shower and got ready for bed. He had fun at Arthur's place that his body wanted to rest.

He had four d out how hard and wonderful it was to take care of a baby. Even though he wanted one, he knew making one required Irene staying with him. Not her staying away from him.

He had to make a plan and get her back before she forgot about him. His mother had to learn to accept her cause he had no plans of giving her up

He got into bed thinking about how he was going to convince her to return home with him.

After seeing his friend off Arthur went back to Rose's room. He laid beside her and slowly told her about how his day had been.

How he had come back tired and drunk after Sean had called him out. Then spending the day sleep since they came back at dawn.

He told her about how he had taught Sean to bath, fed, and put a baby to sleep.

"He was so excited to have touched his soft skin that it amused him, " Arthur told Rose. " After putting him to bed, we watched movies, played video games and then had dinner"

He placed his hand onto her and went to sleep next to her.