
Ralph and Alex returned from their honeymoon after two weeks. Sean, Irene, and her parents welcomed them back and lead them into their new home.

"You guys kinda look like you had a fight," Alex said to Irene.

"We kind of did. He wants me to move in with him again but I don't want to " she said.

"So his mother still doesn't like you? "

"My name literally makes her vomit. So am keeping my distance from him too " Irene explained.

Surprised by the revelation Alex Said, "So what do you plan to do now and Sean is like a brother to me and I want him to be happy "

Before Irene could answer Sean appeared next to them.

"Did someone call my name?"

Irene frowned while Alex laughed. She left them both and went to her husband.

"Stop following me around, people will start to think I turned you into a dog " she whispered.

Sean gave her one of his charming smiles and cane closer to her. Right next to get ear he said, " Maybe am already your dog, following your scent".

She pushed him away and walked away with her face so red that everybody noticed it.

After Alex and Ralph opened her wedding and house warming gifts, they had lunch with the guests.

Irene and Sean helped to wash the dishes after while Alex and Ralph talked to her parents.

They had the door in the living room open, then a familiar voice was heard.

It was a voice the brought bad memories in her mind, and anger in the other.

"Where is my son?" a female voice echoed through the house.

"What are you doing here?" Sean asked his mother as he came out of the kitchen.

His mother looked so angry she could kill someone. Her face was red and her hands had formed fists. Her anger was depicted in her eyes and lower bitten lip.

"I told you to stop drooling over that low life but you just can't seem to let her go " she shouted.

Irene was standing behind Sean as she heard his mother call her a low life.

"This isn't a place for you to just barge in and start shouting as a lunatic " Sean said back.

His mother strode to his side and pulled Irene from behind throwing her on the floor in the process.

"What did I tell you last time, stay away from him or I...." she didn't get time to say more before Sean grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the house.

Irene was still in shock after being violently attacked. Her body was trembling as tears formed in her eyes.

Alex run to her helping her up, then they heard Sean argue with his mother outside.

"Mother, if you still want me to still call you that then please leave me alone. It's my life, not yours " he shouted.

"So now your ready to throw away all that I have sacrificed for you just to be with a slut that might not even love you "

Sean felt his blood pressure rise by just the words his mother spat out.

"How did you even get here, but I don't really care right now so please leave " he pushed her further away from the house.

"That snake is not going to give you anything but pain and bad luck. She just another of those women who con men and get their money. So please just listen to me " his mother persisted.

Sean was beyond angry that he ended up with nothing more to say. He walked away from her and went back to the house.

Irene and the others had been listening to everything they had been saying. And without her noticing it her tears had been flowing endlessly.

Sean came into a site of Irene with tears flowing down her face. Alex wanted to say something but She pulled away before anyone could say anything.

Irene picked up her bag and walked out of the house. She felt embarrassed in front of Alex and Arthur's parents, and the rest.

Sean tried to stop her but she pulled away and got out of the house.

He wanted to follow her but Arthur's father told him otherwise.

"Let her be alone for a while " he advised.

Sean listened and let her go.

Irene drove her car without any idea of where she was going. She had made sure not to offend his parents, but his mother seemed to really hate her.

She cried so much that her head started to hurt. Driving endlessly she arrived at Arthur's mansion without realizing it.

Arthur had stayed home so he opened the door for her.

"Can I see my best friend ?" she asked.

Arthur seeing her condition stepped aside and let her in. She walked to the room where Rose had been put. Rose still looked the same, laying there in bed without any movement.

Irene walked to her and sat down. She hugged her and then lay still beside her.

"You know I really miss you protecting me, Sean's mother attacked me again today " Irene cried.

She placed her hands in Rose's and continued telling her about her life.

"She called me a snake, slut and a lot of other things. Did I do something bad in my past life to deserve this or am just unlucky?" she asked but got no reply. "I miss you right now so bad, can't you make me and expectation and wake up for me "

Arthur had been standing outside the door, he heard Irene cry out her pain to his comatose wife. He got his phone and called Sean.

"What did your crazy mother do to Irene?" he angrily asked.

"More of her crazy and ridiculous acts, is Irene there?" he eagerly asked.

Arthur didn't answer but continued, "You should control your mother before you worry about her. If not she will keep hurting Irene which makes it more difficult for you to get her "

"I know but we both know she isn't easy to deal with. And now Irene hurt so bad that she refused to pick up my calls. Am panicking and worrying that she might do something bad " Sean sounded worried that Arthur sympathized.

"Don't worry she won't do anything bad. She's here with Rose crying her feeling out. Give her some time then later come pick her up " Arthur didn't wait for Sean to say anything and hung up.