Move In.

Sean arrived at his friend's home later in the evening.

Arthur led him to Rose's room, they both entered. Irene was sleeping beside Rose with her hands clasped in Rose's.

"I think you should let her sleep here tonight " Arthur suggested.

"I think I should stay too?" Sean immediately said.

"I told you to never hurt Irene since it would affect Rose too but now see what you have done."

"Arthur please not now. And Rose isn't here to judge or get hurt so please help me " Sean begged.

Arthur dragged him out of the room and pointed him to the next room.

"Am only doing this for Rose and Irene, she would not want her friend to suffer like this. Tomorrow morning fix it " Arthur said as he walked away.

"Thanks, buddy " Sean voiced a thank you to his friend.

The next morning Irene woke up only to find herself still beside her Rose. A blanket was covered over her body.

"That for listening and being there for me last night " Irene kissed Rose's right cheek and got up.

She walked towards the kitchen where she found Arthur and Sean having breakfast.

When her eyes landed on Sean she instantly turned and went back.

"Love, let's talk " Sean got up and chased after her.

Arthur got up too, got his coat, and left for work without looking back.

Sean chased Irene and brought her back into the kitchen.

"Am sorry about yesterday "

Irene avoided his eyes since she knew it would make her give in.

"It wasn't your fault, but mine for being a low life and a snake who wants your money " she angrily stated.

"I know my mother went overboard and embarrassed you in front of all your friends but you just need to give me time and I will fix it " he begged.

"You can't fix your mother just like that. She hates me so much that am even scared to go bear you anymore. I have tried my best to let her like me but she just finds more chances to hurt me instead"

Sean knew his crazy mother wasn't going to stop until Irene had given up. She had never lost a battle before unless that person was like Arthur who never even bothered to give her a chance. And the other was Rose who could not right now since she was in a coma.

"I will make it right, I promise " Sean promised her.

After making his point, he kissed her forehead and left.

Irene still feeling down she decided to stay with Rose the whole day.

She helped her nurse bathe her then she combed her hair. She painted her nails with Rose but little Arthur got in the way and ended up getting his painted too.

"Your father is going to kill me when he sees your nails," Irene said while she laughed.

Little Arthur giggled as he watched her finished the last of his nails.

She had a shower in the guestroom and changed into one of Rose's dresses. After having lunch with their son she left before Arthur came back.

Having stolen one of his wife's clothes without his permission would not end well.

She drove to her shop and helps her employees with customers. Then returned home after closing for the day.

Sean had not called all day after he left her at Arthur's mansion. He must have given up since it was his mother who had raised and fed him.

She would be surprised if he abandoned his mother for her.

She changed into comfortable clothes and went into her kitchen.

She made some scrambled eggs and toast then made coffee. She placed her so-called dinner on the table to feast on but the doorbell rang.

"Who is it? " she shouted as she came to the door holding a piece of toast in her mouth.

To her surprised Sean was standing in the doorway. He was holding an envelope and had a smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked but still stood aside to let him in.

Sean didn't answer and walked to where her dinner had been placed. He took a big bite of her other slice of toast and took a sip of her coffee.

Even with such a simple meal your still the best at cooking. He took more of her coffee.

Irene closed the door and walked to the table, she pulled away her dinner and cup of coffee, I made this for myself, not for you "

Sean placed the document on the table and opened it, he handed her the papers inside.

Confused by his action she read what was written in the papers.

"What do you mean by this?" She asked after reading the contents.

"I bought us home and it's in your name " Sean smiled.

Irene felt her anger rise, " What do you mean you bought a house and it's in my name. You want your mother to kill me "

"This will fix our problem, all I want is you back in my arms in our own space "

"But this will give her more reason to hate me, Sean if you want to be with me it's okay you can come and see me anytime you want cause I love you, but your mother is becoming a wall that I can't climb with you "

Sean stared at her with a more confused look, he thought buying a home for both of them would solve one problem. But it seemed that Irene was hurt so bad this time that anything he did didn't help.

"Can I move in then?" the question caught her by surprise, that she chocked on her coffee.

He passed her a napkin as he waited for her answer.

"You want to move in with me, Sean are you even listening to yourself. Your mother will really kill me "

Sean laughed as he got up and walked to the door. Irene thought he had just left just like that.

But he returned with boxes of things, then a group of men started coming in with his things as they piled them in her living room.

She was too stunned to say anything that she kept quiet and watched as her living room got piled up in her boyfriend's things.

"Your mother is really going to kill me " she murmured