"Innocent "

Ralph comes to his sister's home after a week of his return from his honeymoon. She looked the same apart her hair and nails that looked like they had been done.

The nurse followed his line of sight and smiled, "it was her friend who did it for her "

He stayed with her until Arthur returned home. He was carrying his son, Sean looked at them both and smiled.

Arthur and his son were dressed in matching attires. They looked so handsome and cute that Sean took a picture without Arthur knowing.

He carried his nephew who looked to have grown since he saw him. He was walking on his own and sat too.

"Do you miss her?" Ralph asked his brother in law.

Arthur had not expected such a question he stopped playing with his son and looked at Ralph.

He didn't answer him but nodded.

Ralph knew he did but wanted to hear him say it. He wanted to hate him for everything that happened to his sister. If it wasn't for him appearing in her life all the bad things that happened to her won't have occurred.

But Rose had chosen to marry and love him, she had given birth to his son and stayed with him after being hurt because of him.

Sean loved his sister and respected her, so he had chosen to turn a blind eye and see his good side. And he had now married his one and only sister which made it even impossible for him to hate Arthur.

They spent time with little Arthur and after he went to sleep Ralph decided to leave to.

Arthur followed him to the door, Ralph said his goodbye and turned to leave.

"I can't find the right words to tell you how much I miss her " Arthur said to Ralph.

Ralph heard what Arthur said and stopped but didn't turn around.

"I know," he said and walked away.

Sean came back home, Irene had not returned yet. He changed his clothes and watched movies. She came back after an hour of his.

"What are you doing there?" She asked him.

"Watching something "

Irene frowned her face, "Go take a shower and come help me make dinner " Sean didn't linger in the living room and rushed into the bathroom.

Irene tired her hair in a bun and started preparing the ingredients for the food. Sean came in later with his hair dripping water.

"Why do you have to come with your wet hair in the kitchen, go first dry it " Irene commanded.

"But then you will cook alone and I want to help you "

Irene stopping what she was doing and grabbed his arm. She led him back into the bedroom and made him sit down.

She dried his hair for him as he played with her hers.

"Am almost done, stop playing with my hair "

"My hands can't touch anywhere else " Sean stated.

Irene looked down to see that she had trapped him between her chest which must have made him uncomfortable.

She moved away putting the drier down.

"Am done " she walked back to the kitchen.

Sean followed her, they cooked in silence as he followed her lead.

Sean got the plates ready and they ate in silence.

Irene got up after she done and went into her bedroom.

"Wash the dishes after you done " she shouted at him then closed the door.

She took a shower and dried her hair. But then she heard the doorbell ring wondering who it was she peeped through the door.

Sean walked to it and opened, his mother walked in.

Irene's eyes popped out of her sockets, as she closed the door at lightning speed.

Sean was surprised to see his mother at Irene place, " MOTHER?..." he shouted.

"Where is she?" was her only question.

Recovering from the shook Sean looked at his mother, " Why do you keep following me?"

"Where is she?" she shouted.

Sean didn't wait for her to make a scene and threw her out. He closed the door behind her.

"This isn't your house go away " he shouted after her.

Irene can out of the bedroom and laughed.

"That was crazy, how could you treat your mother like that "

Sean walked back to the kitchen and continued washing the dishes.

Irene appeared next to him and continued to laugh. Sean's mother was driving them both crazy.

"She going to appear at my shop tomorrow," She said.

"Don't worry I instructed some of my men to take care of her if she does " said, Sean.

Irene smiled and hugged his back, holding him so tight he felt her warm breasts rub against his back.

He stopped what he was doing and turned around, grabbing her hands. Irene looked at him confused. Not knowing her innocent action had landed her in trouble.

Irene saw the look in his eyes and immediately knew what she had done.

"I was only thanking you " she hurriedly said.

But Sean was already smiling, and before she could say another word She was scooped off her feet. He placed her on his left shoulder and walked to the bedroom.

"Sean put me down am innocent " she screamed

But he played a deaf ear and continued to the bedroom, he threw her onto the bed and got on top of her.

Irene was trying getting up but his body pushed her back down. His handsome appeased in front of her.

"Am going to kiss you until you say your guilty " he whispered.

"But I did nothing wrong " Irene pleaded.

"Well let's see what you did wrong," he said as he brought his face even closer to hers.

Irene closed her eyes as Sean's face met her. His lips met hers, as his hands explored her body.

She felt it respond to his touch as his lips and tongue tasted her lips.