"Why His Back.

Rose walked in darkness without seeing any light. She felt scared and lost as she walked endlessly. She screamed Arthur's name but no one answered.

Her head hurt so was her body, she wanted to go forward but felt weaker every time she tried to move.

She cried wondering where she was, crying as she walked forward.

Rose opened her eyes instantly and got up, landing in Arthur's arms who was seating next to her.

She held him so tight her knuckles turned white. Arthur wrapped her in his embrace letting her enjoy his warmth and comfort.

Her body shivered as he held in, she looked scared and timid.

"Am here Butterfly " Arthur's voice assured her.

She didn't let him go until her body stopped shivering. Arthur's assistant came and informed him that the car was ready.

He covered her with his coat and carried her out of the office. The employees had already heard about what happened in the meeting room saw when they saw her being carried out they didn't react much.

Arthur got into the car with Rose still in his arms. She had clung to him without letting go.

She lay in his arms throughout the whole drive home until she fell asleep.

He carried her back into the house and straight to their room where she woke up after he placed her on the bed.

"Help me take a shower, I feel stuffy," she said.

Arthur took off his shirt and pants and carried her into the bathroom.

He unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it down then her skirt. He removed her bra and knickers and placed her into the tub.

He let her body soak in the water as he called downstairs and told them to bring their dinner upstairs.

He went back into the bathroom after, Rose had her eyes closed as she lay in the tub.

"Should I bathe you?" Arthur asked.

Rose didn't answer as her hands moved around in the water.

Arthur came closer and placed his left hand into the tub, he slowly splashed water onto her body as he gently caressed her.

"He left us in the worst condition after making us go through unbearable pain and suffering. But he shameless came to meet me as nothing happened in the past " Rose finally said without opening her eyes but tears flowed from them.

"He made the woman who loved him unconditionally suffer during her married life with him. My mother used to cry herself to sleep because of him. She got sick because of him and in the end she..." Rose choked on her tears.

She was crying again, Arthur moved his hands to her face and dried her flowing tears but Rose didn't stop crying.

He undressed completely and got into the tub, he made Rose lay in his arms colliding their naked bodies.

"I won't let him hurt you again you," he said into her ear. Rose laid in his arms as they sat in the tub. Their bodies soaked in the warm water as Rose slowly stopped crying.

"Why do you think he's here?" Rose asked after she calmed down.

"I will find out soon, all you have to do is avoid him and stay away home and let me do the rest," said Arthur.

She wanted to work but seeing her father's face again had brought back all the horrible things he had done to her and her family.

She looked up at Arthur's face and smiled.

"Thank you for supporting me," she said.

"I am your husband there is no one more qualified than me to do so," said Arthur.

He saw her smile again which made him feel more relaxed. He bent down and kissed her.

She responded with love making him kiss her more.

"Shall we try making the twins again? " he said with a sly smile on his face.

Rose giggled as she pushed him away, " I don't remember saying I was on board with making them "

Arthur's hands were already moving in the water, Rose smiled as she felt him move around her body.

He moved back to her chest and played with the nipple, Rose looked up at him and smiled.

But then get smile dropped and she got out of the water and walked out naked, leaving Arthur alone in the tub.

He watched her selectively walk away from him towards the bedroom. He jumped out after and followed her.

"Let make one then," he said.

"Arthur, " Rose stopped and looked at him. "I know when I wasn't around I must have starved you but today isn't your lucky day "

He stopped and watched her walked to the wardrobe to get something to wear.

"This shows that you only care about little Arthur more than me," He said in a disappointed tone.

Rose laughed as she grabbed pants from the wardrobe.

"I wonder how your employees would react to seeing their strict cold boss act in this way," She said.

"I don't care about anything but seeing and our son happy and by my side," Arthur said.

Rose stopped what she was doing and turned around only to see her husband with a gloomy face naked in the middle of the bedroom.

"Catch me," she said as she ran to him.

Arthur spread his arms and received her, she covered her hands around his neck and kissed his lips. Arthur felt their warm bodies meet with each other. Her breasts pressed against his chest as her soft hips rested around his waist.

They kissed each other with passion filling each other with the other's love for each other.

He moved backwards to the bed and dropped down on top of it.

Arthur's hands were on her buttocks as he squeezed them with a passion he turned placing her down like always and sucking in her nipples.

Dorothy who had delivered their dinner left with words when she heard the sounds that came out of their room.

"You never get tired of each other's bodies," She said as she walked back downstairs.