Uninvited Guest.

Rose woke up earlier than Arthur, who was still lying next to her. She slowly removed his arm around her waist and got out of bed.

She had a shower and changed into one of Arthur's shirt then went into her son's room. He was still asleep just like his father. She gently carried him out of his crib and took him into theirs.

Arthur was still sound asleep, Rose quietly placed her sleeping son next to his father and covered them both.

She then left the room and went downstairs.

"Morning Rose " a maid greeted her. She had told them to call her by her name since she hated being called by her title.

"Morning, is Dorothy up yet?" She asked.

"She is already in the kitchen," the maid said.

Rose walked into the kitchen and met with Dorothy who already making breakfast.

"Morning Dorothy," She said.

"Morning Rose " she smiled at Rose.

They cooked together then set the table.

Rose got tired of waiting for Arthur to wake up so she decided to have breakfast with Dorothy.

"What do you think I should do now?" Rose asked as she took a bite of the eggs.

"Don't run away from it and face him. You might find peace after talking to him. You can hate him but just like what your mother used to say, he's still your father " Dorothy advised.

"I will never deny that but I just can't stand him. He never treated us like his children and made my mother cry every night "

"There men that don't know what they have or know and decide to take it for granted. And there those who would give anything for their love. Your father was wrong to do all those hurtful things to you but you owe it to your mother to forgive and move on " Dorothy said.

"I will try but I can't make promises that I will do my best," Rose said.

Dorothy said it was good enough since she was willing to talk to him.

They finished their breakfast, Dorothy left to buy more groceries as Rose washed the dirty utensils.

She was almost done when she heard Arthur come down the stairs with little Arthur.

"Hi, don't touch the hair it's only your mother who can do that " Arthur was fighting with his son.

Rose heard her son protest as he pushed his little hands into his father's hair.

Arthur walked into the kitchen with Arthur in his arms still fighting to touch his father's hair.

"Let him touch it or he will cry, " Rose said.

"He won't go easy in him just because he has little hair or will cry " Arthur refused as he walked to where Rose was.

He came closer and kissed her, but before his lips left hers Arthur felt something hit his cheek repeatedly.

Little Arthur was hitting his father's face wanting to stop him from kissing Rose.

"You took my territory away but I can't have the lips too, your really greed " Arthur complained as he gave him to his mother.

Rose was laughing as she kissed his little head.

"My little angel is jealous just like his father," she said.

Arthur frowned as he say down at the table, Rose served him his breakfast as she held their son who looked so happy to be in his mother's arms.

"Smile while you can, am taking her away for a month then we will see who will be smiling," Arthur said.

His son frowned to making the same face as his father.

"Arthur stopping threatening our son," Rose said as she sat down to feed him.

Little Arthur had gotten used to the baby formula since his mother had not been in a condition to feed him. But when Rose woke up she had insisted on breastfeeding him again since he was still young. Whenever she had the time she would feed him.

She feeds him as Arthur gave them a look that would burn them if it could.

A maid came in and announced guests in the living room.

"Who are they?" Arthur asked.

"The man said he was our madam's father," she said.

Rose felt her stomach churn by the guest's identity.

"He dared to even come into my home," Rose said in any voice.

"Take our son into his room," Arthur said to the maid.

Rose gently got her nipple out of her son's mouth and gave him to the maid who they followed out.

Her father and his so-called stepdaughter were already waiting in the living room.

"Is that my grandson?" her father asked as Rose came into the room.

"Why did you come uninvited and especially in my home," Rose said as she sat next to her husband.

"I want us to talk like father and daughter," he said.

Rose smiled but it didn't reach her eyes that depicted her anger.

"I want us to fix our past for your mother's sake" he continued.

"Am sorry if you think you just going to walk into my life and just get forgiveness from me like that. Please leave my house right now before being forced to throw you out " she said.

The lady next to him who had it said anything finally said, " Dad I think it was impolite of us to come I invited lets leave "

Rose watched her father get up with a fake sad look on his face and walk out.

"Am busy taking care of my family so I won't see you out " Rose said and left up the stairs.

Arthur remained and watched them leave, then went upstairs to see Rose.

Rose's father frowned as he looked back at his daughter's home. It was huge and beautiful.

"Am sorry to do this to you but for money, I can do anything " he said as he entered his car.