"The truth."

Rose woke up instantly locking eyes with Arthur.

"I bought him here so you can talk to him " he explained.

Rose didn't move as she listened to her husband.

"I can tell him to leave if you're not ready to face him "

Rose shook her head as she got up. Her legs felt weak as she almost collapsed to the floor. Arthur held her in his arms as she gained her balance.

"It's okay Butterfly, am here " he whispered in her ears.

With her hand in his, they walked down the stairs to the living room.

Rose stopped as she felt her heart pace increase. "why was she nervous" she wondered.

She felt a gentle squeeze in her hand from Arthur's. He looked at her and moved forward.

They finally arrived in front of an old man who looked handsome even in his old age. His body was still physically strong and he had those incredible blue eyes.

He instantly smiled when his eyes fell on Rose's face. Getting up from his seat, he walked towards her.

Arthur let go of her hand and moved back.

She felt his warm old hands hold her right hand. He looked up at her face as tears formed in his eyes.

"You look just like your mother " he cried.

Rose didn't know why but she found herself crying too. He pulled her into his embrace as he let out his happiness and sadness through his tears.

Arthur had left the living room after he let go of Rose's hand.

He moved to his son's room.

They say down after they dried their tears. Her grandfather dried her tears as a smile appeared on his lips.

"You even cry like her " he joked making both of them laugh.

"I don't know what to say " she voiced her thought.

"Just say anything," he told her.

She told him about her childhood, how they grew up with her mother then her father's abandonment and mother's death.

"But your father told me something else," her grandfather said.

"That is what he does best, lie and hurt others, " Rose told him.

She told him a lot about her crazy greedy father shading light upon his evil plans for her grandfather. He was happy he came since he finally found out about her father's plans.

They soon went on with her telling him how her life changed after she met Arthur and then getting married.

"I have a great-grandchild?"

"Yes, his father helped me give birth to him, " Rose said proudly.

Her grandfather listened to every detail of her story with interest.

"You will have another one soon since Ralph and Alex are pregnant too "

Her grandfather burst out in laughter as he heard her story.

"My grandchildren made me proud," he said.

It was then Arthur walked in with his son in his arms. He walked to Rose who took little Arthur in her arms.

"He asked for you " Arthur lied, he wanted to know what was going on so he used his son as an excuse to come.

"Grandfather this is Arthur, my son," she said.

Little Arthur giggled as he jumped up and down in his mother's arms. Seeing a new face he looked up to his mother.

"Love his your grandfather," she told him.

He turned to the old handsome man and smiled. He pulled himself out of her arms into his arms.

He laughed as little Arthur played with his white hair and landed kisses on his wrinkled face.

"I think he likes me " he laughed.

Rose smiled as she watched them.

"I told him not to kiss other people apart from me and his mother " Arthur grumbled under his breath as he watched his son play with the old man.

Ralph who was informed by Arthur about their grandfather came over to their house with Alex after work.

"Are you nervous tiger?" Alex asked Ralph who didn't leave the car even when they had arrived at Rose's place.

"I think so " he sighed.

Alex smiled, " Don't be Tiger, his your grandfather after all and Rose was able to see him. And I know my brother would have called if it didn't go well between them " she held his hand.

A maid opened the door for them, she led them to the living room where laughter could be heard.

They came in and found Arthur, Rose, little Arthur, and an old man laughing in the living room.

Alex was surprised to see her brother in such a mood.

Rose looked up and realized they had arrived.

"Grandfather, this is Ralph my brother and his wife Alex " she introduced them.

He stood up and hugged Ralph getting him off guard.

"You also have her eyes," he said to Ralph.

Ralph hugged him back feeling something warm in his heart. He held back his tears and introduced his wife Alex to his grandfather.

Alex didn't wait and hugged the old man.

"Am happy my child will have two grandfathers" she said

They took their seat as they all shared stories.

Dorothy called them to the dining room for dinner.

Rose felt so happy she decided to change her seat and took the one next to her grandfather. Alex followed too.

They sat on the left and right of her grandfather who enjoyed their company just like them.

Arthur, little Arthur, and Ralph who were left alone felt left out. But didn't say anything since the women seemed to enjoy his company.

Rose ended up feeding him as she said she always wanted to feed her grandfather.

Rose and Ralph had some alone time with him after dinner without the Ramoan siblings.

"Am happy I got this chance before my death to see my grandchildren " he said.

" The feeling is mutual," Ralph told him.

"Grandfather, why did the mother run away from home?" Rose finally asked.

He sighed as he told them the reason why.

"She fell in love with your father who took advantage of her love and convinced her to run away with him. She emptied all her bank accounts and disappeared. We had tried to look for her but every time we did they would disappear again. It wasn't that we opposed their relationship but we just didn't trust your father " he told them.

"Did you guys give up on her?" Rose asked.

"No we didn't but she wrote a letter asking us to stop looking and if we didn't she would kill herself," he said in. a sad voice.


"Her mother's health worsened and she soon died heartbrokenly. I wanted to tell your mother but when I found out her whereabouts she disappeared again. The last time I heard about her was when she had finally married him and was pregnant with his child "

"But after shunning her family away for him our cruel father also abandoned her," said Ralph.

"I didn't contact or try looking for them again but my heart still ached for her. It was a month ago when your father contacted me "

This surprised Rose and Ralph.

"He told me how my daughter died of heart disease and left you all alone. I wanted to meet you but he said I had to first give him money to do that " their grandfather said.

"Did you agree?" Ralph asked.

"Yes I did, I wanted to see you. My daughter had left this world but left her children so I wanted to meet and care for you " he told them.

"But the way father said it to us sounded like you had made of trading us for money " Rose let out.

"I only accepted to give him money after he told me how he had suffered to raise you all alone "

"But he never even paid a single cent to our education or personal life. Mom had to fight alone to make ends meet. I hate that guy " Ralph erupted.

"Am sorry if I hurt you through my actions with your father. If it wasn't your husband who contacted me, I would still be in the shadows "

Rose smiled thinking about her husband.