New Start.

"I was in my hotel room when he arrived with another handsome man who wouldn't stop talking. They told me everything and invited me to come to see you. I was hesitant but I later accepted after he showed me your photograph" the old man smiled.

"Why is that, grandfather?" Ralph asked.

"Rose looks so much like my daughter, she was so beautiful and graceful. You have her smile, the color of her hair, and mostly her eyes " he smiled as he pushed a strand of hair behind Rose's ear.

"Yeah she does, I always see mom in her when I look at her. And everybody who knew mom says the same " Ralph pointed out.

Their conversation went on until late in the night. Rose told him about their problems with her father and more of her hardships during her recent life.

He told them about their mother's youthful days and how amazing she was.

They escorted him to one of the guestrooms to rest.

"I think Alex is resting in the same room as last time, " Rose told her brother as she walked to her room.

"Okay, goodnight sis," he said.

"Good night Ralph " she disappeared into her room.

But to her surprised Arthur wasn't in bed so she checked his study which was empty as well.

Worried she wondered where he could be, the last time he left them was when he and Alex left with little Arthur.

She walked into her son's room. Her eyes lit up when she saw Arthur asleep with his son in his arms.

It looked like they were playing but got tired and fell asleep. He was laying on the bed beside his son's crib. Arthur had put it there just in case Rose wanted to sleep next to her son alone.

But it came in handy for them both.

She laid beside them pulled up the covers, turned off the lights, and kissed them goodnight before she fell asleep too.

Arthur woke up the next morning finding himself in between his wife and son sleeping.

Little Arthur woke up soon enough and joined his father in admiring his mother's beauty.

"Does not she look breathtaking?" Arthur asked his son. Little Arthur nodded as he bent down and kissed her lips.

Arthur pulled him away complaining.

"Hi, I told you that the lips are mine, go for the cheek " Arthur told his son.

He bent down and kissed his wife on the lips.

Rose felt soft lips touch hers twice, the first was quick but warm and the second was long and lingering. She smiled feeling the warmth from the sun hit her body through the window.

"Morning Butterfly," Arthur said.

Rose opened her eyes and looked up. Arthur and his son were staring right down at her face.

"Morning you two," she said getting up.

"How did it go last night?" Arthur inquired.

"It was amazing " she smiled remembering all that happened the previous night.

She told him everything that she found out and how her grandfather had reacted to their side of the story.

"Then your father is now on the losing side," Arthur said.

"Yes he is "

After telling Arthur everything, they got out of bed, Rose organized her son's room while Arthur bathed him.

They let him run off to the living room with a maid and went to their room.

Little Arthur joined Alex and Ralph who had woken up already with also his grandfather. They were having breakfast when he wobbled in.

"Morning little guy?"

Little Arthur smiled as he climbed up on top of his great grandfather. He let him sit on his lap as he fed him breakfast.

Rose and Arthur joined later after refreshing up.

"Morning " she greeted.

They all replied as she took her seat. The table was noisy as they talked and laughed.

Rose bid farewell to her grandfather before he left and promised to visit soon.

Ralph and Alex didn't waste any more time too and soon left.

"The house is empty again " Rose murmured.

Justin received a call from Rose telling him to pack his bags leave their father and join her. Having wanted it for a long time Justin didn't waste time and started packing.

Richard was still cracking his brain on how to solve his problem when he saw his son come down the stairs with all his luggage.

"And where do you think you're going?" he asked.

Justin ignored him and moved his luggage into the car.

"I think am talking to you boy " Richard barked.

Justin turned around, " Am not a boy anymore that you can command around but a man. Grandfather has already found out everything you did so he won't do anything you ask. And since I don't even have any use for you I think I will be leaving "

Richard felt his head start to ache, "The moment you step out of that door you won't ever come back " he threatened.

Justin smiled, " I never wanted to be here in the first place and don't think I have nowhere to go cause I do. Rose and Ralph are waiting for me as we speak "

He confidently walked out of the door and didn't turn back even for a second as he drove his car away.

Richard almost collapsed as he watched his only plan crumble.

The only person who was there was his stepdaughter who ran to him immediately.

"I will show them who I am when I didn't get what I want " he swore.

Justin drove his car into Rose's home. Rose was outside waiting for him with a smile.

"Happy you made the right choice " she smiled.

Justin smiled as he walked to where she was.

"Can I hug you sister?" was all he asked.

Rose nodded and let him hug her.

"You so soft and warm," he said.

Rose patted his back.

They walked into the house as the maids brought in his stuff.

"Where is Arthur?"

"He left for the company "

Rose showed him his room then the whole house.

"Your an angel to be doing all this for me " Justin thanked her.

She let him get comfortable in his room and left for the study.

Justin looked out the window, he was finally getting his new start with a family that he belonged to and loved.

He unpacked his suitcases and changed his clothes.