" Confused "

Irene arrived with Ralph and found Arthur and Sean drunk. Still holding his glass to his mouth Sean smiled as he saw Irene enter the room.

"Love you here," he said.

Irene pushed him away and took a seat. Her eyes landing on Arthur who was silent with half a bottle beside him.

"You two need to stop drinking now," Ralph said.

Arthur looked up when he saw Ralph and chuckled.

"At least one member of the family isn't afraid of me," he said.

Confused Irene asked what he meant.

"She left cause of what she saw in those rooms. But the person who did that has been gone for a while now. I changed into a man she would be proud to call her husband but...." he sighed.

"I know you did your best just to be with my sister but Rose has a fragile and pure soul after seeing what you did to all those people for her sake. She was traumatized " Ralph said.

"Just give her time to know that your not that man anymore. And she will be back running to your arms " Irene told Arthur.

He sighed again this time raising the bottle beside him, Arthur drank the rest of the content in it.

They watched him in silence until the bottle was empty. He placed it back on the counter and got up. But he staggered almost falling.

Ralph got him, sliding his arm around his waist balancing his body.

"Am fine I can walk on my own " Arthur mumbled.

"Your not fine and a little help won't hurt" Ralph didn't let Arthur out of his hold as he helped him walk out of the room.

"I will leave Sean to you, Irene," Ralph said as he walked away.

"Okay take care of Arthur then," She said.

Ralph finally arriving in the bedroom he dropped Arthur onto his bed.

He walked to the couch and rested. Supporting a full-grown man up the stairs was hard.

His eyes wandered around the room, he had never gone into his sister's matrimonial bedroom.

"This room is huge " Ralph murmured.

He watched Arthur sleep and wondered how his sister was at their grandfather's place.

He sighed, " Better come back soon, his a wreck without you "

Rose was laying down in bed, with her eyes wide open. She was tired but yet her body and mind had failed to sleep.

She kept moving in bed as her body kept telling her something was missing.

Finally giving in she got up and walked out of the room.

The home had mother had grown up in was so huge, bigger than her and Arthur's mansion. She had loved it the moment she laid eyes on it.

Her grandfather had introduced her to everyone in the mansion and everyone who saw her was surprised at how she looked like her mother.

"You're a replica of your sweet mother " the housekeeper had said.

"I get that a lot " she had smiled back.

Justin had blended in instantly as he moved around with his grandfather. Little Arthur was already popular among the maids. Everyone was smiling and laughing but Rose was just silent.

Her grandfather had talked to her about her decision of leaving home.

"He is your husband and the vows you made in church count. He must be feeling down and scared just like you right now " her grandfather said.

"But I just don't know what to think or do anymore. Am just confused "

" I know you are but your husband must be feeling that too. He never wanted you to find out about his ugly side so when you did and ran off. How do you think he's feeling right now?"

Rose could feel her tears flow down her face. Her grandfather cleaned them away with his warm hand.

"Stay for a while and clear your head, I would love to baby my granddaughter too " her grandfather smiled.

She had hugged him crying in his warm embrace.

"Thank you grandfather " she cried.

"I love you too dear "he smiled.

She walked out of her room thinking of what Arthur was doing. Irene had called her, informing her how Arthur had drum himself to sleep.

" I left Ralph with him so I think he will be fine " she had said.

She looked down at her phone, she wanted to call Ralph but was scared to hear what he was going to say.

She felt the cold breeze brush her face reminding her of the morning when Arthur held her in his arms as they watched the sunrise.

She decided to call.

Ralph had dozed off when he heard his phone ring in his pocket.

"Hi sister " he answered.

"Hi "

"Are you okay " he adjusted himself into the couch.

"Am okay, how is he?" she asked.

Ralph moved his eyes to Arthur who was sleeping.

Ralph sighed, "I can't say he's okay after I saw him gulp down a bottle of alcohol ".

She was silent listening to her brother speak.

"When do you plan to return?" Ralph asked.

"I don't know but I will," she said.

"Okay take care and don't worry about Arthur I will do my best, " Ralph told his sister.

Rose hang up.

She walked back to her room and laid back down.

Hearing he was okay and asleep she finally dozed off.

Ralph put down his phone and closed his eyes. He knew Rose needed time but how long was it going to take for her to return home. It was just that day she left but Arthur was already drinking like a loser.

"I hope my Alex and the baby are okay " he murmured.