
Rose woke up midday having gone late to bed she overslept.

Justin and her grandfather had left and headed to his company. He had told her how he wanted to let him work in the company.

She had lunch for breakfast and then walked her son in the huge garden. He ran off after seeing her grandfather's cat.

She sat down and watched him play with it.

Arthur woke up groaning his head hurt. He realized he was in his room, wondering how he got there.

Ralph came in holding a tray with a glass of water and painkillers.

"Dorothy told me to bring this up," he said.

"Why are you here?" Arthur asked still processing what happened last night.

" Spent the night here and even brought you up to your room," Ralph said.

"I remember seeing you last night but the rest is...." Arthur paused.

"The rest is history just get up, Sean arrived an hour ago with company documents," Ralph said as he left the room.

Arthur couldn't understand what had happened as he watched Ralph leave his room.

Sean and Ralph heard Arthur came down the stairs. He looked better than yesterday.

" So you decided to let me wait this long" Sean grumbled.

"I drank a lot last night," Arthur said as he sat down.

"Am leaving, so you guys can talk about your business " Ralph got up grabbing his jacket he patted Arthur's shoulder, and walked out.

Arthur watched him leave, " Did he spend the night here?"

"Yeah he did, I woke up at home and Irene told me she left Ralph here with you, " Sean told Arthur.

Arthur sighed.

They worked for the rest of the day in his study. Dorothy made sure to feed them both especially Arthur.

"Why dont you follow her there and try talking to her " Sean suggested.

"She wanted some space so I will respect that and wait until she returns "

Sean later left after they finished the projects that needed to be handled.

He changed and drove to the bar he visited with Sean. Took his usual place and drank his sorrow away.

He watched as the bar got busy until it was almost closed.

He got up staggering around. He felt a hand grab him. His vision was blurry and his senses were functioning less with the drinks he had.

He tried moving but the person holding him didn't let go pulling him closer to his body. Arthur could smell roses on him just like Rose did.

He looked up trying to see who the person was but all he could see was his chin and broad chest.

He was a man, Arthur hiccupped as he felt the stranger walk him away.

"Don't move you will hurt your self " a manly but sweet voice told Arthur.

He was moving in the car but the stranger held him in place.

Arthur heard the car stop and soon. he was helped out of the car.

The stranger held him again and the last thing he felt was being laid down on a bed.

Arthur could hear a voice call his name, he slowly opened his eyes.

The room didn't look like his room which alarmed him. He turned around.

"You turned yourself into a drunkard without Rose "

Arthur could only see the back of the stranger.

"Who are you?" Arthur asked.

He turned and came closer to Arthur holding a glass of water.

"You don't remember me after what happened between us," he said back.

Finally getting a closer look Arthur moved back.

"Don't do that I promised not to do anything to you last time I came over to your place " Samuel said.

"Why am I here?"

"I bought you here cause you were drunk and it was late to take you home " Samuel smiled.

Arthur got up fixing his shirt and getting his shoes.

"I think it's time I leave," he said.

"Won't you have breakfast?" Samuel followed Arthur out.

"No thanks I have....." Arthur fell silent as his eyes landed on David and Vanita on the table having breakfast.

"Come join us Arthur " David smiled

Arthur looked at them still standing in the doorway of the room he had left.

Samuel held his arm and pulled him towards the table.

A plate had been placed already in front of him with a heavy breakfast.

He felt out of place with the two men who kept staring at him.

He slowly ate his breakfast.

David got up placed his plate in the sink.

"I have to get to work so I will see you two in the evening. It was nice seeing you again Arthur " David said.

He bent down kissed his daughter's forehead and then kissed Samuel.

"Love you both," he said as he got out the door.

Arthur frowned as he remembered how he left with Rose every morning. And their son giggled as he watched them leave for work.

"I can give you a ride before I drop Vanita off at the daycare," Samuel said.

"I can call my driver," Arthur said

He got his phone and made a call.

He watched as Samuel got ready for work and got Vanita ready too. She smiled at Arthur as she waited for Samuel to finish his chores.

Arthur picked up his ringing phone.

" Okay," he looked down at Vanita and smiled.

"Thank you for your help I will be leaving now," Arthur told Samuel.

"Your driver is here already?"

"Yeah " Arthur got his coat and got up.

Samuel carried Vanita and escorted Arthur to his car.

"See you next time " he waved at Arthur as he got into his car.

Arthur closed his eyes as his driver drove him away.

"Should we head home or the company?" the driver asked.

"Head home," he said.

Dorothy looked worried when she saw Arthur walk out of his car.

"You made me worried " she cried.

"Am sorry I got drunk last night " Arthur walked into the house.

"Should I bring you to breakfast upstairs?" Dorothy asked.

"No thank you, Dorothy, I had breakfast. Am taking a shower and heading to work " he said as he disappeared upstairs.