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Vivian opened her eyes but flinched by the sharp pain in her head.

She got up scanning her surroundings that were foreign to her eyes.

This wasn't her room even the bed smelt different. Last night she had stayed after dinner and drank with Harry.

I must have got drunk and acted like a fool, she cursed.

She jumped out of bed ignoring the pain and looked for her bag and shoes. With no luck in finding them, Vivian walked out of the room.

Harry seemed not to be home since it was quiet when she called for him while coming down the stairs.

A glass of water with pain killers were waiting for her on the kitchen counter with her phone.

She took the pills since her head hurt. Her phone had a missed calls from her mother and sister. And a message from Harry.

-"Morning, had to rush to work, make your self at home"-. she read.

Vivian sat down and looked at the huge house she was left in alone. Did he trust her this much to leave her alone in his home?

Vivian walked back upstairs to the room she had woke up in. Her image in the mirror was horrible so she decided to take a quick shower then leave.

After her shower, Vivian moved around his room. She sneaked into his closet, checking and tried on his clothes.

Irene had told her to take her time if she ever got a chance of getting into her boyfriend's closet.

" Try on every cloth in there then chose one that you can take home " Irene had told her.

"Won't it be stealing?" Vivian had asked.

"Trust us they love it when you dress up in their shirts " Rose had added.

"Did any of you ever try it?" Vivian asked.

Rose and Irene had burst into laughter.

"I still own the one Arthur gave me " Rose had whispered

Vivian had followed what she had been told and choose one she had liked.

She placed everything back in order and laid the bed too.

Being alone she decided to make coffee for herself, sitting down Vivian took sips of it as she tried to recall what she had done after getting drank.

She looked down, "Was it something about my feet " she couldn't remember.

Her phone rang.

"Morning mom" she answered.

"Tell him to come for dinner today " she heard her mother say.

Before Vivian could say anything her mother hung up.

Arthur and Sean were in a meeting when Vivian arrived. She was late so she quietly moved to her seat.

After the meeting was done Sean turned to her.

"What exactly made you come late?" he asked.

"None of your business " she answered.

Sean frowned giving Arthur a look to back him up but got ignored instead.

"What happened to your clothes?" Arthur asked.

He had noticed that the shirt she was wearing now wasn't identical to the one she had on the previous day.

Sean who was confused by Arthur's question turned to him then back to Vivian.

"Why are you asking about her clothes?" he murmured.

Vivian avoided Arthur's gaze, " My shirt was stained by wine so I borrowed Harry's"

She could feel his eyes on her as she answered.

After he got his answer Arthur left the room. Vivian left soon after avoiding Sean's gaze on her now.

"Hi, you two did anyone hear what I even asked?" Sean yelled after them.

Later Sean stormed into Arthur's office during their lunch break. His face was still holding a frown from earlier when he was ignored by both Vivian and Arthur.

"I leave for a few days and return to a company of secrets & no respect for workmates," he said.

Arthur ignored him and continued to type on his computer.

But Sean went ahead and took a seat.

"What is going on with Vivian?" he asked.

Arthur looked up with a lazy look on his face and smirked.

You should go and ask Rose or Irene about that" he said going back to work.

"But you seem to know, so why don't you tell me?" Sean said moving to Arthur's desk.

"Cause I don't want to "

Sean fell silent and walked out of Arthur's office since he knew Arthur wasn't going to tell him.

Vivian left work early and returned home.

Her mother was in the kitchen making dinner. She ran to her mother's arms hugging her so tight.

"Where is he?" her mother asked.

"He was busy but promised to come tomorrow" she lied.

"Do you trust him?"

Vivian looked up meeting her mother's gaze. She didn't know what to answer and just smiled.

"Rose and Irene do, that is good enough for me. And he treats me well" Vivian blushed.

Her mother laughed seeing her daughter blush.

"Seeing you live such an amazing life is truly wonderful " Her mother smiled.

Vivian knew what her mother meant and she felt happy too. Having a new path to walk on and with wonderful people was truly amazing.

Harry left work late in the night, his body was aching for a shower and rest.

But he ignored all that dropping on the couch, he got his phone and dialed Vivian's number.

Still telling her mother about how she felt about Harry, her phone rang. It was him calling her.

Pick it up " her mother said since Vivian seemed to be still debating on what to do. Listening to her mother she answered it.

Harry heard her voice answer into his ear as she picked up his call. His exhausted face formed a smile.

"Home already?" She asked.

"Hmm, just got in a while ago " he answered back.

He sounded tired, " You sound worn out," she said. "You should rest now ".

Harry was silent as he listened to her.

"Am sorry if I was a burden last night after I got drunk " she apologized.

Harry assured her that she wasn't and that all she did was fall asleep after she got drunk.

"You fell asleep on the couch so I let you sleep" he lied.

Vivian was happy to know she didn't do anything embarrassing. Although she felt that he was hiding something.

Harry knew it was a lie since Vivian had cried for her heels even after he got them for her. Then she had staggered up to his room and drop on his bed.

He had no choice but to let her sleep in his room making him use the guestroom instead.

"Mom wants you to come for dinner tomorrow," she told him in a low voice making sure her mother didn't hear anything.

Harry's side got quiet after her words.

"Am sorry if it's weird but she... "Vivian was cut off.

" I will be there " he answered.

When he hung up Harry wondered if it was right. But he wanted to let Vivian know how he felt. So if her mother wanted to see him then he was going.

Rose had told him that Vivian wasn't a bad person when she hurt her. All she wanted was Arthur's love. But Arthur was already in love with Rose so Vivian resorted to hurting her to get his attention.

"The day I felt pity for her was at her father's funeral. She looked so weak and in pain" Rose had told him.

All she wanted was someone to love her, so when she found out that Vivian was her half-sister Rose decided to give her love not hate.

"If you like her as you claim then make her happy so that she doesn't regret losing Arthur to me "Rose had said.

Just like him, he had held to an impossible love. Rose had never seen him in a way he had seen her. But he had held on hoping to get a chance. But after seeing them together he finally let go.

When he laid eyes on Vivian, Harry decided to turn a new page and give himself a chance with her.