"Don't do that "

Irene had returned home after she gave Rose her presents from the trip.

She had loved each one of them. But now she was napping again.

Arthur walked into their room holding his son and saw her already asleep.

He put down Arthur and covered her up.

Her naps had increased each day. The doctor had told Arthur that her body was weak. So they needed to make sure to make Rose strong so she could support the twins.

It was different from the first time when she was carrying little Arthur. He sat down with his son and watched her sleep.

He had hoped that by the time she gave birth Richard would have been caught. His company had finally closed and he soon disappeared. Arthur wanted to eliminate the threat of his presence before his children were bought into the world. Rose had seen enough suffering that he wanted to protect her no matter what.

He was happy with how she had gained love and her own family with time. Now Vivian was in the picture too.

Arthur had not liked it when he found out that she was related to Vivian but Rose had accepted her without thinking twice. He knew her pure heart won't want to hurt anyone and since Vivian had promised to change which she did Arthur had let her near Rose with time.

He had noticed her change when he decided to work with her at the company when Sean disappeared. Her smile and laughter when she was with Irene and Rose. How she cared for little Arthur when Rose took her naps.

Richard had caused pain to Rose but he had also given her a family that loved her.

"Dada " little Arthur called his father getting his attention.

Arthur carried him up, "Let's go somewhere and leave your mother to rest," he said.

Samuel was watching the kid's channel with Vanita when he heard the doorbell.

"They are here " he whispered to his daughter.

He got up and rushed to the door. Arthur walked in with his son.

Vanita jumped up and down when she saw Arthur up in his father's arms.

Arthur placed his son down who ran to Vanita immediately.

"He still likes her " Samuel laughed but Arthur looked displeased by his son's actions.

Arthur and Samuel sat down and watched them play.

"How is Rose doing now?" Samuel asked.

"Healthy " Arthur answered.

"Growing twins in her tiny body must be tough?" Samuel passed Arthur a beer.

"She's strong and Ralph helps her manage " Arthur opened his can of beer.

"It's good her brother is a doctor that makes it easy for you both "

Ralph had taken the responsibility of being Rose's doctor after he found out that it was going to be hard for her to have the twins. Her body was a little weak to hold two babies in her but with the right care and help she could.

Rose had told them that no matter what she wanted to have her twins. Arthur had decided to stick with her decision.

Rose had told him that the joy she saw in his eyes that day he found out about her having twins had proved how much he wanted them. So she had vowed to bring them into the world for him.

"Have you checked their gender yet?" Samuel asked.

"No "

"Why it's more fun when you know so you can prepare," said Samuel

"Rose prefers to be in the dark " Arthur let out.

"What about you?"

"Me too " Arthur answered

Samuel laughed, Arthur liked whatever Rose liked. It was like he was there to please her only.

"Don't do that again " Arthur said pointing at his son.

Little Arthur was kissing Vanita's face as she giggled.

"Let them be " Samuel was amused by what Arthur's son was doing.

Rose woke up and went downstairs. Arthur and his son were not in the house.

"Dorothy where did Arthur and his son go?" she asked.

"He told me to tell you that he took little Arthur to see Vanita "

Rose giggled thinking about her son kissing Vanita again in front of his father.

Dorothy prepared her dinner on the table and let her eat.

"Dorothy has my sister called yet?" Rose asked. She could not find her phone.

Knowing Arthur had taken it away before he left and given it to Dorothy.

Rose had grown a bad habit of being on her phone all the time. But Arthur being the protective husband and father had limited her time. Cutting her workload and time she spent on her phone.

"No one has called you yet " she was told.

"I wonder what happened after we left " thought Rose.

She wanted it to work out between the both of them.

"Can I get an ice cream after dinner " she begged.

"I would love to oblige to your request but Arthur told me not to "

Rose whined when she heard.

Rose decided to go watch a movie in the theatre as she waited for Arthur and his son to return.

After making sure she had left Dorothy left the kitchen too. But Rose returned later and stole ice cream from the fridge running back to the theatre.

Arthur returned home with his son asleep. He walked to his room and laid him in his crib.

Expecting Rose to be in bed he moved to their bedroom, but she wasn't.

"Dorothy did Rose leave the house?" he asked.

"She is in the theatre," she said.

Arthur moved to the theater, the movie was playing. Rose was seated in the center of the seats watching.

"Butterfly " he called her.

She seemed to stop what she was doing in the dark and look at the door.

Arthur noticing something wrong rushed to her in two strides. But she was hiding something.

"What's that, " he asked taking a seat next to her.

"It's nothing " she lied.

He could smell the ice cream flavor from her breath.

"How much did you eat?" he asked.

Rose knew she had been found out so she pulled out the rest of it left.

"Half of it " she reported.