Drives Home.

Justin and his grandfather decided to go fishing together on the weekend.

Justin prepared everything and waited for his grandfather to came downstairs.

They drove off after breakfast.

"I always did this with my late wife, your grandmother," he told Justin.

They were now sitting down on the shore holding their fishing rods in the water.

Justin listened to the stories of his grandfather about his youthful days.

"What about you grandson, don't you have anything you would like to share with me?" his grandfather finally asked.

" I don't have any fun memories to share maybe the ones I have with Rose and her friends," Justin said.

"Tell me about your life before meeting your twin sister "

Justin sighed as he thought about those cold days.

"My adoptive parents liked me at first and they treated me like their heir but after mother got pregnant I was thrown away," said Justin.

It was a life of happiness with his parents. They loved and cherished him like their son. He was ten when he met his real father after Richard sneaked into his school to talk to him. It was then he knew that he was adopted.

He didn't believe it at first but after his mother found out she was expecting he was gradually pushed aside.

But since he had nowhere to go Justin lived like a ghost in his parents' house. They had completely forgotten him.

Even when he fell sick, his nanny who had helped in raising him was the only one there for him.

When Richard appeared again and asked for him, they willingly accepted without thinking twice. They gave him enough money to last him a lifetime since they were rich and set him off.

Richard had promised Justin a home and family. He told him about his twin sister and a brother. Justin was delighted.

Justin had been running his adoptive parents' company like a slave so he was advanced in business, when he saw Richard's company on the brink of bankruptcy he had refused to invest his money.

"Father was angry but since he needed me for his other plans he didn't force me again about putting my money in his company, " Justin told his grandfather.

The day he saw Rose at the restaurant when she met their father, Justin was surprised. She looked like the woman in the picture Richard had given him. It was then he knew she was the one.

"Seeing Rose that day opened my eyes, and after I saw what father had done to them in the past. I decided to do the right thing " Justin smiled.

"And it was the best thing you did " his grandfather added.

His life after that decision helped him a lot. He now had Rose, Ralph, and now a grandfather.

"Grandfather we haven't sent Ralph baby presents remember Alex had a son" Justin remembered.

"I was thinking of going there ourselves, Rose had told me there was a surprise for us," he said.

Curious Justin asked what it was.

"Am still in the dark too but if we want to know then we need to go there " the old man said.

Justin's fishing rod moved, " I think I caught something " he shouted.

Vivian returned home with a smile.

Her mother was in the living room with her friends.

"Back already " her mother hugged her.

Vivian said hello to her mother's friends then to her mother.

"Finished early ". she said.

" When does he plan to come inside and say hello?" Vivian's mother asked her daughter.

Vivian pretended not to hear the question as she rushed away.

Harry had been dropping her home for a while now. He would wait outside the company and then drive her home.

It started the day they all went out for evening snacks. Rose and Arthur left after only two snacks since Rose was tired. Irene had vanished without a word. So she stayed with Harry eating all the snacks she wanted.

It was then he offered to drive her back home which she didn't object to. But she didn't see him again for three days

Until Rose called telling her how she had given her number to Harry.

"He asked for your number so I gave it to him " Rose had said.

"But why would he want my number?" she had asked.

Rose laughed at her question, " You will find out when he calls " she said.

And when he did call, Harry had asked her out for dinner which she could not go to since Arthur needed her helped with Sean still missing.

But when she left the company and was waiting for her car, Harry was there waiting for her. He offered to drive her home.

Vivian thought it was the end of it but was surprised that he waited again the next evening. So she stopped using her car and decided to let him drop her back home. They would not talk much during the ride but being with him in the same car felt safe.

Vivian closed her bedroom door. She pulled off her suit and heels and laid down

Her body ached from all the work in the office. Sean had decided to take a vacation without telling them which messed up the schedules in the company.

She and Arthur had to handle them so that nothing would go wrong.

She hoped Irene was having fun with Sean. Since they seemed to be on bad terms the last time she saw them.

She was surrounded by couples in love. The man, she had adored all her life now married to her sister Rose. Sean the boy she grew up with now with Irene her new friend.

Alex who was once a little girl already married with a baby son. Vivian felt lonely. She thought something would happen between her and Harry but nothing seemed to be between them.

He drove her back home every day but said nothing. Maybe she thought wrong about his actions towards her.

He was a nice guy and since they both had a past with Rose she thought that would unite them. She closed her eyes as her brain flashed images of his handsome face in her mind.

She got up pushing all those thoughts out of her head.

"He doesn't think of you that way," she told herself.

But her heart was racing so fast when she thought about him.

Her phone rang frightening her.

Her body froze as her eyes read the name displayed.

It was him.

It rang in her hand but she didn't make any attempt of picking up.