Wedding plans

Irene left work late in the night, she had been busy the past few weeks since she had to handle work and her wedding preparations.

Sean had decided to marry her as soon as possible since they could not wait for his mother to approve anymore.

Rose had been placed under house arrest since her return so Irene and the others had to meet at her home to discuss her wedding plans.

She had returned from there late in the evening but still had work to do at the cafe.

"My body is killing me, I think I need to agree with Sean and get an assistant " Irene moaned

Her body ached as she drove home.

Sean had just arrived home a while ago and was in the shower. She dropped her bag on the bed and lazily pulled off her clothes.

Still fidgeting with her top, Sean walked out of the shower with a towel around his waist and the other over his head.

He looked down at her struggling to take off her top and chuckled.

Bending down he helped her unzipped it, setting her free.

"Ahhh, that hurt my neck " she cried.

Sean smiled, " Told you to hire an assistant but you arrogantly refused "

She looked with a frown on her face, " I admit defeat, but right now I can't even get up for a shower . And my body feels all sticky " she cried.

Without warning, Sean scooped her up and walked towards the bathroom.

"Then let's have one together," he said placing her under the shower.

She held on to him, " I thought you were done?"

He nodded but said, " I want to have one with you now, is that wrong?" he looked down at her pale face.

"No, in fact, I love it " she smiled.

Gently he applied shampoo and washed her hair, then moved down to her body. Irene giggled and smiled as Sean bathed her like a baby.

"Done" he announced.

Holding on to him tightly, Irene crushed her naked breasts on his masculine body, " Can we stay longer under the water " she smiled.

Sean didn't complain and held her tighter.

"How are the plans moving on?" he asked.

She sighed, "I can't say but am handling it and the girls are helping too "

"Tomorrow I will send someone who will help you with everything so that you don't over exhaust your self "

He wrapped her up and carried her out of the bathroom. Irene watched as Sean dried her body, dressed her up then dried her hair.

Getting dressed and drying up he joined her in bed. Irene crawled into his arms and closed her eyes.

"Can't wait to get married to you " she said.

"Am more desperate than you, love " Sean chuckled.

Irene moved her right hand and slid it under Sean's shirt. Touching his abs she smiled.

"What are you doing?" asked Sean.

"Feeling my future husband's body "

He sighed as he watched her facial expressions.

Pulling her closer, Sean kissed her lips. Irene responded kissing him back.

She pulled back before the kiss heated up, "Let's make our firstborn right now before the wedding "

Sean flopped her over, placing her under his body, " I strongly support that idea " he smiled before kissing her again.

Irene was still enjoying the kiss when she felt Sean leave her lips again, "But I thought you were too tired to do anything " she heard Sean say.

"If you don't want to sleep on the couch, let's continue " Irene threatened.

Sean didn't object and continued what he was doing.

She opened her eyes the next morning to find herself still wrapped in his arms, he was sound asleep. She smiled looking at his handsome face.

"Hmmm, your awake " his lips moved.

"Won't you be late for work?" she asked.

Hugging her even closer, " Arthur can handle it without me "