" Last chance "

"Why don't we go see your parents this weekend?" said Irene as she left the bathroom.

Sean was working on something on his laptop but stopped typing and looked up.

"I will be busy this weekend," he said.

"You have been saying that for the last two weekends and I know why. But you can't keep hiding from your mother like that "

"The last time she burnt you with hot tea, what do you think she will do to you this time since we are getting married against her wishes " he sighed.

Irene moved to where Sean. was seated pulling his seat away from the laptop. He turned and met her eyes, "We both need to face this together if she does something this time, I promise to never bring her up again " she promised.

Finally accepting, they decided to go see his parents that weekend.

Irene was anxious for the rest of the days, she asked Rose to help her get something for them as a present since she was soon going to be their daughter-in-law.

Rose had objected to getting anything for th3 crazy mother but Irene begged her to.

They arrived at his parent's home during dinner time, his mother was in the kitchen making dinner so his father welcomed them in.

"My..my you look beautiful as always " his father hugged Irene.

"And you look young as always " Irene laughed.

Forgetting his son they walked hand in hand with Irene inside the house.

Sean took a. seat and watched them laugh and smile not minding about him.

"Are you both ignoring me " he finally said.

"Ohh...son welcome. Your mother is in the kitchen making your favorite dishes " he told his son.

"I came here to only see you " Sean fell back in his seat and frowned.

Irene got up, " Let me go see if I can help in the kitchen "

Sean got up as well confusing both his girlfriend and father.

"Let me go with you, who knows what she might do you when you go there alone," he said following Irene to the kitchen.

His father frowned watching them both disappear towards the kitchen.

Sean was the first to walk in causing a smile on his mother's smile but it soon disappeared when she saw Irene's face pop in next to her son.

"Mother we came to see if we could be of help to you " Irene smiled.

Sean's mother gave her one of her fake smiles and continued what she was doing.

"Mother I think you heard what my girlfriend said, Can we be of help or we can go back and wait?"

Sean's mother pushed some ingredients to Rose and told the maid to pass her a knife and a cutting board.

"Thank you mother " Irene smiled and started cutting them into pieces. Sean decided to move to her back, giving her a back hug he tried helping her cut. Feeling shy Irene tried pushing him away.

"Stop doing that, your mother is here " she whispered. Acting like he didn't hear he continued what he was doing.

Irene ignored him and let him be. His mother once in a while would turn and peek at them being playful and giggling. Without realizing it she found herself smiling at their child-like manners.

Soon they all sat down and had dinner, Sean's father tried to make conversation but soon the table fell silent.

"Mother, I wonder if you can help me this next week to choose the flowers to be used for the wedding?" Irene asked.

There was silence again as they all turned to Sean's mother waiting for her answer.

Placing her fork down, she looked up from her plate. " I can't am afraid I will be attending a luncheon with friends. But I will a couple of beautiful pictures that you can choose from " she said.

Irene was disappointed but put on her best smile, "That would be so helpful mother, thank you "

Sean let out a big sad sigh as he looked at Irene's disappointed face.

His mother continued eating as if she didn't hear her son's sigh. After dinner, Irene told Sean to bring the gifts from the car.

"Ordering my son around like he a manservant " Sean's mother let out.

Irene pretended not to hear as she kept her smile. Sean's father engaged her in conversation as Sean's brought the gifts.

"How long do you plan to stick on my son like that. You have no shame to even agree to marry him.." she sneered at Irene.

"Stop it " her husband shouted.

"Why. So that I can let this cheap thing of a girl ruin my son's life. She's nothing but an opportunist who wants my son's fortune and then cheats on him with other men " she barked.

Sean had just reached the living when he heard his mother bark the hurtful words to both Irene and his father.

Irene looked up with tearful eyes, wiping them away she got up from her seat and moved to where Sean had stopped walking. Grabbing the gifts from him Irene moved back to the living room.

"Father, I bought you this sweater since it's soon coming to winter " she smiled concealing her tears.

Turning to the mother, she placed the gift on the table, "Mother I think this dress will be comfortable during winter " After that, she walked back to her seat grabbed her bag, and moved to where Sean was.

"Let's go I think it's getting late," she said walking out without looking back.

Sean turned to his mother, " This was your only last chance to change my mind about you mother and you just blow it away. Father I hope to see you at my wedding " he said and followed Irene out of his parent's home.

She says in the car and didn't say a word, Sean wanted to say something but decided otherwise and drove off in silence.

Irene didn't say anything about Sean's mother since that day and neither did he. It was like since that day Irene erased her memories about her from her life so that she wouldn't get hurt again.