"More Important"

"Hello, you said you would contact me soon but what happened?"

"I was busy with something important but am back. So what has happened so far, are our plans getting anywhere?"

Sean's mother frowned as her hand on the phone gripped it tightly.

"Not really my son has refused to give up the idea of marrying that cheap woman and Arthur seems to support him " she spouted out.

"That's all because Rose is behind her, she feels invincible cause she knows Arthur would support his friend cause his wife is on her side "

Sean's mother felt her blood pressure raise hearing those words.

the other voice on the other side of the line continued, " That's why for you to get back your son you have to remove Rose, and Irene's backing will be gone. Arthur will stop to giving your son a new chance to see the truth "

"What should we do to stop all this?" Sean's mother hesitantly asked.

"Then listen carefully for this will finally end both their stories in your son and his best friend's life " the voice laughed.

Irene met up with Rose to go to the hospital for her pregnancy check. Arthur had to attend an important meeting so Irene volunteered to go with her.

"You didn't have to, the danger or our enemies are no more so I can move with only my bodyguards " Rose slowly walked up the stairs with Irene's help.

Irene chuckled, " They might be gone but who knows a new one might pop out anytime soon. So just to be safe you should not move around alone so much especially in these conditions "

Her baby bump was so big it looked like it would burst anytime soon.

" I have to ask but how do you sleep and how does Arthur sleep next to you?" Irene asked.

"I won't answer that question " she laughed.

The doctor attended to Rose while Irene waited outside. Rose wanted her to come I but Irene decided otherwise. She had been feeling under the weather so she wanted to go get a checkup herself.

She left Rose being attended to and went to get her checkup.

Rose came out and waited for her outside the doctor's office. Irene came back forty minutes later.

"What took you so long, is something g wring with you ?" asked Rose.

Irene gave her a half-smile, "Don't know really, the doctor did the checkup but I was too scared to go back for the results " she explained to her friend.

"Should we go together?" Rose asked.

"No, I will return when am ready, lets just go have something to eat am craving something sweet " she smiled.

Rose felt something was wrong but decided to play along, "I crave something sour," she said.

They left the hospital and drove to a restaurant to have something to eat.

Sean arrived home to find the house empty, Irene seemed to not be back from work.

"She heard to go with Rose to the hospital today," he said.

Getting his phone he called her number, " Hi, are you still hanging out with Rose?" he asked.

"Yeah, she wanted to have a barbecue so I stayed over, Oh...Arthur just arrived too. Kay bye love see you tomorrow" Irene hung up before Sean could say anything.

He scoffed as he held the phone in his hand.

"She hung up without even thinking twice, why do I think that Rose will always be more important than me"

Picking up his car keys he walked out of the house and headed to the car.

"Hi, pass me that plate " Irene shouted at Vivian.

Vivian had passed by to drop some files for Rose and ended up staying after Rose forced her to.

Arthur who had arrived a while ago sat next to his wife as he pulled down his tie. She smiled placing a kiss on his soft lips.

"Sis call Harry and tell him to drop by " Rose instructed Vivian.

"Oh and tell him to bring some wine " Irene shouted at Vivian before she left to make the call.