"Familiar "

Arthur got out first from the car carrying Justin He gave him to Dorothy then returned to the car for Rosie.

Red followed him inside the house holding little Arthur. Unconsciously Red walked to little Arthur's room.

Arthur returned and not seeing her in the living room he saw her come out of Arthur's room.

"I put him to bed," she said.

Arthur felt his body weaken, he had tried to make himself strong thinking it was just a coincidence for her to look like Rose and also call Arthur prince. But she had just walked in and put their son in bed without waiting for directions.

If it was a stranger they would wait but Rose wouldn't cause this was home. But why was Rose acting like they were all strangers, what happened to her?

"Did the nanny show you the way?" he asked

He could see her face change, it was like she was also confused at how she had just known where the room was.

"I think I should leave," she said.

Dorothy returned and stopped in her tracks, " ROSE!..." she shouted.

Red had jumped a little from the shock of Dorothy's voice. She turned to the aged woman and smiled at her, " Am sorry but am not Rose "

Dorothy confused turned to her boss, who nodded them turned to Red, " You look like my wife that's why they all call you her name " he said.

"Oh, am sorry about that. she walked to where Dorothy was and hugged her.

" Nice to meet you " she moved away towards the door.

Arthur followed her in silence. She stopped and asked, " Do I look like your wife?" she asked

Arthur felt his chest tighten but nodded.

"She disappeared a few years ago after the twins were born," she said.

She looked surprised, " Oh that's sad. That's why your son cling to me thinking I was going to disappear again "

Arthur nodded, he wanted to hug and kiss her but with each passing moment, she seemed less and less like Rose.

"What will you tell him when he wakes up with me gone?"

He turned away from her, " Nothing " he let out.

She was speechless.

He offered his car to drop her home but she refused.

"I had just arrived here so I have no place to go now. I was planning to get a cab and go to a hotel when your son stopped me " said Red.

" Don't have anyone you know?" he asked.

She shook her head, " Not it's my first time and I can't call my Dad cause he will get to know I came here "

Arthur moved closer to her, " Why does he not want you in this country?"

She moved back, " I can't say but whenever I brought it up he would get angry "

Arthur felt his heartbreak, " You can stay here then leave tomorrow after you get a place to stay " he offered.

"I would love to. I can't explain it but your home feels so familiar " she blurted out before placing a hand on her lips.

Arthur found himself smiling. He lead her back into the mansion then disappeared into the kitchen.

Red moved around until she stopped on the portrait of a woman. She blinked not believing her eyes, it was her but with long black hair.

She always wanted black hair but her father told her red suited her better but now here she was staring at a portrait of someone who looked like her.

"Rose " she heard a voice say. It was Arthur pointing at the portrait.

"She's beautiful " Red murmured.

Arthur smiled seeing her praising herself. He invited her for dinner which she enjoyed wholeheartedly.

Dorothy wanted to cry seeing her eat her dishes with vigor like she used to.

Arthur had left after the meal to his study leaving Red to Dorothy. She helped lead her to the guest room to rest.

"Good night, Dorothy," she said heading to the room. Dorothy who had introduced herself during dinner smiled walking away.

Red entered her room and dropped onto the bed. She was exhausted, having escaped from her sister's grasp then her encounter with this family.

It was strange how she felt so at home here, everything seemed so familiar.

They had treated her like someone they all knew. The little boy was so happy to see her it

had touched her heart. She wondered why the mother had left.

Taking a shower she changed into new clothes that were delivered by Dorothy while she was in the bathroom. Bored, Red decided to move around the big house again but paused when she heard someone come upstairs. She ran into one of the rooms to hide since they expected her in the guestroom resting. But to her dismay, the room she entered was opened again.

Arthur walked in, she was hiding in the dark corner of the room.

He moved to the bathroom unbuttoning his shirt. She closed her eyes not wanting to see his naked body. She had noticed him earlier, he was a handsome man with a body that made her feel hot.

Pushing her dirty thoughts to the back of her head, Red got up to leave but heard Arthur return to the bedroom. Getting back down she quietly watched him get to his fon. His lower body was wrapped in a towel, revealing his well-built body.

She gulped blinking, " What are you doing right now?" she told herself.

Arthur texted someone then moved back to the bathroom. Red got ready to run out of his room but he stopped at the entrance and asked "You haven't left yet?"

Red didn't move even though she knew it was her he was asking.