"Have my Back "

Irene picked Rose up the next day. They headed to the hospital where she was mentally examined.

"The person who did this put a block, which prevents her from gaining access to certain memories," the doctor said.

"So she can't even remember them?" Irene asked.

"She can and since the intake of the drugs has stopped, most of her memories are back"

"Then what can I do now?" Rose asked.

"You should try to stay close to the person who you forgot the most and with the help of the therapy you will recover ".

They left the hospital, " He's been avoiding me it's like I don't mean anything "

Irene held her friend, " Among us all, Arthur takes first place in loving you. But your disappearance he just withdrew and hid the Arthur was had known behind his cold serious face "

"I know I have a connection with him but I just can't remember anything. The more I force it just keeps vanishing more " cried, Rose.

"He's still shocked to see you again, so to help you feel like yourself again we need to start with that hair " Irene laughed.

After her hair they returned home, Irene helped her choose an outfit.

When the kids returned they jumped on to.

"wow you look like your old self again " little Arthur shouted.

The twins who had grown up seeing her portrait were surprised too ".

" Now my friends won't tease me about not having a mommy " Justin smiled.

Rosie who stuck to her mother looked up and met her eyes, " Mommy can you now read me a bedtime story with dad every night?" she asked.

Rose felt sad again, Her father had taken away a chance of raising her twins and also seeing Arthur grow up. Her memories of them all had woken her up last night silently crying she had regretted going out that day.

The twins had grown up so fast, she wondered how Arthur had managed to raise them all alone. She could have asked him but all he did was keep his distance and sometimes stare at her.

She sighed.

After bathing the twins Rose tucked them in bed. Reading the bedtime story Rosie chose they soon fell asleep.

Irene had left after dinner so she was alone now. She moved to their bedroom.

She moved through all her things, tears rolled down her cheeks seeing it was like how she left it. He had made sure to keep all her things. Memories of everything flowed back one by one except the ones with Arthur.

"Why can't I remember?" she cried.

Arthur had returned home, he found the kids already in bed. so he headed to his room thinking Rose had returned to the guestroom.

But when he opened the door he saw her curled up in a ball crying.

He ran, "Why are you laying on the floor," he asked pulling her up.

Tears had stained her now red face and her eyes had swollen up.

"Why can't I remember? I do have something about all of them apart from you. And I want to but they keep vanishing when I try ".

He had frozen after seeing her face, her hair was back to normal and also he'd outfits. It was her...ROSE...

He wanted to smile but frowned, why was she crying. He listened to her and sighed.

" You don't have to try so hard or you will hurt yourself," he said wiping her tears.

"But if I don't you will keep avoiding me, it's Iike you don't want me more " she cried.

He soothed her, " Am not avoiding you but giving you space to process everything that happened?" he said.

She met his gaze, " I don't need it, do you know how I have lived all those years. I was a hollow person cause I kept feeling I missed something. And after I finally come back here everything falls in place. Am back but the man everyone says loves me to death is avoiding me " she breathed.

He had not interrupted her letting her speak her mind.

"Am sorry?" he said.

She could he was but it still hurt, Rose erupted in tears. Arthur held her close till she stopped crying.

He carried her off the floor to the bed and watched her fall asleep in his arms.

Her body in his arms was so familiar he loved it.

"You can't imagine how I missed you " he gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

Alex and Ralph who had left on a medical trip returned as soon as possible, after Arthur his sister. Ralph and his grandfather had arrived at the same time both rushing inside.

Rose was cheating with her little daughter when she saw them come in.

"Grandfather, brother " she hugged them.

"I thought I lost you just like your mother," he said.

Ralph didn't hold back either as he held her so tight nearly checking her. Her bond with Ralph was always deep so when she saw him they both cried out like babies.

"You left me alone that I went crazy with sadness. I always thought you had my back " he cried.

"Am sorry the pain drive you crazy, but even when I wasn't around I had your back " she filled his face with kisses.

The reunion had made the family sad but with time they were smiling and celebrating.

"Had your father contacted you?" her grandfather asked.

"No, it's like he never knew me " she sighed.

Arthur smirked, he had already taken care of him.