Chapter Twenty Three: Search

When full dark fell, Aiden returned with the two soldiers' flasks full of water from a running stream feeding the pond and a double handful of some large, yellow fruit. He knew it was risky to eat something without knowing what it was, but he was starving. He bit into the ripe fruit and groaned in happiness. The flesh tasted sweet and rich, just enough fiber for good chewing. Even the skin was lovely.

He offered Ashala one but she refused. He made her drink some of the water then left her to mourn her lost world. He was exhausted, but not enough to sleep through her quiet sobs and, despite his weariness, was a long time falling asleep.


When Aiden woke the next morning, his whole body protested moving. He stretched and groaned out his pain, the sound silencing the trilling song of the local birds.

"Good morning," Ashala said. He looked over at her. She smiled a little.
