Chapter Twenty Four: Raised To Win

They remained silent the rest of the night, neither sleeping, but unable to comfort each other. Aiden stared at the clear sky over the pond and wracked his brain for a plan. There had to be a way out. There was always a back door. But this time, he feared, it wasn't the case. He refused to give up. He had done so once before and didn't consider it an option for himself ever again.

Quitting is never, ever an option, Eric said.

Ever, Antoinette said. We raised you to win.

When dawn broke, Aiden rose and made a bundle from the armor. He squeezed himself into the leggings and boots, sliding into the light shirt the soldier had worn underneath. Ashala was awake, watching him. He was dressed and ready to go when she spoke.

"What are you doing?" She sat up, curiosity winning over grief.