Skeleton King

[Max PoV]

After having good sleep, the next day we prepared to go to the Boss Room. Unlike last night everybody around us was nervous and serious.

"We had smooth dungeon hunting so far, but don't get carried away floor bosses are not to be underestimated, I don't need to remind such things to veteran adventurers like you. So, do your best," Claire shouted while standing in front.

"Yes, Mam" everybody shouted back in unison except my party.

With Claire in lead we arrived at the Boss Room, it looked like a throne room, a red carpet was rolled out from the door to the big throne. And sitting on that throne was a huge Skeleton King who was at least 30 feet high, wearing steel armor and a crown, carrying a huge greatsword.

He jumped to stand up suddenly, his void eyes looking at us. He put his greatsword on the shoulder and started walking towards us. Giant gate from where we arrived got closed automatically with a loud 'Thud' sound.

"Everyone, surround him from all sides, take advantage of your numbers, close combat warriors get in front and others shoot projectiles that can do blunt damage," Claire ordered.

Everybody took formation immediately keeping a distance from Skeleton King. They were playing safe while using a strategy, five or six people went in front to distract him while avoiding his strikes and people from the other three sides took advantage and attacked him simultaneously. When his attention went to different side then people on other directions attacked him. This went for a while, Skeleton King wasn't as intelligent as I thought he would be.

"Tch! If that bitch didn't put Mad Borden out of commission then his hammer would have been a great help here," a spear wielding guy in frontline shouted.

Others also shouted "Yeah" "Right" and words like that agreeing with him. Although Mad Borden's level was low even among many of these adventurers but he had quite a reputation.

Then it was the turn of this spear guy along with five others to distract Skeleton King, they moved in front of him while on guard and quickly struck their weapons with agility and prepared to retreat.

Skeleton King turned towards them while swinging his giant greatsword, these six adventurers had plenty of time to dodge or avoid the strike but they surprisingly became petrified at the spot, unable to move. The sword cleanly cut all six of them in half along with their armors. Blood flew out like a fountain, nobody understood what happened and we got our first casualties in the dungeon.

I glanced at Amelia she had a cold face, icy stare looking like she was about to start a massacre. Noticing my glance she looked at me with a gentle smile, anger on her face vanished into thin air.

'Those guys were lucky to get a quick death, even I don't want to get on her bad side' I thought.

Still, I was happy seeing her treating Myra like a family, they really got close after days of training. Like she can't tolerate any insult to me, she can't allow anyone to insult Myra either.

While everyone was wondering what happened, the bloody sword on Skeleton King's hand started to glow red, his void eyes started emitting red light.

The elite warriors regained their senses. But this previously slow Skeleton King became so fast, without wasting time he made a swift swing to the side decapitating two adventurers.

"Myra go join the fight," I said to Myra.

"Okay", she simply replied with determination in her eyes.

"Remember, I am not asking to win, he is beyond your level, just do your best, I will only interfere when necessary," I said in a caring tone.

"Just don't think too much, I'll be fine," she smiled at me.

It will be a good experience for her to join the fight without Amelia's guidance, besides I don't want other shits to complain later that we were dying and your party was hanging in the back.

Myra made her way through the adventurers and arrive in the front, adventurers were trying to maintain distance from him thinking that he has ability to petrify someone and only attacked whenever there was an opening.

She was following the same pattern, whenever Skeleton's King attacked others, she takes advantage and strike on her own while using different abilities but still her bladed attacks combined with her low level didn't do much damage. His huge size had a disadvantage that he had too many openings. It was good that his intelligence didn't increase even after recent powerup if he decided to attack in one direction while ignoring others then it would have been disastrous for them.

The fight went for another thirty minutes, most were at their limits, nobody died in this time but many had either severed limbs or in no condition to fight. Claire who was casting spells nonstop since the start of the fight looked at me.

"Hey, lazy ass I am going to cast a spell, do something to restrain him at one place," she shouted towards me looking cutely angry as ever.

"Got it, miss leader," I said in a sarcastic tone.

She shook her little head and started to cast a spell, a magic circle appeared beneath her tiny feet, she sure was taking her time. At that time I cast a spell.

A very large ice block formed in the air at the top of Skeleton King then it landed on top of his head making him fall down and it rolled to his back, stopping him in one position. He struggled hard to remove ice block from his back but it was very heavy and would take time.

At that time Claire finished her spell, three giant rock boulders appeared in front of her which she shot out and it landed on Skeleton's King head making it burst while his crown flew away.

This his how we managed to defeat first dungeon boss while suffering casualties which probably would not have happened if a certain spear wielding guy didn't have a loose tongue.