Zombie DeadEye

After defeating Skeleton King a huge gate in the throne room opened, revealing a stairway that led to Floor 11. Yet, nobody moved there, they were waiting for instructions from Claire.

"We have defeated the Floor Boss at a high cost, but I won't back down from this dungeon, we'll go to the next floor tomorrow. Right now treat anyone who is injured and rest of you strip everything valuable on that Skeleton King," She said in an authoritative tone.

At her command, everyone started their work, it was kinda amusing to see how they strip off the steel armor of Skeleton King and then dismantled his bones piece by piece. And it took two men to carry his gold colored crown which was probably made of iron. Ah only if it was made of actual gold then we could have earned more than dungeon clearing quest reward. It was good that every material or equipment we find in the dungeon is ours to keep, guild, can't take it from adventurers.

Myra came covering in sweat, hair sticking to her face, looking hotter than usual.

"You did a good job this time, flawlessly attacking then retreating, back and forth," I said while running my hand through her hair and moving them behind her ear.

"Thank you, I've got the best teacher to teach me," Myra said smiling.

"Finally the time we spent on training is paying off," Amelia said.

"Fighting is quite tiring, but still it's better than drawing water from well back in the village," she sighed and wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulder.

I cast a Tier 1 basic spell, blue light enveloped her that freshened her up both physically and mentally.

"Ah it's so relaxing," she held me even tighter, only if her leather armor didn't get in the way I would have loved her soft boobs pressing against my chest.

'Amelia, train her hard till she gets so strong that she won't need armor like you, I said to myself.

Like this, all the day was spent with both of them, while little loli bitch occasionally came to disturb my peace trying to discuss the next strategy but I mostly ignored her, it felt like she was up to something no good. Unlike last night, this night was a bit gloomy for adventurers, nobody was in the mood of singing, they were just gulping down drinks without causing any commotion.

The next day everyone got ready to go to the next floor. As always loli started giving her orders.

"Those who are in no condition to fight should rest here for a day or two then retreat back to safe room before Floor Boss respawns, rest of us follow me," loli ordered.

"Yes, Mam," everyone shouted in unison.

As I thought dungeon monsters can respawn as in 'Lands and Legends'. I wondered if there are many other similarities with the game. Most of the monsters I have seen so far are from the game.

Everyone moved in the formation, with Thief Classes in front, detecting traps and ambushes, fighter related classes were right behind them while others in the end. But no amount of preparation is ever enough.

Floor 11 was like a huge graveyard, as far as the eye could see there were tons of graves with unnamed tombstones.

The thief in front turned towards us, "I have an ominous feeling, yet can't seem t....." his head got pierced by an arrow that entered from behind and exited from his eye, he fell down dying at the spot.

"Everyone, take cover," loli shouted her order and everyone hurriedly started taking cover behind tombstones while multiple arrows shot towards them.

And my party was just standing there in the middle of chaos with no care for oncoming arrows.

"Hey, dumbass get down, these are probably Zombie DeadEyes that are shooting," she shouted towards me.

"Worry about yourse..." I tilted my head to the right, an arrow shot near my ear just less than an inch away from grazing me.

"Idiot," she ran towards me and pulled me to the nearest cover. Despite her little size, she had so much strength. Seeing me in cover, Amelia also took Myra to another tombstone for cover.

We two were hiding behind a large tombstone, sticking very close to each other, her back was resting on the tombstone, while her face towards me, I could feel her breath on my face.

"Why did you save me?" I asked her.

It's not like she actually saved me, even if I kept standing there all day not even a single arrow could have scratched my body.

"Like I am going to let any other undead steal my prey," she muttered in a very low voice.

"What did you say?" I asked while raising my eyebrows.

"I-I sai..d I don't want to see a second best member of the party to get injured only because he is dimwit," she said with a flustered face.

"Okay, okay miss leader, thank you for saving me, without you I can't deal with these mighty Zombie DeadEyes," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Enough with your carefree attitude, be serious, can you sense how many zombie DeadEyes are there?" she said with a slight frown.

"Yes there are sixteen of them just 400 meters away between red and black tombstone, do you want me to take care of them?"

"I see them now, it's very hard to detect them unless you know they are already at a certain place and let me deal with them, okay?"

"Suit yourself,"

Zombie DeadEyes were shooting arrows nonstop and everyone's cover was barely holding up. Unlike skeletons archers that are only bones, zombies have flesh that makes them very good archers and elite monsters like Zombie Deadeyes are even more troublesome.

Claire started to cast a spell, a magic circle appeared beneath her and after few seconds, the ground burst opened up where Zombie DeadEyes were and they fell into it, the earth swallowed them after that it got closed automatically with no sign that tells that it ever opened.

"See, see that's how to deal with a group of enemies," she said while grinning and puffing out her chest.

'At one moment she is serious and next she goes back to her child mode'

Author's Note: Suggest some badass Zombie related Floor Bosses, if it's good then I'll use it in my story.

And another important thing, do you want me to create a discord server? We could discuss many things related to the story, you can give me suggestions, I could ask for help easily if needed and you could also ask me anything you want.