Mistcreep Plaguebearer

Floor 11 to 19 were very troublesome. In all these floors there were huge graveyards full of different zombies and skeletons that caused few deaths. If dealing with them was annoying then finding a stairway to the next floor was even more tiresome. I was already fed up with this shit so, I had to step up and help others find the entrance to the next floor otherwise it would have taken don't know how long. Still, we reached the safe room in four days.

In the safe room, I was sitting around the fire along with Amelia and Myra. I saw loli approaching me while taking little steps. I had a vague idea of what she wanted from me.

"Hey, dimwit you are not that useless as I thought you would be, let's discuss tomorrow's strategy," she straightforwardly said.

"Show some respect to master, breathing the same air as you ants, is already hard for him" Amelia replied with disdain in my stead.

"Fufu shut up bitch, there's no place for a servant like you to reply when someone is talking to your master"

"Y-You how dare you?" Amelia stood up.

"Calm down big sis Amelia, first let's hear her out," Myra said while pulling Amelia's hand.

She composed herself and looked at me I nodded then she sat down while gritting her teeth.

"Okay let's hear what you have to say," I said.

"I was going to say that we have already lost many people so far, you rarely participate in frontline and let these two fight..."

"So, you want a mage in front instead of warriors?" I said without letting her finish.

"Geez, let me finish, what I am saying is stick back like usual but protect others from getting hurt or worse, I know it'll be easy for you"

"Sorry, I only bother to help if either someone is my woman or my subordinates but these are neither"

"So, you want me to give leadership to you? I can't do this without guild perm..."

"I never said I was interested"

"Then, I'll give you 15 percent more than your current reward, consider my request"

The offer was tempting but these adventurers scums were already getting on my nerves, at first they looked down on us then they made Myra fight a far stronger opponent on purpose and cheered when she was injured then after winning the duel they had hostile attitude and this annoying list goes on. Defending them? They should be grateful I haven't started the slaughter. And loli bitch, she isn't the type who would ask me so many times for help, she would have already left while throwing insults when I first rejected her, she is clearly sent by adventurers after they saw how useful I've been in a past few days and she herself doesn't want to lose more subordinates. Plus, it seems like she's up to something but can't seem to find the opportunity to put her plan into action.

"It won't change my mind. Like I said I have no obligation to protect them, the only thing I care about is my party"

"Fine then, don't come crying to me when you need help"

"Master will never need help from the likes of you"

"Y-You just wait..."

She stomped her little foot while her boobs jiggled and left with a red angry face. I do really like seeing her resentful face.

"Master why'd you put up with her attitude?"

"She's interesting,"

"That's only your reason?"


'Besides, I myself is never at my best behavior either' I inwardly thought.

The next day started with Claire's usual speech.

"Today I don't know what kind of Boss we will encounter, I want everyone to do their best. Don't only care about only your party but also look out for others around you. Act as a single party. We have already lost so many people. If this continues then later floors will become even more difficult to clear," she spoke in a loud voice and all the time didn't look at me.

Everyone roared, agreeing with her. Then we took the stairway that led to Boss Room, except it wasn't a Boss Room and more like a huge graveyard. covered in so much mist that you could only see a few feet ahead of you.

"Stay close to each other, getting separated in this thick mist means death," loli instructed.

Everyone stuck to each other like glue, even Myra pulled on the sleeve of my rob.

"Just relax, I'll not let you get hurt," I gently said.

"I know, it's just this mist is giving sinister feeling," she replied in low voice.

"Amelia, this fight might be too much for her, focus on protecting her," I said.

"Yes, Master," Amelia said.

"No, I won't back down from this fight," Myra said with a serious look.

"As you wish, just stick close to Amelia or me," I said with understanding.

We walked for a few minutes and mist grew thicker. Finally, someone at the front saw Floor Boss that I had already discovered hundreds of meters ago.

"I-It-It's Mi...stcreep P-Plague Bearer" the guy in front shouted.

Mistcreep Plague Bearer was a big grey skinned monster whose flesh was decayed and hanging. It had a huge belly that looked like a balloon that would burst upon poking needle at it. It had red bloodshot eyes. When he looked at the adventurer, he gave a blood curdling scream. The adventurer took three or four steps back in fear and ended up stepping on a grave.

From that grave, a hand came and pulled on his leg pushing him down and then another hand grabbed his other leg taking him by surprise, in no time the full zombie emerged from the grave and bit on his neck, giving him no chance to resist, other than his screams that too only lasted for a few moments.

With another shriek from Mistcreep Plaguebearer that was louder than before, all the graves in the surrounding opened up with dead rising from them.

Mistcreep Plaguebearer then puked up some kind of green liquid that fell on an adventurer. He fell and started twisting his body in strange angles, looking like he was suffering while making weird noises.

"Hey, you alright? What that monster did to you?" his friend got on his knees and put his hands on that poor adventurer's shoulder. He turned around, his eyes were red and suddenly took a bite right from his friend's face. The guy who got bit soon also turned into a zombie. With a missing face, he looked more terrifying than your usual zombie.

Mistcreep Plaguebearer kept throwing up his green infected vomit with a short break and with his occasional screams this large graveyard had not many dead bodies left in graves, almost every zombie had risen. In less than ten minutes many adventurers were turned into zombie and the one who left couldn't cope up with the situation. Already with limited visibility, they were having a very hard time fighting.

Myra was also struggling very hard but she had it easy as compared to the others. She had to focus only in front of her while the other three sides were being easily handled by Amelia. As for me, I was chilling out in the back with barrier erected, any zombie who stepped into barrier gets turned into dust.

Loli bitch was trying her hard to fight through hordes of zombies to get to Floor Boss but with so many of them, it'll take a while for her to actually reach Boss and by that time more than half of the adventurers would be dead.

In the middle of battle she looked at me with teary eyes, she wanted to shout and beg for my help but no words were coming out, her face looking so desperate on verge of tears. Seeing her despaired cute face even my heart melted. My inner lolicon shouted 'Must Protect'. That time I knew I must take action or suffer her hatred for the rest of my life.